Cody Sherry

Cody Sherry I help millennials who want more from life and are motivated to make the change. Take the first step!

If you’re a homeowner, you know there’s always something to do around the house. Something that could be done. I started...

If you’re a homeowner, you know there’s always something to do around the house. Something that could be done. I started this one this past Friday and Lexi and I worked on it over the weekend and yesterday I got it all finished up. Just have to stain it next spring. Annnd on to the next project.✔️

09/11/01; We can never forget!As the years pass by and new generations get older, people tend to forget about events and...

09/11/01; We can never forget!

As the years pass by and new generations get older, people tend to forget about events and things that happened in the past.

One thing we as a country must never EVER forget is the horrendous acts that occurred on this day, today, 21 years ago. Almost 3,000 lives were lost on this tragic day and as a nation, it is our duty to never forget what took place on that day. It was a sad, terrible, awful day.

But in the darkness of that terrible day, light did shine through. People came together and unified. People sacrificed everything to help how they could. The county came together to help each other out and we stood tall from the ashes.

As younger generations continue to go to school and learn about what happened on that day out of their text books, just as other events in history, I truly hope we as a nation never forget as well.

Change the filter on schedule!

Change the filter on schedule!

The Importance of Changing Enagic Filter!

Enagic filters are guaranteed to remove chlorine, rust, lead, and odors. While allowing beneficial minerals to pass through.

Purchase Your Genuine Enagic Filter Today!

This amazing machine produces several different PH's of water that have all sorts of uses and benefits. One of these typ...

This amazing machine produces several different PH's of water that have all sorts of uses and benefits. One of these types of water is "Strong Kangen Water". Strong Kangen Water can be used for:

- removing pesticides and other chemicals off your produce
- cleaning your home instead of using harsh chemicals
- natural makeup remover
- replace your laundry detergent
- stain remover
- improve the quality of your sleep
- soothing sunburns
- migraine relief
- natural paint thinner
- polishing silverware

and so many more uses just for this one type of water!!

Feel free to send me a message for more information!

Strong Kangen Water is only produced by Enagic water ionizers.

Contact an Enagic Independent Distributor to find out more!


You need to decide when you want your life to be hard?!

Now or later?

I listen to Mindset Mentor podcast every morning, even if there is not a new episode out that morning, I will go back and listen to a old episode that I haven't listened to yet. I absolutely love the podcast.

I have learned so much from Rob Dial on his podcast but I think one of the biggest things I have taken away and appreciate that he talks about is how we get to choose when we want our lives to be difficult. He talks about this all the time and it is so true.

Throughout our life, we make thousands and thousands and thousands of decisions. Some are small such as what are you going to wear or eat that day and others are big as buying a house or getting married. But there is one decision that is just as important. That decision is are you going to have your life be difficult now in your younger years or later in your older years?

Unfortunately, often in today's society, lots of people choose for their lives to be easy now. They want to only have fun, not have to experience anything too challenging or anything that takes them out of their comfort zone and want to just smooth sail. I was guilty of this too until I started my journey of self-development and working on improving myself and my future. What a lot of people don't realize though is by doing this, they are choosing to make their life more difficult when they are older and possibly not as healthy/or able to work. Yikes!

By choosing to not work harder now, not grind more now, and not spend less time partying, going out, and just having fun now, they are taking away their "easy" time from their older version.

Lets look at it the other way, what IF you decided TODAY that you wanted to set yourself up to be as comfortable and successful as you could for your older you? What if you decided today that you want to make sure that when you are older/retired that you don't have to work as much or even at all by a certain age? Let's say 65?

By taking risks on things that make you uncomfortable but could possibly bring you financial freedom or time freedom, choosing to work on that side business, put in extra hours working on the weekends, or learn a new skill instead of going out every weekend (or even a week night), you start to better yourself. You start to become a better quality person but also set yourself up to be more successful and be better off in the future. It isn't fun. It isn't easy. It takes making some sacrifices. But you are making it harder now so that it's easier later.

Would you rather have your 20/30/40 year old self have to work a little harder and a little later now or have your 50/60/70 year old self still be having to work at that age? What if you worked really hard, pushed yourself to your full potential and was able to retire by 55? or 50? All because you put in the extra effort now. Would it be worth it!? By sacrificing a couple years of fun, you could possibly save yourself 15-20 years of working more than you have to!

You have to choose what part of your life you are wanting and willing to be difficult. Now? Or later?

Especially in Omaha! 🤦🏻‍♂️

Especially in Omaha! 🤦🏻‍♂️

Published by Oriana Mehden

Denver, Colorado was super fun! Lexi finally got to see her favorite singer perform! Definitely a breath of a fresh air ...

Denver, Colorado was super fun! Lexi finally got to see her favorite singer perform! Definitely a breath of a fresh air that was well needed.

Drink only the best water!

Drink only the best water!

Enagic water machines are assembled by skilled technicians at our factory in Osaka and then inspected, tested, and certified by highly-trained quality control engineers.

Contact an Enagic Independent Distributor for details.



“You don’t get what you want by thinking big, you get what you want by acting big” Dream big but act bigger!!

“You don’t get what you want by thinking big, you get what you want by acting big”

Dream big but act bigger!!


Today’s National Holidays to get wild for!!!

Today is:

-Chant at the moon day
- Check the chip day
-Discovery day
-Back to school prep day
- Jean day
- leathercraft day
- lemon meringue pie day
- Philip day
- No sponge Bob day
- World greatness day

Yeah, you’re welcome.

Tips for good sleep!! 💤💤💤💤💤Good exercise, drinking lots of water and eating healthy are all great habits to have to be h...

Tips for good sleep!! 💤💤💤💤💤

Good exercise, drinking lots of water and eating healthy are all great habits to have to be healthy. But a lot of people (me included) forget about how important good quality sleep is. Here’s some tips I’ve learned to promote strong quality of sleep!

1: Don’t Drink Caffeine 6 Hours Before Bed! 🚫🥤

- 4 to 6 hours is how long it takes to metabolize half of the caffeine you consumed!

2: Reduce your blue light exposure before bed!

- A lot of people like to scroll on their phone while laying in their bed or watch tv while laying in bed before falling asleep. I’m guilty of this too! These screens produce “blue light” that blocks melatonin which is what our body uses/produces to make us sleepy and tired. (I have blue light glasses that help block out the blue light when I need to work at night. They’re called Kenzhou blue light glasses but there’s all different brands!)

3: Keep your bedroom cool! 🥶🥶

- Our bodies temperature naturally drop at night, especially during REM, so having your room cooler, specifically between 60-68 can improve the quality of sleep you have as well as prevent you from waking up in the middle of the night from being too hot.

4: Keep your room dark as possible! 🚫🌞

- The blue light that was mentioned above makes us not as tired so having a dark room encourages bodies to feel more tired! Blackout curtains absolutely help with this!

5: No heavy meals 4-5 hours before bed!

- If you’re like me, you love a late night snack. But it’s been shown that eating, especially a heavy meal, before bed decreases the quality of sleep we have through the night. It not only affect our body’s metabolism but also affects our sleep due to interfering with digestion which slows down the body’s efforts to prepare for sleep.

6: No intense exercise 1-2 hours before bed! 🚫🏋🏻

- Mild exercise in the evening can actually help promote sleep but strenuous intense exercise 1-2 hours before bed can make it difficult to sleep. As our body prepares for sleep, our temperatures lower and our heart rate drops. This does the opposite when we work out hard.

7: Read or meditate 30-40 minutes before bed

- Pretty simple. Reading, meditating, journaling or listening to a sleep podcast can help us calm our minds and help us lower our heart rate which allows us to fall asleep quicker.

8: No alcohol before bed!! 🚫🥃🍸🍷

- A lot of studies have been done on this but despite what a lot of people think, liquor does not promote good quality sleep. Yes, sometimes it may help some people fall asleep quicker but the actual quality of sleep they experience during the night is not as good as having no alcohol in their system due to alcohol impacting our sleep cycle. This is why after a big night of drinking, you often wake up feeling groggy and still tired.

Hope some of these help like they did for me!

Hey you! Listen up!!“The ultimate measure of a man is not based off of where he stands in moments of comfort and conveni...

Hey you! Listen up!!

“The ultimate measure of a man is not based off of where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy” -MLK

How many times have you been in a tough situation and you feel like giving up? You hear that voice in your head say there’s no point because you’re never going to hit your goals anyway or it tells you that giving up would be way easier and not as stressful. 🫤

But isn’t isn’t the feeling of having goals and not achieving them just as stressful? Knowing that there are things you want but not doing anything to get closer to them? I don’t know about you but that’s stressful for me. But knowing that I’m taking a step closer every day provides me with the motivation to keep moving forward. 🙌🏻

Most people usually are more productive and get stuff done and keep moving forward on the good days. That’s easy. Anyone can do that. ✔️

But what does that person do on a bad day? A hard day? A day where everything seems to be going wrong? Do they say screw it and give up? Do they quit? Do they blame others? Do they tell themselves once again that everything bad always happens to them?😔

Or do they grind harder and push harder? Do they remind themselves why they started and what’s waiting for them at the finish line. 🏁🏁

You have to remind yourself, it’s not about what you feel right now. It’s about who you’ll be, what you’ll feel and what you’ll have accomplished at the end of this difficult journey. Keep grinding. You got this!!!

One of the best most amazing pieces of technology ever. DM me for more info!!!

One of the best most amazing pieces of technology ever. DM me for more info!!!

Since 1974, Enagic has been a pioneer and innovator in alkaline water ionization. Enagic systems enhance nature's most vital life source, water.

Contact an Independent Distributor for more information.

Interesting read!

Interesting read!

You can start encouraging your children to be entrepreneurial minded now.

Play date with the old foster doggo, new foster doggo and our dog!

Play date with the old foster doggo, new foster doggo and our dog!


Omaha, NE


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