I am a Seer, Channel, Healer and Teacher. I have been avidly practicing metaphysical studies for over 15 years but I have been experiencing Spirit my entire life. I come from a line of Gifted people who can be traced back to the founding of Salem and on back to Ireland. I also have some Native American heritage as well as Romanian, just for good measure!
I first came into contact with Spirits and Entities when I was only 6 or 7 years old. I also had my first experiences with a negative or dark entity at around this same age. I continued to have these experiences throughout my childhood and teenage years. My father was a great help to me during that time as he too was Gifted and could understand my experiences while also helping me try to make sense of them.
I was never pushed towards religious or spiritual practices. Our family didn't affiliate with any religious background. We were told that we should read and study as we chose, I always had a curiosity. As a child I would often go to church with friends from school, I got to experiences several faiths. I never found myself resonating with any of them, though I enjoyed them all! In my late teens I began avidly studying religions from around the world. I spent several years reading anything I could get my hands on about every religion or spiritual practice. I came to realize that while each was different in some ways, they all had the same base: Love!!
In my early twenties I found a Spiritualist Church and began my Spiritual path in earnest! I found several of my early mentors within that church and I am forever grateful for the fellowship and knowledge that I found within those walls. That was when I made a choice to really develop the Gifts I had been given. I found teachers and mentors within the church who helped me learn how to control and amplify what I was already doing naturally. Since then I have come into contact with some of the most amazing psychics, mediums, healers, mystics and mentors. Each has taught me and each has helped me grow.
You may notice that what I offer isn't necessarily what you are used to seeing. I only offer one style and length of reading, that is because I have found that anything less tends to leave questions and anything more becomes draining for me and confusing for you. Like all things, too much information can be a bad thing. I offer energetic healing however again, I only offer one session type for this. I do not work with Reiki, I personally didn't resonate with that energy and chose to work within an energy that I could understand and that is proven to provide lasting relief to my clients.
I am finally at a place within my own journey where I feel it is time to pass all of the blessings I have received from my teachers and mentors on to students of my own! I learned through my own training that most times, I learn better one on one than I do within a group so I have chosen to make all of my focused classes one on one. I teach in a very down to earth and straightforward manner. I try to stay away from using much of the Spiritual jargon as it can make learning and understanding very difficult for those who are just awakening or beginning their journey
I hope that this gives you a bit of insight into my experiences and my goals. I look forward to meeting and working with all of you! If you would like to find out more about working with me personally please check out our services page and our store!! You can also contact me via email on our contact page or through our page!