Working on a story about fine arts education. The elementary band I am featuring let me sit in on rehearsal and asked if I could play something. I haven’t actually played for many years and I am embarrassed to say I haven’t even practiced or opened my trumpet case for a couple of this is the best I could come up with. #practicemore #music #musiceducation #artseducation
Driving into work...see Phil take the chances you should probably avoid for now.
Don’t worry it is all hands free and I would probably be talking to myself anyway.
Getting ready to head into work, but first have to scrape the ice
Remember that few years from about 2007-2010 when we got some pretty big snowfalls? I got tired of shoveling snow and bought a snow blower. Haven’t had a need for it since. I couldn’t get it running but replaced the carburetor myself and I am now ready for whatever comes our way.
Or I’ve successfully scared off any snow again.
#snow #snowblower #winterpreps #latergram
The end to the #startrek vs #starwars debate? We ask NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine to take his most controversial stance yet. #NASA #startrekvsstarwars #starwarsvsstartrek #space #okcfox #okc #oklahoma
Gross Production Tax explained
As we continue to talk about the state budget, this is an explanation of what the Gross Production Tax is and what is being discussed about changes to it.
An update tonight on an investigation into the shooting of a dog by a police officer in Wynnewood.
Thought you knew everything about the bomb that exploded outside OU Memorial Stadium back in 2005? Think again. We've gotten FBI records unsealed and are showing what agents learned in the wake of the bombing.
Budget primer and preview
A year ago they were watching their baby boy die. Today they are at the capitol to work to make sure no other family has to go through what they did.
An absolutely devastating story. A year ago a baby boy died after a nap in a car seat at an in home daycare. His family says they have a renewed hope that his case hasn't been forgotten.
See the 19 seconds that led to a 16 hour standoff when a wanted man opened fire on bondsmen trying to get him to face justice.