The Libra new moon is Wednesday. October 6th …
new moons are important monthly lunations that set the tone, and also stage events for planting seeds and initiating ideas. ,, Libra, relationship savvy, usually plays well with others. This new Moon flanked by Mercury (our thinking and communication) and Mars (the god of war) can be fraught with aggression, agitation, and the potential of impulsivity, sudden blow ups and disputes, compliments of Uranus’ part in this new Moon celestial configuration.
And because Libra is all about keeping the peace and establishing harmony ,,, their expression of aggression can be of the passive aggressive variety. These are the energies effecting all of us.
But that’s just the start of this new Moon energy ,,,
Since Saturn and Pluto - two of the astrological heavies - are BOTH going direct this week. YIKES!!!
When slow moving planets go direct they have a huge impact in our lives, and the world ,,, And if they happen to be transiting one of YOUR personal planets when changing direction, the impact can be deep and gut wrenching. For some, dark night of the soul. Our greatest lessons come from times like these. Stark reality is often revealed, especially with this combo of Saturn and Pluto. Neither of them pull their punches. Both are transforming energies .. and generally the transformation they take us toward is for the better, once we come to terms with the realities of the situation.
Pluto can be painful and deeply emotional ,,, strong emotions are Pluto’s domain ,,, rage, betrayal, jealousy, and so on ,,, sometimes it’s about payback. If there’s been a grudge, it may have been percolating under the surface during the months it’s been retrograde .. and when it goes direct ,,, WHAM! That energy’s released.
There’s also the higher vibration of Pluto which is self awareness, leading to behavior modification or avoidance of the things that create painful situations for us ,,, sometimes though, Pluto brings situations you couldn’t have avoided ,,, karmic in nature.
Still, every astrological transit, especially the tough ones bring enlightenment of some sort ,,, a reality check ,,, and if you’re open to it, a definite learning curve.
Saturn keeps score ,,, what you see is what you get …reaping how you have sown ,,, these two guys are the punishers!! Saturn has a melancholy energy and depression that can follow it around, unless used constructively. It’s the time you see all of life’s ‘warts’ ,, acutely aware of what’s wrong in our lives, and what’s not right - so it may take conscious effort to raise our mental and emotional vibrations. Prayer, meditation, getting out in nature, and even hard work can do the trick.
Saturn also rules authorities or getting what you deserve ,,, so whoever misbehaved could be in for a comupance …Saturn is very ‘eye for an eye’ ,,. and the universe will extract it! But if you’ve worked hard and done good, Saturn will also reward that! Promotions and titles are Saturn’s thing.
The GOOD news is that these two heavy weights going direct, are also loosening up the stagnation of the current preponderance of retrograde planets, bringing ... MOVEMENT and RELEASE ,,, Be ‘pent up’ no more!
If you’ve been waiting for something to happen, this could be it!
Be mindful that Mercury is still retrograde so don’t jump into things without careful consideration, (listen to my podcast on mercury retrograde for more info on that).
It’s “the principle that counts” at this time because Libra ♎️ planets are about fairness - Libra rules the legal system ,,, Nothing riles up Libra energy like something that’s not fair!
Perhaps the most intense and angriest energies surrounding this new Moon, are the warring planets Eris, the female warrior dwarf planet who is fighting with Pluto ,,, King of the underworld! It’s an equal match.
Pluto in Capricorn, ‘establishment’ and fixedness, and Eris in Aries ,, the young rebellious upstart!
Eris doesn’t want anyone telling it what to do ,,, and Pluto is all about control ,, so power struggles may ensue, OR finally come to a head ,,, Pluto and Eris have been tangling for quite awhile, and collide again this week for one of the last times ... It’s been an undercurrent we’ve been dealing with for quite awhile ,,, Disgruntled and angry!
So you can see that we have quite a lot of unleashed powerful energy to deal with this week ,,, And great good can also be accomplished by harnessing these extreme energies. Direct it with care and forethought ,,,
Forewarned is forearmed ,,, And that’s the gift of astrology. Push may come to shove with these feisty new moon energies. A very good time to practice mindfulness.