Tip Tuesday with Keana Baylis: Share, Share, Share!
Hey Everyone! This Tuesday, let's talk about the power of SHARING!
You've heard "don't overshare," but in the world of business and success, sharing is key! Look at big brands like Fashion Nova and Coach they're always in your inbox, keeping you updated on every sale, restock, or event whethe the computer crash, somebody been exposed, whatever they got the next text Fast! Why? Because sharing keeps them visible and relevant. And guess what? You can do it too!
Share Your Flyers, Share Your Services, Share Your Sales!
Your business deserves to be seen and heard. Whether it's a flyer for your childcare center, an announcement of your new ebook, or just a daily post about what you do every word and share counts.
Speaking of words and shares, exciting news here! Know to Grow Consulting has an amazing deal, our digital ebook, specially designed for childcare providers, is now on sale for just $19! A perfect and affordable step into digital marketing. Grab it here https://knowtogrow1.gumroad.com/l/CCDIGITALMARKETING
Plus, Little Village Home Childcare is now enrolling for Summer Camp and offering both 1st and 2nd shift care. Your chance to provide your kids with an engaging and fun summer experience!
So, let's break the silence. Share your business, share your passion. And while you're here, share your info in the comments! Let's create a community of visibility and support.
Today's Benefit Tip: Posting Daily
Consistent posting keeps you on top of people's minds. It builds familiarity, trust, and shows the vibrancy of your business. Remember, out of sight can mean out of mind. Stay visible, stay relevant!
Guide to Digital Marketing for Childcare Providers: Unleash the Power of Online PresenceIn an increasingly digital world, the success of childcare providers relies heavily on their ability to leverage digital marketing effectively. Introducing our comprehensive "Guide to Digital Marketing for Childc...