This dude was HORRIBLE to me every time we spoke #travel #sales #customerservice #horrorstory #nightmare
This entire tables experience is tattooed into my brain #restaurant #server #customerservice #cringe
This drives me nuts #medialiteracy #conspiracytheory #media #serverlife #customerservice
This drunk man still haints me #server #customerservice #restaurant #serverlife
This conversation happened 4-6 times per week #customerservice #travel #sales #nightmare #horrorstory
This didnt happen too often, but still #customerservice #restaurant #server #barbie #horrorstory
This call was SO uncomfy #travel #sales #customerservice #horrorstory #nightmare
This came to me in the shower yesterday, so here you go! #travel #sales #customerservice #nightmare #horrorstor
This conversation actually applies to almost every sales job #sales #travel #customerservice #nightmare
THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED ONCE #server #serverlife #customerservice #restaurant
This actually happened twice but the first time it happened they didn’t believe me #restaurant #server #speakea
THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED #customerservice #server #restaurant