I’m not a fan of Instagram’s UI as I find it very hard to find a lot of things. I came across the auto captions by accident last night. Gotta love those three little dots. I swear it gives me a different list of features depending on what page the three little dots is on to begin with.
I still encourage creators to put on the captions themselves. Using the auto captions sticker and then editing anything that is incorrect is an easy and quick way to provide accessibility to your content!
If you need help and more accessibility training, book a consultation with me! http://rikkipoynter.com
Video Description:
Rikki with no makeup on. She is at the top right corner of the video, another video in the background via green screen filter to show how to turn the auto caption feature on.
Guess who finally found out how to turn the auto captions on for Instagram videos. So now if a creator doesn’t put them on themselves…
#Deaf #DeafAwareness #ASL #AmericanSignLanguage #SignLanguage #SocialMediaTips
I will repost this every single year, hahahaha.
Video Description:
Rikki with neutral makeup. Her silver/blonde/purple way hair is down. She is wearing a black shirt. Video graphic says, “I (update down heart hand gesture) grandma” On this day. Feb 4, 2022. Rikki is signing ASL.
Hello, hearing people! How are you? I have a question. Why are you disrespecting Grandma like this? Why? What are you doing? The absolute disrespect.
#Deaf #DeafAwareness #DeafCommunity #ASL #AmericanSignLanguage #SignLanguage
I’m going to need the people to make up their minds on this…
#DEI #DEIA #DeafAwareness #DisabilityAwareness #Politics #SocialJustice #Discrimination
Video Description:
Rikki in her car, wearing a black dress and a heavy coat over it. Her brown wavy hair is down and she is wearing neutral makeup.
Question- so we went from, “We need jobs. WE need to get the American people jobs,” to now “Oh yay, I’m so happy that so many Americans don’t have jobs anymore.” ….?
30-40% of the English language can be read on the lips under the best conditions. There are deaf people who make great lip readers. Others are okay at it. Some of us, like me, are garbage. At the end of the day though, it’s always exhausting to do so.
#Deaf #DeafAwareness #HearingAids #HearingLoss #DeafCommunity #DisabilityAwareness
Video Description:
Rikki with shoulder length wavy blonde/silver hair. She is wearing neutral-ish makeup with some eyeshadow and winged black eyeliner. She is wearing a black cropped denim jacket and jeans. Comment says, “Isn’t 30% of English non lip readable?”
Hi. So 30% of the English language, 30-40% is what actually can, possibly, under the best conditions, be read on the lips. So that means no background noise, a person is facing you. Um, there’s good lighting. You know, things like that. Um. I, however, do not fall under this percentage. I’m absolutely terrible at lip reading. Granted with my hearing aids now, it’s better. But, um, unless you’re saying the word “f**k,” all bets are off.
Welcome to Basic Drivers Ed 101! As my hearing father who is an on-the-road truck driver says, “We are supposed to be checking our mirrors every 3 seconds.” It is time to stop acting like deaf people on the road is a public safety hazard when you’re apparently not even doing the bare minimum???
Video Description:�Comment from KB says, “Folks… emergency vehicles come up behind you too. It seems like if you’re deaf, you have to be constantly checking your mirrors. That’s all I’m saying.” On this day- Jan 25, 2024. Rikki has no makeup on, long brown hair down. Wearing a sleeveless top that shows her tattoos.
Hello, this is your public service announcement. As a hearing driver, you too are supposed to be constantly checking your mirrors.
#Deaf #DeafAwareness #DeafCommunity #HearingAids #HearingLoss #DisabilityAwareness
Statistically, deaf people are better drivers. Research has been done. Studies have been made. By this “public safety” logic, why are hearing people getting licenses then? Every day, there are loads of car crashes caused by hearing people. Yes, the number of hearing people compared to deaf people is larger, but… you’re still getting into car crashes or causing them. All the accidents I’ve been in, the fault was of the hearing person. You can’t always hear or see sirens yourself on time. You’re distracted by your music or phones. I’ve seen people refuse to move. People refuse to stop for school buses. Please stop acting like we are the people you need to be worried about.
We have eyes and we use them. You should try that sometime if for some reason you haven’t already.
Video Description:
Comment says, “If the customer is deaf.. how are they driving? Isn’t that a safety issue? Shouldn’t the DMV deny driver licenses to deaf people for public safety?” Rikki is sitting in front of a brick wall. Her hair is up, neutral makeup. She is wearing a black tank top with a red and black plaid flannel over, and silver jewelry. She is signing ASL.
Well then, wait… how are y’all driving because you get into crashes everyday?
#Deaf #DeafAwareness #DeafCommunity #ASL #AmericanSignLanguage #SignLanguage #DisabilityAwareness #HearingLoss
I finally got to take my hearing aids out after getting some work done and now I can’t hear a damn thing. Yay!
PS: You can buy my “Possessed By A Deaf Demon” shirt here: http://bonfire.com/deaf-demon
Video Description:
Rikki wearing her “Possessed By A Deaf Demon shirt,” drinking water and smiling. Text says, “Deaf gain is not having to hear all the fireworks on New Year’s Eve.”
#Deaf #DeafAwareness #HearingLoss #HearingAids #DeafCommunity #DisabilityAwareness #NYE2024
Out with the old and in with the new… after 3 years of having hearing aids with pink ear molds, it was time to move on to black ones after the original molds had a crack and tear in them. These ones are a slightly different shape and different material. Still a soft material, but not as soft as the old ones. It’s a bit of a strange fit and I’m not sure if it’s the mold itself as in it didn’t fit to my ear right to if it’s just the raised edges being a weird and new feel for me. We shall see how it goes over the weekend!
What color are your ear molds?
Video Description:�Out with the old… in with the new. Rikki taking out her old hearing aids with pink ear molds, then moving to a clip of her with her new hearing aid ear molds, black, in her ears.
#Deaf #DeafAwareness #DisabilityAwareness #DeafCommunity #HearingLoss HearingAids
Are Hearview Caption Subtitle Glasses Repackaged From AliExpress/Temu?
Alright, let's talk about the Hearview glasses thing a bit. Information is probably all over the place now since new updates have been coming out but let's see... Did Hearview grab from INMO? From Temu? And let's talk about the potential lack of disclosing ads. And how companies can end up pulling a fast one on creators.
Correction: Rica purchased the glasses from AliExpress. YouTubers promote Temu so much now that AliExpress has been completely blocked out of my brain and I forgot it exists.
Definitely give Rica's Home a follow! All the concrete and updated information and opinions she has are on her page as there's been new stuff since I filmed this a whole 48* hours ago.
*This is the official Facebook upload after yesterday's original YouTube copy.
Normally, it’s AS-L. But I guess for the first round, it’s ass. And… this is why proper accessibility is important.
Video Description:�Rikki doing a duet with a previous video- a speaker hosting a workshop and ASL interpreters on the screen. Text on that video says, “As a deaf person who isn’t fluent in ASL, I need both captions and ASL interpreters.” Rikki’s reaction as her face covered by a hand, embarrassed. Text says, “When text-to-speech says you’re not “fluent in ass.”
#Deaf #DeafAwareness #DeafCommunity #DisabilityAwareness #ASL #AmericanSignLanguage #SignLanguage #Accessibility #SocialMedia #SocialMediaTips
The deaf community has various ways of communication and accessibility needs. Growing up mainstreamed, English was my first, native, and fluent language. I didn’t start learning American Sign Language (ASL) until my early to mid 20s and lack of opportunities to use it consistently mean that I’m not fluent in ASL. So for workshops, appointments, meetings, etc. my accommodation needs in a perfect world would be both captions and ASL interpreters depending on what is happening.
At the former workshop I went to, my interpreters were available in person. At the latest one, circumstances made it so that it had to be virtual. I didn’t use just my interpreter, I also used Zoom’s auto captions. I don’t do well with virtual interpreting since Internet can make things slow and blurry, so having captions is extremely helpful.
For certain topics, I rely more on captions because I’ll understand it in English, but not ASL. For other topics, ASL is just fine.
My fellow deaf people, what are your accommodation needs?
Video Description:�Laptop open to ASL interpreter on Zoom, captions included, while a woman is speaking to an audience at Elevator Co-Warehousing + Community. Text says, “As a deaf person who isn’t fluent in ASL, I need both captions and ASL interpreters.”
#Deaf #DeafAwareness #DeafCommunity #ASL #AmericanSignLanguage #SignLanguage
I still get asked about if I’ve considered cochlear implants since making this video three years ago.
Video Description:
Throwback video. Rikki with straight/slightly wavy blonde/silver shoulder length hair, red/orange makeup, and a Def Leppard graphic tee of the same colors. Text says, “YouTube channel: Rikki Poynter. On this day December 2, 2021”
Every time hearing people have asked us deaf people if we’ve heard of hearing aids, and if we’ve ever considered getting them, our batteries die. (Rikki takes out her hearing aids.) Hearing people, save us deaf people. [AKA our money.] Stop asking us. This sh*t’s expensive. Thank you! :)
#Deaf #DeafAwareness #DeafCommunity #DisabilityAwareness #HearingAids #CochlearImplant #HearingLoss