Is your dream to become a paid speaker?
How can you become a professional speaker?
Is there a program in that helps you towards that destination?
Yes! Yes! Yes!
🎤Becoming a Professional Speaker:
How to Earn Toastmasters Accredited Speaker Designation
This is the perfect workshop to help you in your journey of professional speaking! Hosted by V R Advanced Toastmasters Club in District 121, India.
About the Program:
The Toastmasters International Program is designed for professional presenters – speakers, trainers, lecturers – who combine expert knowledge in a particular subject with mastery of the spoken word, making them sought-after experts in their respective fields. Discover what having the AS designation will do for your confidence, career and credibility.
About the session:
In this engaging educational session, you will:
- Understand the Accredited Speaker Program Rules and updates on virtual presentations
- Learn insights and suggestions to pass the FIRST time
- Be inspired to begin the journey to professional speaking
⭐️This will be a 90-minute educational session, ⭐️followed by a 30-minute workshop, helping us get started on our own journey!
⭐️⭐️Workshop Handout provided to pre-registered attendees!
📌Prior Preparation (Homework):
Prepare a list of potential topics on which you could be paid to speak
🎤Becoming a Professional Speaker: How to Earn Toastmasters Accredited Speaker Designation
Sunday, October 2
5:00-7:00pm IST India
7:30-9:30am Eastern USA
About the Trainer:
Sheryl Roush, DTM, PDG, AS, CVP, is CEO of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., based in New York USA. Sheryl is a seasoned ambassador of the AS Program. In 1993, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, she was the youngest woman to earn the elite professional designation from Toastmasters. Sheryl brings to this session, 36 years as a Toastmaster, 25+ years as a speaking coach… and is the author of the award-winning ❤️Heart of a Toastmaster Book, sanctioned by TI.