The Miranda Rights Series
Just finished the final book in a trilogy that examines the female journey through the criminal justice system. If you reside on the far left, you may be wondering what right a 50-year-old male has to tell such a story. You may think that only incarcerated females should write about incarcerated females. If your political home is on the far right, you may be wondering what pronoun I prefer. What my preferred gender is. We live in strange times. The truth is that I’m a writer. And it is the writer’s mission to imagine himself into the lives of others. To feel what they feel, to see what they see, to love and hate and fear as they do. I admit that I’m glad this series is over. I’ve been living in the head of this fictional girl for five years now. Sweating her legal deadlines, feeling her longing, dealing with her s**t. Nice to be back to just having my own 50-year-old dude problems . . . But there is a point to this rambling little soliloquy, and it’s not just “Look at me, I wrote a book!” If anyone out there has an incarcerated friend in any state, I’d like to send them the series, free. Just shoot me their info. Wishing you Momentum. —IV