This is a Young Lion of Judah getting ready to drop it. This is our Nubian and cartoon Pajama 420 Funk Mob hit making Jeruelle Productions Studio
Yesterday on 10/19/2023, the President and CEO James Jeru Greene Sr deposited his families wealth with the Charles Schwab wealth management team in Westlake Ohio. To make sure all dividends can be paid to all our military families that need their fund in a time of our own domestic problems. Today, any investor outside of our crunchbase venture capital platform can contact Matt Grady for any partnership or alliance with our money link and group #charlesschwab #jrultech Jeruelle Productions Studio #ChangeHasCome Bounce TV @followers
The new money market and currency tate exchange system that has been talked about is here
#changehascome #jrultech #charlesschwab @followers Bounce TV Jeruelle Productions Studio Jeruelle
#JRULTECH has raised the bar on all these presidents kings Queens Lords cheeks and straight up greedy bankers If you want to charge me 16 million for creating my own works per year and I will pay 25 which you call dollars I will change dollars into billions if you want to keep playing Today is not the day shut it down. Or I will start calling you out by your names I'm being nice pay cage Enterprise 25 million if you want to charge me $16 million for my own damn name I've already written www.jeru e l l who is running Network Solutions if it's not me?
Introducing people working to bring MMLP stock and a jobs outlook forecast in the American and Canadian vision of workers
Jumping in to Fit on where we can get on like real soldiers do J J Greene Investment Co
Who are these people? They are the movers and shakers of good spirit with the~ #£ΘTU
I Don't care about a $20T Dollar blockchain event running over your stupid life. Be glad yo ass is alive because I am not a play thing or some football you keep kicking around in my head. Love the Lord thy God and get understanding. This is the conclusion of three books I've written so you would feel blessed to know I carried all who know Christ. I am in Kabala in the Melchesidec spirit out of the book of Hebrews. Selah!
Jeruelle Productions Studio, Plum City Entertainment, and our mobile JRUL TECH Crew helped bring the online wedding of Cherise & Anthony Thomas media event. Special Thanks to our online commentator [Monique M. Thomas] and video and photo producer [Christopher D. Jackson].