Did you know carbs can make you retain water?
My LDL is down thanks to things like oatmeal. #oatmealandcholesterol
Thank you oatmeal for helping me to lower my LDL and triglycerides.
My numbers are trending down thanks to diet changes like increased protein and fiber and oatmeal. #oatmealandcholesterol #weightloss #oatmeal #liamlayton
Weight-loss surgery tips to help you make your decision.
Considering weight-loss surgery? Here I share my experiences and provide some tips to help you make your decision.
There are a lot of things to consider before having weight-loss surgery. Here, I’ve put together some of the most important things you should consider before making your decision.
#WeightLossJourney #weightlosssurgery
How do you avoid stress eating?
Don’t listen to people that tell you a specific exercise will make you lose body fat in a specific area. #weightlossjourney #weightlosshacks
Chocolate chip cookie dough, protein bars
Overcoming low self esteem and being overweight. #proteinbarrecipe #overcomingobesity