Practical Astrology CT

Practical Astrology CT ~Thousands of years ago only Kings used astrology to determine their activities. Today, everybody can benefit practically from the wisdom of the stars ~



You don’t need an astrologer to tell you that tensions are running high this election season ,,, but the planetary configurations are ratcheting it up even more. Pluto / Mars, very intense and aggressive energies surround election day and Uranus mingling with them brings sudden and unpredictable outcomes. It’s a volatile and unstable period of time ,,, anything goes! On an individual level, major decisions bringing about dramatic change are likely.

The current JUPITER NEPTUNE conjunction … History repeats itself astrologically. FROM Anne Ortelee …Dear friends,The Jup...

The current JUPITER NEPTUNE conjunction … History repeats itself astrologically.

FROM Anne Ortelee …

Dear friends,

The Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Pisces happened on April 12, 2022 at 23:58 Pisces. The last time Jupiter and Neptune met up in Pisces was March 17, 1856. Yes 166 years ago! Back in February of 1856, Russia lost the Crimean war. The Crimean War was a military conflict fought from October 1853 to February 1856 in which Russia lost to an alliance of France, the Ottoman Empire, the United Kingdom and Piedmont-Sardinia. Of course, the Crimean peninsula is part the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

From Wikipedia: “The Treaty of Paris signed on 30 March 1856, ended the Crieman war. It forbade Russia from basing warships in the Black Sea.

The Crimean War was one of the first conflicts in which military forces used modern technologies such as explosive naval shells, railways and telegraphs. The war was one of the first to be documented extensively in written reports and in photographs. The war quickly became a symbol of logistical, medical and tactical failures and mismanagement.

The Crimean War marked a turning point for the Russian Empire. The war weakened the Imperial Russian Army, drained the treasury and undermined Russia's influence in Europe. The empire would take decades to recover. Russia's humiliation forced its educated elites to identify its problems and to recognize the need for fundamental reforms. They saw rapid modernization as the sole way to recover the empire's status as a European power. The war thus became a catalyst for reforms of Russia’s social institutions, including the abolition of serfdom, and overhauls in the justice system, local self-government, education and military service.”

Clearly Vladimir Putin doesn’t have any astrologers advising him! No astrologer would bet their ephemeris on Russia waging a successful war with the Crimean War, its aspects and outcome staring out from history!

But back to now! On a personal level, the Jupiter Neptune conjunction takes place in our individual charts causing our own personal renaissance!! After the conjunction of Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter, symbolized by the Covid pandemic, we can expect a societal and personal renaissance. After the death and transformation of our structures, a rebirth happens. Here we go!

Additionally, when we look at earlier Jupiter Neptune conjunctions, we notice current Saturn transiting the degree of 24:17 Aquarius Conjunction in December 2009 and current Pluto transiting the 27:08 Capricorn conjunction of January 1997. As degrees remain “sensitive” or “hot” across time and space, the 13-year cycles begun in 2009 and 1997 are ending ~ thanks to Saturn and Pluto crossing over the degrees of the earlier Jupiter Neptune conjunctions.

If you find HUGE swaths of your life ending now, you can examine it through the lens of your life’s history. We are at a huge turning point in our lives.

Yesterday, I recorded a 40-minute class on the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, in which I take you through previous Jupiter-Neptune conjunctions over the last 100 years. Explore where these conjunctions happened in your life and across history to see how you brought your own dream (Neptune) into your relationship with the wider world (Jupiter). The recordings and slides are available to purchase for $17, and they're also included if you subscribe to my Patreon!

Now the new conjunction in Jupiter Neptune wants to inaugurate a new dream. I will discuss the location of the current conjunction in your chart. Check out the 23 Pisces conjunction for your family and friends! We each co-create our personal lives using our natal potential, the current transits, and our life choices.

Time to dream a new dream!

Big hugs,


The Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction
Virtual Class with Anne Ortelee

MP4 Video, MP3 Audio, and PDF Slides for $35.
Click here to purchase and download.

Anne Ortelee's Cup Full of Stars
New Daily Offering through Patreon

Anne's daily astrology updates are back! Somewhat akin to her former offering, Astrology in Your Pocket — subscribers to Cup Full of Stars will receive daily emails listing key astrological aspects and a 6 to 10 minute voice recording describing the energy of the day ahead.

Join now for $17 to begin receiving your Cup Full of Stars today, April 13, 2022. Patrons also receive access to Anne's Jupiter-Neptune class at no additonal charge.

Available to buy on SendOwl


Pam Gregory

This week emotions may feel overblown and reactions strong to situations. Try to disengage from any drama, and sink into bliss as far as you are able. Surrender into the higher frequencies and light codes that are becoming available for us, this is fine 'yin' energy, not something we see, but rather feel.

With all that is happening in our world, try to find simple joy every day. Listen to birdsong, stare into a flower, play with your pet, laugh with a friend, hug a child . . start to feel a sense of expanded consciousness as this is what is being offered to us. If we get caught up in external dramas, we may miss the best of this.

It is offering us another massive evolutionary wave that we can ride. When we change on the inside, then life starts to change quickly on the outside. The more of us do this, the faster we turn this world around to be a glorious, loving, abundant world. Magic and miracles can abound this week if you allow them - I have been experiencing quite a few myself and feel blessed.

Much love to you all.


Hold onto your hats, its gonna be a bumpy ride!!!

Angry planets in Scorpio opposing Uranus - explosions. ………………………..Literally and figuratively………………………….

Eclipses shake it up ,,, sudden unexpected revelations

Secrets coming out of the closet.

All shall be revealed ,,, and pay backs a bitch


Two of them coming up November and December 2021

The main thing I love about Astrology is the understanding it provides ,,, forewarned is forarmed ,,,

Find out what to expect in PODCAST below ,,

In this episode, Jill explains the power of both the lunar and solar eclipse. First, she describes a perfect storm of sorts involving an eclipse that seemingly fueled the covid crisis in 2020.Then, she takes us back through time to some of the mos...


The Libra new moon is Wednesday. October 6th …
new moons are important monthly lunations that set the tone, and also stage events for planting seeds and initiating ideas. ,, Libra, relationship savvy, usually plays well with others. This new Moon flanked by Mercury (our thinking and communication) and Mars (the god of war) can be fraught with aggression, agitation, and the potential of impulsivity, sudden blow ups and disputes, compliments of Uranus’ part in this new Moon celestial configuration.

And because Libra is all about keeping the peace and establishing harmony ,,, their expression of aggression can be of the passive aggressive variety. These are the energies effecting all of us.

But that’s just the start of this new Moon energy ,,,
Since Saturn and Pluto - two of the astrological heavies - are BOTH going direct this week. YIKES!!!

When slow moving planets go direct they have a huge impact in our lives, and the world ,,, And if they happen to be transiting one of YOUR personal planets when changing direction, the impact can be deep and gut wrenching. For some, dark night of the soul. Our greatest lessons come from times like these. Stark reality is often revealed, especially with this combo of Saturn and Pluto. Neither of them pull their punches. Both are transforming energies .. and generally the transformation they take us toward is for the better, once we come to terms with the realities of the situation.

Pluto can be painful and deeply emotional ,,, strong emotions are Pluto’s domain ,,, rage, betrayal, jealousy, and so on ,,, sometimes it’s about payback. If there’s been a grudge, it may have been percolating under the surface during the months it’s been retrograde .. and when it goes direct ,,, WHAM! That energy’s released.
There’s also the higher vibration of Pluto which is self awareness, leading to behavior modification or avoidance of the things that create painful situations for us ,,, sometimes though, Pluto brings situations you couldn’t have avoided ,,, karmic in nature.
Still, every astrological transit, especially the tough ones bring enlightenment of some sort ,,, a reality check ,,, and if you’re open to it, a definite learning curve.

Saturn keeps score ,,, what you see is what you get …reaping how you have sown ,,, these two guys are the punishers!! Saturn has a melancholy energy and depression that can follow it around, unless used constructively. It’s the time you see all of life’s ‘warts’ ,, acutely aware of what’s wrong in our lives, and what’s not right - so it may take conscious effort to raise our mental and emotional vibrations. Prayer, meditation, getting out in nature, and even hard work can do the trick.
Saturn also rules authorities or getting what you deserve ,,, so whoever misbehaved could be in for a comupance …Saturn is very ‘eye for an eye’ ,,. and the universe will extract it! But if you’ve worked hard and done good, Saturn will also reward that! Promotions and titles are Saturn’s thing.

The GOOD news is that these two heavy weights going direct, are also loosening up the stagnation of the current preponderance of retrograde planets, bringing ... MOVEMENT and RELEASE ,,, Be ‘pent up’ no more!
If you’ve been waiting for something to happen, this could be it!
Be mindful that Mercury is still retrograde so don’t jump into things without careful consideration, (listen to my podcast on mercury retrograde for more info on that).

It’s “the principle that counts” at this time because Libra ♎️ planets are about fairness - Libra rules the legal system ,,, Nothing riles up Libra energy like something that’s not fair!

Perhaps the most intense and angriest energies surrounding this new Moon, are the warring planets Eris, the female warrior dwarf planet who is fighting with Pluto ,,, King of the underworld! It’s an equal match.
Pluto in Capricorn, ‘establishment’ and fixedness, and Eris in Aries ,, the young rebellious upstart!
Eris doesn’t want anyone telling it what to do ,,, and Pluto is all about control ,, so power struggles may ensue, OR finally come to a head ,,, Pluto and Eris have been tangling for quite awhile, and collide again this week for one of the last times ... It’s been an undercurrent we’ve been dealing with for quite awhile ,,, Disgruntled and angry!

So you can see that we have quite a lot of unleashed powerful energy to deal with this week ,,, And great good can also be accomplished by harnessing these extreme energies. Direct it with care and forethought ,,,
Forewarned is forearmed ,,, And that’s the gift of astrology. Push may come to shove with these feisty new moon energies. A very good time to practice mindfulness.



When the planet of communication, travel and intellectual pursuits goes backwards, confusion and mayhem may ensue. Knowledge is power, so knowing when Mercury is retrograde allows us to act accordingly and take extra time to double check the details. Haste makes waste at this time, don’t rush into any decisions ,,, and DO NOT buy electronics!

The best use of Mercury Retrograde is to review, redo, reevaluate or repeat something you’ve done in the past that is incomplete or needs a new approach.

Here’s the dates of Mercury Retrograde through 2023. Always allow 10 days before the start date, and another 10 after the end date to allow the energy to stabilize.

September 27 – October 18 in air-sign Libra

January 14 – February 3 starts in air sign Aquarius, ends in earth-sign Capricorn
May 10 – June 2 starts in air sign Gemini, ends in earth-sign Ta**us
September 9 – October 2 starts in air-sign Libra, ends in earth-sign Virgo
December 29 – January 18 in earth-sign Capricorn

Dec 29, 2022 – Jan 18, 2023- goes direct in earth sign Capricorn
April 21 – May 14 in earth sign Ta**us
August 23 – September 15 in earth sign Virgo
December 13, 2023 – January 1, 2024 in fire-sign Sagittarius

Be sure to listen to our awesome Practical Astrology Podcast all about Mercury Retrograde ,, what to do, and what not to do, for best results.

Astrological ALERT! We’ve got your survival tools as we approach the infamous Mercury Retrograde later this month.

New podcast series launch:
Mon., Sept. 6 @ 8:52 PM

Questions for Jill? Submit them here by noon on Sat. Sept. 4.

Jill will help us navigate Mercury Retro with valuable personal and professional tips on how to maximize the positives of this powerful astrological phenomenon. The more you know – the better you’ll handle it!


On a celestial note, it’s Big Doings- we’ve just entered into the Age of Aquarius (for the next 2,000 years), with these ‘Christmas planets’ that are getting lots of press!
SATURN 🪐 and JUPITER entered AQUARIUS ♒️ together today, kissing cousins in the night sky ,,, truly heralding the sentiment that ALL lives matter (very aquarius) ,,,
And that everyone is brethren.
It’s the closest we’ve come, for the first time ever!
Our global consciousness has been seeded ,,,
Love to YOU ,,, and blessings galore! ⭐️



No holds barred!
Mars has just gone direct, from its backward movement, releasing inertia & getting life back on track ... anger held in check during it’s retrograde since September 9th, now released ,,, emotions run high, and like a train leaving the station, it’ll take awhile for momentum to build through the month of November, but picking up speed in December and moving full steam ahead in January 2021.

Throughout December, Mars has a dicey trip & sparks the COVID planets along the way ,,, Pluto and Saturn. Going direct and moving forward, is an opportunity to revisit and hopefully resolve issues ... keeping in mind that Mars is the masculine planet of war, anger and action, it’s probably NOT going to be a dull trip forward, as tensions run high throughout December - so, maybe quarantining for Christmas isn’t such a bad idea 🙂 - as old wounds resurface when Mars visits Pluto. Pluto isn’t so forgiving. Old grudges emerge ... Mars Pluto can be an angry and combustible combo. And very passionate!

Mars continuing to stir things up, takes us into January, when Mars squares Saturn 🪐 around the 12th. Saturn rules government, but now for the first time in 2 1/2 years it has transitioned out of Capricorn into the revolutionary sign of Aquarius, where it will stay for the next few years. We’ve already seen government look a whole lot different than we were used to ,,, and now it’s going to journey into uncharted territory. Aquarius, the unexpected ,,, progressive ,,, from the staunch conservative “we’ve always done it this way’ Capricorn. The last time Saturn was in Aquarius was 1991 to 1993.
From January 9 to the 13th, 2021, Mars hits off Saturn - the last of the Covid planets ,,, Mars is about action and movement, and Saturn is stopping, so frustrations could be running high at this point. But when astrological energies are directed properly, much can be accomplished ... specifically providing determination and persistence to power through, with these two!

There’ll be a big bang by Inauguration Day on January 20, 2021, when Mars collides with Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius .... an incendiary couple ,,, there’s no waiting around now ,,, an ACTION pair urging movement that’s often sudden, unexpected & combustible... Mars Uranus spells excitement ...
,,, ‘don’t fence me in’ and ‘live free or die’ are the rally calls of this duo.

This will NOT be a quiet and uneventful Inauguration.

I hope security is good!
In our personal lives Mars / Uranus can manifest as sudden unexpected events ,,, sometimes good, sometimes not ,,, use care driving, using heavy machinery as it’s an accident prone aspect ... earthquakes and heart attacks fall under it’s domain, but so would an unexpected pleasant surprise - an impromptu dance party, a neighbor showing up to shovel you out, Mars is energy and Uranus is the unexpected and sudden.
Doing physical activities is a constructive way to channel these energies. And be sure to check your temper and ego at the door ,,, & count to 10, becuz overreacting is a possibility.


Feel a void? Wheels grinding to a stop? A lull?
Mars, the planet of energy, and getting things done has ground to a halt & starts its journey backwards through fiery impulsive sign of Aries.

It’ll be that way till mid-November, when it turns direct.

Not a great time to start anything significant ~ businesses nor relationships. Things will be in short supply including cash and s*x.

Mars is anger and aggression. Best to work it out, lest it works on you. People can be nursing old grudges. Tempers short. Resentments building.

And Mars is MONEY. Going retrograde slows the economy even more ~ and we start to see the financial effects of Covid.

Stay busy, be self focused and practice good self care.

And this too shall pass.


The Astrology of Covid19

I went to a lecture two years ago and heard astrologer Bruce Scofield talk about the Ingress of 2020. The ingress is the birth chart of the year, and indicates astrologically how that year will go.

When the lecture was finished, you could have heard a pin drop. So dire and profound was the message about the aspects in the Ingress chart for 2020.

Bruce didn't name it. He didn't know exactly what or how it was going to manifest ,,, but the Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, were the main culprits who were going to have far reaching and transformative energies, effecting the world.

Saturn's all about "reaping as you have sown." It tests our limits and demands that we pay attention to the rights and wrongs in our life, communities, our world 🌎 and address them...or else! And Re structuring is often the result.

When the Trump Impeachment started early in the year, some thought this was it .... Saturn - governments / authorities / infrastructures ,,, and 'paying the piper' joining forces with Pluto - secrets emerging, that which we don't see, transformation, power struggles, destruction, abuse of power with reaching effects. This is another manifestation of Saturn/Pluto, effecting the United States ,, And the earthquakes around the world were literal 'earthshaking' events

One way to understand Pluto, is to know that it was discovered and named while the atom bomb was developed. It's energies reflect that complete transformation in both a person's astrological chart, or the world.

The sign the planets occupy complete the planetary picture, & both Saturn & Pluto are in the earth sign Capricorn ... our terra firma, the very ground we walk on, our earth ,,, and Capricorn rules everything about the business world, economics, finances, governments and infrastructures.

This formidable set of planets would be a handful respectively, but when colliding and merging their energies to create something altogether new, the prospects were absolutely bone chilling . One thing's for sure ... it guarantees far reaching change. But what?!

And that's what the room of astrologers left pondering, after that lecture in 2018. We didn't know exactly what it was going to be, but it was going to be very powerful, potentially destructive and life altering, with an impact that could go on for years. One of the keywords for Saturn Pluto is 'painful separations', something we understand clearly in hindsight.

And yet there was one more component to this astrological 'perfect storm' lending more fuel to the fire ... Saturn/Pluto by their lonesome, would have been enough, but the astrological event that was going to set them off, like fireworks at the Fourth of July ... was the eclipse in the beginning of January 2020, that was the same exact sign and degree of these marauding planets!

Eclipses are life changing, acting suddenly, changing the status quo - in an instant. This eclipse in Capricorn triggered Saturn / Pluto. And hitting off heavy weight planets, has powerful effects. Now of course, we see and understand. Not all eclipses pack such a punch - but this planetary picture was trouble looking to happen! And it happened.

There's another eclipse coming up June 5th, and we'll look at that on the next post on Practical Astrology.


Why AA works ...
Neptune, the planet 🌎 of idealized love, creativity, and also addictions has a strong spiritual side as well. Directing people away from the downsides of it, to its strengths, is a perfect solution, and why it’s so successful.
‘Let go and let God’


Orange, CT


(203) 505-5019



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