Gigi & Jay's

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Our place is where friends gather, families dine, and stories unfold. Gigi and Jays is a locally owned designer children and young adults boutique carrying sizes 0-14! We offer many high end brands featuring: The Proper Peony, Properly Tied, Sophie and Lucas, Southern Tide, and more! We are located in the established downtown Fairhope, Alabama. Please stop by to shop our current selections that are updated weekly with new arrivals!

Die legendÀre Schauspielerin Margaret Rutherford wurde im September 1963 in ihrem charmanten Haus in Gerrards Cross, Buc...

Die legendĂ€re Schauspielerin Margaret Rutherford wurde im September 1963 in ihrem charmanten Haus in Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire, fotografiert. Margaret Rutherford war berĂŒhmt fĂŒr ihren individuellen Stil und ihre unvergesslichen Auftritte und begeisterte das Publikum in Filmen wie „The Lady Vanishes“ und „The Railway Children“. Sie ist nach wie vor vor allem fĂŒr ihre herzliche und entzĂŒckende Darstellung der Miss Marple in den sehr beliebten Adaptionen von Agatha Christie bekannt.
Ihre herzliche und exzentrische Persönlichkeit spiegelte sich in ihrem Zuhause wider, das gemĂŒtlich war und dennoch einen Einblick in das Leben einer Frau bot, die jahrzehntelang ihre Leidenschaft fĂŒr ihr Handwerk aufbrachte. Rutherford verlieh ihren Charakteren Humor und Menschlichkeit, was sie zu einer Lieblingsfigur des britischen Kinos machte. Ihr VermĂ€chtnis inspiriert weiterhin Schauspieler und Fans gleichermaßen und beweist, dass wahres Talent und AuthentizitĂ€t niemals verblassen.

Die legendÀre Schauspielerin Margaret Rutherford wurde im September 1963 in ihrem charmanten Haus in Gerrards Cross, Buc...

Die legendĂ€re Schauspielerin Margaret Rutherford wurde im September 1963 in ihrem charmanten Haus in Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire, fotografiert. Margaret Rutherford war berĂŒhmt fĂŒr ihren individuellen Stil und ihre unvergesslichen Auftritte und begeisterte das Publikum in Filmen wie „The Lady Vanishes“ und „The Railway Children“. Sie ist nach wie vor vor allem fĂŒr ihre herzliche und entzĂŒckende Darstellung der Miss Marple in den sehr beliebten Adaptionen von Agatha Christie bekannt.
Ihre herzliche und exzentrische Persönlichkeit spiegelte sich in ihrem Zuhause wider, das gemĂŒtlich war und dennoch einen Einblick in das Leben einer Frau bot, die jahrzehntelang ihre Leidenschaft fĂŒr ihr Handwerk aufbrachte. Rutherford verlieh ihren Charakteren Humor und Menschlichkeit, was sie zu einer Lieblingsfigur des britischen Kinos machte. Ihr VermĂ€chtnis inspiriert weiterhin Schauspieler und Fans gleichermaßen und beweist, dass wahres Talent und AuthentizitĂ€t niemals verblassen.

Margaret Rutherford war eine unverwechselbare britische Schauspielerin, die mit ihrem exzentrischen Charme und ihrer lie...

Margaret Rutherford war eine unverwechselbare britische Schauspielerin, die mit ihrem exzentrischen Charme und ihrer liebenswerten Art das Publikum begeisterte. Besonders bekannt wurde sie durch ihre Rolle als Miss Marple in den 1960er-Jahren, in der sie Agatha Christies legendĂ€re Detektivin auf unnachahmliche Weise verkörperte. Mit ihrer markanten Stimme, ihrem humorvollen Ausdruck und ihrem einzigartigen Stil war sie eine Meisterin der Charakterdarstellung. Rutherford gewann einen Oscar fĂŒr ihre Nebenrolle in *"Hotel International" (The V.I.P.s, 1963)* und bleibt eine der unvergesslichen Ikonen des britischen Kinos.

Das Foto von Margaret Rutherford und ihrem Ehemann Stringer Davis aus dem Jahr 1952 zeigt die beiden wÀhrend einer Drehp...

Das Foto von Margaret Rutherford und ihrem Ehemann Stringer Davis aus dem Jahr 1952 zeigt die beiden wĂ€hrend einer Drehpause zum Film "Miss Robin Hood". Zu diesem Zeitpunkt waren sie bereits seit sieben Jahren verheiratet. Obwohl Margaret Rutherford zu dieser Zeit schon eine angesehene Schauspielerin war, erlangte sie ihren internationalen Ruhm und ihre grĂ¶ĂŸte Bekanntheit erst in den 1960er Jahren durch die berĂŒhmten Miss-Marple-Verfilmungen, die auf den Krimis von Agatha Christie basierten.
Auch das Drama "Hotel International – The VIP's", in dem sie 1963 ihren Oscar gewann, entstand erst einige Jahre spĂ€ter. Es war ein Meilenstein in ihrer Karriere. Interessant ist, dass sie und Stringer Davis nicht nur privat, sondern auch beruflich miteinander verbunden waren. Davis spielte hĂ€ufig kleinere Rollen in den Filmen seiner Frau, und ihre enge Zusammenarbeit trug sicher auch zum Erfolg ihrer Beziehung bei. Ihre Ehe war ein schönes Beispiel fĂŒr eine langjĂ€hrige, stabile Partnerschaft im oft turbulenten FilmgeschĂ€ft.

Today’s “George’s Iconic Moments” -The “Dark Hoarse” TourOne of the most infamous videos you’ll ever come across of Geor...

Today’s “George’s Iconic Moments” -
The “Dark Hoarse” Tour

One of the most infamous videos you’ll ever come across of George is from his 1974 Dark Horse tour.

Towards the end of the tour, George was waging a losing battle with laryngitis. He had a host of backup singers (and Billy Preston) there to fill in the gaps, but George still needed to take the lead during most of the concert. When his voice was truly gone, George continued to power through the songs.

Writers called it the “Dark Hoarse” tour.

Thanks to Boris for this great photo

The Beatles song Marianne Faithfull always wanted to singMarianne’s began her career in 1964 after attending a party for...

The Beatles song Marianne Faithfull always wanted to sing
Marianne’s began her career in 1964 after attending a party for the Rolling Stones, where she was discovered by Andrew Loog Oldham. Her debut album dropped the following year and was a huge success.
In addition to her highly publicized romantic relationship with Mick Jagger, The Rolling Stones ended up writing songs for her like ‘As Tears Go By’.
Given that her 1960s musical career was characterized by her distinctive melodic, high-register vocals, John and Paul were better suited to be writing Marianne’s songs. They were certainly no strangers to writing sentimental love songs.
During the recording of ‘Here There and Everywhere’, Paul felt that it would have been a better song for Faithfull to sing, but since that was one of his favorite tracks that he ever wrote, it’s understandable why he sang it himself.
Paul wrote a song called ‘Etcetera’, which was never released by Paul or the Beatles.
“I offered it to Marianne Faithfull and Mick Jagger, who were looking for a song for Marianne to record, but it wasn’t what she wanted. I think she was looking for an ‘Eleanor Rigby,’ and instead, I offered her an ‘Etcetera’.”
She did manage to do an
amazing cover of ‘Yesterday’ in its place instead.
Marianne died on Thursday at the age of 78.

Marianne Faithfull's legacy in the music world remains both unique and poignant, with her influence spanning decades. Bo...

Marianne Faithfull's legacy in the music world remains both unique and poignant, with her influence spanning decades. Born in 1946 in London, she became an iconic figure in the 1960s, emerging as one of the most influential voices of the British music scene. Her career took off with the release of the hit single "As Tears Go By" in 1964, which was written by Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, and Rolling Stones' manager Andrew Loog Oldham. This early success quickly established her as a pop sensation, leading to collaborations with legendary figures such as Bob Dylan and Mick Jagger.
Throughout her career, Marianne's style and voice captivated audiences, offering a unique blend of vulnerability and strength. She was more than just a pop star; she was a symbol of the counterculture, embracing the tumultuous nature of the times, including the growing spirit of rebellion in the 1960s. Her personal life, including her relationship with Jagger, became as well-known as her musical talent. Her struggle with addiction in the 1970s and her eventual recovery became part of her own narrative, adding to the depth and authenticity of her artistry.
Despite the ups and downs, Marianne Faithfull's work continued to evolve, shifting towards more avant-garde and experimental music as she grew older. Her later albums, such as "Broken English" (1979), marked a new chapter in her career, showcasing her raw emotional depth and unique vocal style. She became a symbol of resilience, transcending her early pop success to become an artist whose career was marked by reinvention and introspection.
Her passing leaves behind a legacy that will continue to influence artists across genres. Faithfull was, and remains, an enduring figure whose contributions to music, culture, and style will forever be celebrated.

Odetta Holmes, known as Odetta, was an American singer, actress, guitarist, lyricist, and civil rights activist, often r...

Odetta Holmes, known as Odetta, was an American singer, actress, guitarist, lyricist, and civil rights activist, often referred to as "The Voice of the Civil Rights Movement". Her musical repertoire consisted largely of American folk music, blues, jazz, and spirituals.
In a career of almost 60 years, Odetta sang at coffeehouses and at Carnegie Hall. She became one of the best-known folk-music artists of the 1950s and ’60s. Her recordings of blues and ballads on dozens of albums influenced Bob Dylan, Joan Baez and Janis Joplin and many others.
She found her own voice by listening to blues, jazz and folk music from the African-American and Anglo-American traditions. She earned a music degree from Los Angeles City College.
Her training in classical music and musical theater was “a nice exercise, but it had nothing to do with my life,” she said.
She moved to New York in 1953 and began singing in nightclubs like the storied Blue Angel, cutting a striking figure with her guitar and her close-cropped hair, her voice plunging deep and soaring high. Her songs blended the personal and the political, the theatrical and the spiritual. Her first solo album, “Odetta Sings Ballads and Blues,” released in 1956, resonated with an audience eager to hear old songs made new.

In 1913 the brothers [Abernathy] Louis [Bud] age 13, and Temple age 9, rode from Oklahoma to New York City on the Indian...

In 1913 the brothers [Abernathy] Louis [Bud] age 13, and Temple age 9, rode from Oklahoma to New York City on the Indian Motorcycle seen in the photo. This was not the Abernathy boys firs adventure.
In 1909 the two brothers, Louis “Bud” aged nine and Temple five, encountered a host of Old West obstacles, including wolves and wild rivers, when they rode more than 1,000 miles from Oklahoma to Santa Fe and back – ALONE!.
The following year (1910) the brothers set their sights on New York City, which they reached after a month of hard riding.
In the summer of 1911, they did the impossible. They rode nearly 4,000 miles, from New York to San Francisco, in only sixty-two days. Once again, the Abernathy Boys had made a historic ride without any adult assistance and accomplished an equestrian feat which has never been equaled.


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Ontario, CA


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