The Franco Center’s annual Christmas show—Sights and Sounds of Christmas--is a cherished event for families, featuring an unforgettable celebration of the holiday season with a variety of performances, music, and a dazzling light show. This year’s event promises to be just as spectacular, with evening shows at 7 p.m. on Friday, December 20, and Saturday, December 21, and a special late afternoon performance at 4 p.m. on Sunday, December 22.
The beautiful Performance Hall stage will come alive with holiday-themed acts, from ballet dancers to singers, duets, quartets, dramatic readings, and poetry — all evoking the warmth and joy of Christmas. Several performances will be enhanced by a synchronized Christmas light show that adds an extra layer of sparkle to the festivities.
A new addition to this year’s show will be the presence of a group of Victorian Christmas carolers. This group of carolers will be performing prior to the show and during the show’s intermission. The carolers include Sharon Patrick, Cassie Gendron, Karen McArthur, Don Dostie, and John Howard.
Tickets for the Sights and Sounds of Christmas show range from $10 to $30.
Don't miss out and get your ticket today!
Call 207-689-2000 FMI.
Skelton Taintor & Abbott
Dirigo Federal Credit Union
Berman & Simmons
The Dance Center
The cast for Sights and Sounds of Christmas include: Jake Hodgkin, Bette Sanborn Fecteau, Elise Pierson, Wesley Pierson, Maggie Bristol, Jackie Preston, Jim Hodgkin, Bella Hartman, Lucy Reynolds, Michelle Breton, Larry Hodgkin, Preston Marston, Isabelle McCormick, Ashleigh St. Pierre, Karen Flynn, Adrian Morneau, Delaney Giroux, Theresa Cormier, Rapture Waters, Jim McKinley, Eden Bauer, Jennifer LeBlanc, Emma Carmichael, Kathy Amsden, Edith Bambakakis, Shaun Arndt, Lauren Hodgkins, and John Pulsifer.
The tech team, stage crew, and dance instructor include: Joseph Strout, Sarah Greaton, Brandon Chaloux, Theresa Shanahan, Jake Hodgkin, Michael Breton, Denise Scammon, Melissa Hodgkin, Allison Marston, Rick Osgood, Larry Hodgkin, and Jennifer Bement.