“Home to only 4% of the global population, we are responsible for more than 30% of the planet’s total waste generation.” How do we solve the solid waste problem in America? According to this article by toxicsaction.org, as well as many leading garbologists, the solution lies in “a whole-system approach that targets a major change in the way materials flow through our economy.” The Zero Waste movement envisions a future where citizens, governments, and industries collectively work to create innovative solutions to solid waste problems.
A major problem with solid waste management in America is that “the waste industry itself is a commercial business…Since the waste management facilities have become big businesses, the corporate need to make a profit outweighs the community’s need reduce waste and to protect health and the environment from potentially destructive waste management practices.” Rather than looking for creative and innovative solutions, we continue to rely on short-sighted quick-fixes.
Upcycle, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Support the Zero Waste movement.
Solid waste is essentially garbage: waste produced in our homes, businesses and some industrial sources. Solid waste production in this country is growing in volume and in toxicity. More and more of our everyday products contain toxic chemicals, such as mercury or PBDEs (flame retardant chemicals)…