Estate Cleanup Services

Estate Cleanup Services We at Crime Scene Cleanup believe that the client comes first, and we will take every precaution to


My name is Kenneth brown back in 2006 I started a crime scene cleaning company how it come about I was sitting in these coffee shop Tyler TX one day talking to some officers about what had happened overnight we'd had a big shooting and they had worked the shooting and I told him you know tell me a little bit about it well we can't really tell you nothing about it one officer said it was the bloodiest scene he had ever seen I said well did y'all get it all cleaned up and all or what they all looked at me like I had hit my head or something and they said no we don't clean crime scenes we just investigate them it's up to the family or the homeowners to get someone to come in to clean it I said well are they anybody here that does it or you know what maybe I might know him they said no nobody here said Dallas is a closest place and that's basically 120 mile away so at that time I was looking for something new to get into yeah I thought this might be it I've done tons of research ohh talk to everybody in the industry that would talk to me a lot of them are hush hush won't talk to nobody they sure ain't about to give their secrets out about how to do it I got my certification set I found out I needed and I decided I was gonna clean crime scenes I got my business cards made-up had an attorney draw me a contract up I had up my notepad with all my research in it so I figured it was time to do this I'd went out started passing out business cards to anyone that would take one police firefighters ambulance drivers funeral homes anybody well it took me about too much and I finally had one of the police officers that I had talked to at the restaurant that told me about all this call me and told me that they had been a su***de and it was innocent apartments and they were looking for someone to clean he said I'd give him your information but he told me who the manager was and said you know you might wanna give her a call you never know well I ended up getting the job that was my first experience with cleaning the crime scene I had watched videos done all the research on the Internet nothing prepared me for what I was about to see gentleman had took a gun to his head ended his life and was there for probably 2 weeks before anyone found him the side in the smell was like nothing I had ever seen before but my father raised me to be a man of your word you tell somebody you're gonna do it you get in there and do it I told him I'd take care of it we agreed on a price and I started cleaning it I had my medical waste container sitting there anything that had blood or body fluids on it had to go in he was in a recliner so in order to get the recliner in the box you have to dismantle it and cut it up so we cut all the material off of the recliner all this stuff and all that went into a box what would had blood and body fluids on it we had to cut away from the frame and put into a biohazard box and then we had to scrub the ceiling with brushes in chemicals in order to get the blood in the brain matter off of the ceiling and the walls and also the floor that's where I learn one of the most valuable things I've ever learned and that was you started your floor and worked your way up you cleaned from the door to where this happened at that way you don't track it all over everywhere else I had footprints from the door to the where the chair was I had booties on but that still didn't keep me from tracking it around we ended up having to take the carpet out of the unit in the living room where they said hat mat and we sealed the floor the walls and the ceilings were still stained but there was no longer any blood or body fluids on it we used hydrogen peroxide bacterium to tell us if we had all the blood and body fluids removed the apartment manager come in and looked at it said it looked great she'll get her maintenance guys in here to repaint it and put new carpet down no one will ever know what happened she asked me said he had no family are there any way you can remove the rest of the items in the unit the bedroom suit the rest of the living room so his clothes things of that nature because the fact that he was there for so long everything that was cloth had odor so we agreed on a price and we removed all the items and I went on and what the walls down in the rest of the unit just to help with the odor in the history of the United states Joe Biden and his administration this job that I thought would take me three or four hours to clean all this it ended up taking me a day and 1/2 because she added the rest of the unit to it to clean the aftermath actually took me about 8 till 9 hours and that was my first job shortly after that I got another call and this was in Athens and away we go I went to Athens it was a decomp in a bedroom elderly gentleman had passed away and his family done welfare check police found him they got back in touch with the family and told them what they had found Funeral Home picked the remains up the family got there they went in and got some important items out paperwork different things of that nature called me I met him out there we made a deal I proceeded to clean the bedroom I had to cut the mattress apart baggy at pull all the clothes and everything off of it it all goes in medical waste box metal frame we cut up with bolt cutters and stacked it put them in black bags we pulled the carpet out we cleaned the concrete floor and then we steamed it and then we sealed it well this was my second job I wouldn't miss naive as it was on the first one I've done found out that the head chemicals out there to get rid of the odor so I got me a Fogger got the chemicals and we proceeded to fog the home in order to get rid of the odor and it worked pretty good odors of single celled Organism so if you get the right chemical it will kill the Organism which therefore kills the odor but you have to get all of the blood and body fluids up anything that will cause odor such as body fluids brain matter skin anything like it has to be cleaned up and disinfected the area where it was at before you can control the odor I made it back home after that it took probably five days maybe 7 before I got another call that call was in Kilgore TX another gentleman had sitting in the recliner and had passed away and was there for a while before they had found him in this business you'll see you'll do a lot of decomps we met the family there they instructed me that they needed to recline or go and clean up any blood or body fluids and see what I could do about the older so I got my tools out I got my boxes has displaced out I got everything out I suited up with my suit I put my booties on and my gloves on my respirator on and I went to clean I tore the recliner part cut all the material off of it broke it down got everything in boxes it was on wood floors but the floors had recently been refinished so they had a good sealer on so we were able to get all that cleaned up good and then mopped and we had cleaned all the flies out of the windows and off of the shelves and everything ohh Powell newspaper that was about arm high reside the recliner they had soaked up a lot of body fluids all that had to go matter of fact that job was the scariest I've ever been in my life was on that job I kept hearing some racket in the back of the house and the family was gone the neighbor had come over and he asked me if I had seen this gentleman's pet and I said no I haven't seen no dog or cat nothing you know nothing like that in here he said no you don't understand if you just seen this pet you didn't notice as well I keep hearing some racket in the back of the house he said well can you go back here and see I believe his name was Fred is backer that's yeah I'll go look so I went back went down the hallway in the door at the end the hall shut on its own yeah I thought well I don't believe in ghosts so this has got to be somebody and I couldn't believe somebody had been in here and me cleaning this home and didn't even realize it I went back there and pushed the door open I looked and I didn't hear nothing and all at once it come out from under the dresser this gentleman had a pet bowl constrictor that was about 5 1/2 foot long that run free in the home nobody told me it scared me so bad I'll run out of the home and told him I wouldn't going back into till they done something with that snake the neighbor was laughing so bad making fun of me for being scared of a snake the family showed up about that time and asked me what was going on I said there's a snake in the house as big as I am and they got to laugh and said yeah we meant to tell you about that said it's in the back of the house so that's why we had the door shut going into the hallway I said well the neighbor come over and asked me if I'd seen his pet I told him I hadn't seen no dog cats he said well it's not that could you step back the house see if you see him anymore said I need to get him bed make sure he's OK so I told them about me going down the hallways the door shutting about me opening it up and it coming out Monday the dresser scared me so bad I still talk about it today but I got all my equipment loaded up got my medical waste loaded up and went back to home when I got home figured how much this job and the other two jobs paid and the fact that I had probably 25 hours in all three jobs so these three jobs paid me more then I made in two months so now a little bit about the tools you need you need it you tell me now carpet now skill saw hammer pribor a small set of sockets that's for taking recliners apart or furniture apart or pulling ceiling pants down it's sometimes you have to do that you really don't need a whole lot of tools you need a Fogger on the PPE you need your suits you need gloves respirator if your suits do not have elastic in the wrist in the ankles you'll need some duct tape because when you put your gloves on your suits on you need to be able to sell that we always use booties over our shoes because I didn't wanna carry a bunch of blood and body fluids home to my family or getting in my vehicle you need safety glasses that's pretty much your PPE now it wasn't long after that last call and Kilgore I got one in Tyler and it was a hotel the desk clerk ended up getting shot so we had to go in and clean the office it was the easy clean the floors were tall but they were polished so we just clean the blood and body fluids up there wipe the dash down the counter down do away some of the paperwork that had blood on it and that was pretty much it it was a quick easy hour and a half job I went back home didn't get nothing for a week then all at once I got a call from Wichita Falls TX and it was out in a rural area we made the 200 mile drive up there my GPS got me close but I couldn't find the home I called the family member and they said that they were there I told them I was having difficulty finding the driveway it's my GPS apparently didn't recognize their address I told him where I was at they explained to come on down about a mile and that they would be on the side of the road tell me what they were driving we got down there there they was we went through the pasture and into the woods and there was a beautiful home in there we went in and looked to see what had happened older gentleman there again had passed away he was in his bed he'd passed away during his rest during his sleep and he had been there for probably 3 weeks the family lived out of state and they kept calling couldn't get him they got the neighbor the neighbor couldn't get in the house they called the police the police made entry and found him in there so the family had come down by this time another week had passed and when we were outside getting everything out of the vehicle to go in to clean it I kept looking up because they every place I looked was a Buzzard I've never seen that many buzzards in one place in my life this gentleman was artist he painted pictures he done western pictures is what he was famous for we went in and cleaned everything ohh disassembled the bed cut the mattress up got it all in boxes and bagged up cut the box springs up done the same thing with that tuck the bed apart worst everything down pulled the carpet on this one we had to cut the floor out he was dripping under the home the floor was particle board and it was real Porsche we got the floor out of there and then got the blood and body fluids out from under the home this was a quite extensive job this job probably took us 14 hours or more talk to your doctor there was two of us on this job but we got it taken care of the family give us the insurance information they paid their deductible we told him that we'd filed an only insurance we'd already called him and got a claim number got approval to do the job they were so pleased with what we done that they'd give us one of his paintings it's in my home till this day so we left there and went back home again just sit and wait for the next call deer and all this I got to be friends with a couple of people that had crime scene cleanup companies also and they saw that I was in it for the long haul that I wasn't just in to make a little money and then jump out they saying that they were in need for the service in my area and that people started recommending us so several of them kind of freed up a little bit started helping us giving us tips on things to do and how to do things better how to do things easier well we got back home got the rest for a few days then we get another call when we're saying we're back home resting we're actually back home marketing we're going to police stations churches funeral homes Sheriff's Department constables anybody that would have anything to do with someone passing away we're going to motels convenience stores handing out cards and information and not only where we live we're doing it in surrounding areas and every time we do it we move a little further out a little further out in the mean time I had got with a company and had a website built things changed when I had the website built just like we got to call and Wichita Falls and went up there which was a couple 100 miles from us we got it from a police convention we'd went to now that we have a website out we're getting calls from all over Texas all over Oklahoma Arkansas and Louisiana as I said while ago we got a call that call took me to Jacksonville TX Sheriff's Department had called they had a militia man down there they had a standoff he ended up shooting a bunch of police officers cars up shooting at police officers thank God he never hit none of them when the police made entry he dropped her hand gr***de in his lap this has to be one of my worst scenes I've ever seen it's at least in the top five and trust me I've seen hundreds of scenes when this gentleman was sitting in a chair and dropped a hand gr***de in his lap he covered this room literally every put head blood or body fluids on ceilings walls floor everywhere you look with little pieces of him the shrapnel from the hand gr***de not holes in the walls about the size of your finger to your fist and they was pieces of flesh in blood inside the walls we literally had to pull the sheetrock off of the walls in order to get all the blood and body fluids out of that room this is one of the only jobs I had to get my medical waste provider to come out and pick the boxes up all the sheetrock we pulled off we run this medical waste because it had blood and body fluids on one side of it some of it had it on both sides we ended up with 23 boxes of medical waste in this throne room I've never had that much on another job the only other job that come close was years later I'd done a 18 Wheeler that had been hijacked and left add a truck stop and the re**er run out of fuel and it was full of chicken and they called us out to clean and disinfect it so we had the medical waste provider come out because it's rotting meat you can't just throw it in the landfill and they back to 18 Wheeler up to that 1 and we would box the rotted chicken up in the medical waste boxes and stack them on the medical waste providers truck then we had to go in and spray it down with chemicals take scrub brushes on sticks basically and scrub it down and then power washed it out into a drain system that they had there we had the state give us approval to do that that was a pretty bad job chemicals that we use it took us several years to narrow it down to what we use now and our main cleaner CDC 10 made by Spartan chemical it cleans and disinfects and sanitizes so many people think that they can take a bottle of bleach and cleaning crime scene bleach will encapsulate blood so therefore when you disturb it you break the capsulation and you can still get infected by anything that that person might have had such as AIDS hepatitis tuberculosis or several diseases you can catch



We provide families and individuals with comprehensive estate cleanup services, hoarding cleanup services and crime scene cleanup services.



Estate hoarding cleanup services in Texas Oklahoma Arkansas Louisiana




We practice social distancing
COVID-19 spreads mainly among people who are in close contact (within about 6 feet) for a prolonged period. Spread happens when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks, and droplets from their mouth or nose are launched into the air and land in the mouths or noses of people nearby. The droplets can also be inhaled into the lungs. Recent studies indicate that people who are infected but do not have symptoms likely also play a role in the spread of COVID-19.


We are offering clean up for Covid 19 our number is 18442462733 Call today to make a appointment


The worldwide Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has people scrambling to protect themselves, their homes and businesses from potential contamination. The effects of this type of biohazard situation can last up to a week and the continued spread of the disease has led to a growing number of fatalities in the US. EXTREME CLEAN offers disease and biohazard remediation, including coronavirus disinfection, and delivers the highest professional standards possible. We are dedicated to providing rapid emergency response 24/7 so you can have peace of mind in the event of an outbreak. Right now, thousands of Americans have tested positive for this virus, and quarantine/isolation efforts have begun to help prevent the continued spread .

We use CDC and EPA approved industrial-strength disinfectants with a broad spectrum kill claim
All infected materials are cleaned, disinfected, and properly disposed of as biohazard waste.
Fully encapsulated personal protective equipment (PPE) and respirator masks are worn at all times by our certified cleanup technicians.
Disease outbreak is an extremely serious situation and we understand that the health and safety of you, your family, and employees are on the line. Don’t take any chances; call in the professionals.

Call 1 844 246 2733 For all your pricing and scheduling.
Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana,
Police Cars, Ambulances ,Tractor-Trailer ,Restaurants ,Theaters ,Hotels ,Automobiles ,Day Care Centers ,Police Stations ,Gyms ,Locker Rooms ,Changing Rooms ,Offices ,Gas Stations ,Doctors Offices, and Waiting Rooms,Private Homes , Business. And for all of your cleaning and disinfecting needs.


for any one starting a business .here is a list of premium domain names, i have for sale.


Oklahoma City, OK


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