Magazine is a unique monthly publication that brings together adult mentors and children in our community for the purpose of contributing to a local magazine for kids, and most importantly learning journalism skills, such as preparing for interviews, interviewing, writing, editing, and photography. Because the magazine is not only for kids, but also BY kids, the pages provide an opportunity for lo
cal children to voice their thoughts, ideas and opinions, and to share their talents! Whether kids want to submit poetry, artwork, ideas, book reviews, or write or photograph for the magazine, the project works to promote literacy and engagement in a unique and compelling way. Every child and mentor who works "on assignment" to complete a story for the magazine has their photo and a short bio of them attached, so kids and their mentors will always have that accomplishment to hold and share. The intention is to provide the magazine FREE to local children - supported by private donation, appropriate family-friendly sponsorship, and grants. Sign up today to become a Splash! reporter or photographer (if you are under 19), or a mentor (if you are older than 19). Email your interest or questions to: [email protected] (with the subject line indicating: "Writer," "Photographer," "Mentor," "Artist," "Intern," "Volunteer," "Jobs," or "Other" in the subject field). Or you can send a message from Facebook. First published in 1997 in Des Moines, Iowa, Kent and Melanie Smotherman are now bringing this magazine back to life for Omaha-area kids. If you are interested in being a mentor for a story