⭐️ Personality Portraits Are Back⭐️
Last year, I introduced a brand new offer for my clients. I called these sessions, "Personality Portraits".
These limited edition sessions lasted just around 20 minutes or less, and the intention was to snap a bunch of beautiful images of each kiddo, with their natural expressions and personalities shining through. ✨
Clients would then pick their favorites of the captured photos, and I would customize the crops and the layout options to bring their gallery wall visions to life. 🖼️
After selling out this event twice last year, I created a waitlist that has been growing in numbers since last summer.
I am now going to open up new available dates for these sessions for 2025! Be sure to join the waitlist, linked in my stories, if you would like to grab a spot for one of these limited edition sessions this winter. Sessions will be releasing next week and details will be emailed to my waitlist first.
As you can see from scrolling, my clients are so happy with their new gallery walls. 🩷
If you are a client from last year, please send me photos of your completed galleries so I can share!
Backstory of Personality Portraits-
After moving into our new home in the summer of 2023, I realized how many empty walls I had to fill in each room. Instead of running to the nearest Hobby Lobby or Target to buy generic and meaningless artwork, I decided to take intentionally scaled, artistic and timeless photos of my own kids to create treasured walls throughout my home.