Reflecting… 27 years ago I was lying on a bed at Bayview hospital in labor my doctor having battled through the night to get my blood pressure under control because of the threat of eclampsia trying to blow out my life. Today I am so VERY GRATEFUL to be still here🙏🏾. I am beyond blessed to have the opportunity to raise a beautiful young lady who is now crafting and defining her own womanhood. Happy Birth Date to me 🥂😁 and Happy Birthday to my 2nd heartbeat, my big baby . I love you more than you could ever know. Keep SHINING! Keep PUSHING! May God grant you the grace to be all that he’s destined you to be. Be abundantly blessed my Princess Za. Have yourself a wonderful day🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉💕💕💕💕💕