The Food Fight has begun!
"Food Fight" takes on a whole new meaning as a teen diagnosed with diabetes, represented by a large attorney firm, has filed the first of its kind lawsuit. I suspect many will follow, for which major class action suits will be in the making.
Taking on the 'big food giants' who use the playbook and the scientists from big to***co to deliberately strip food of its nutrients and enhance it with additives like excitotoxins to make it addictive, is deceptive for sure.
Having read about this for the last decade, I call it weaponizing food, because that's what processed "food" really is, a weapon of health destruction.
It will be interesting to see how this one plays out, as the FDA is soon banning artificial colors. It's an interesting turn of events for many reasons.
A new lawsuit claims top food giants used to***co-industry science to engineer ultra-processed foods that hook children. Could this reshape our food system?