Beyond Statements - How to Use Your Voice for Meaningful Change
Companies must do more than simply state support for the Black Lives Matter movement. We’ll help guide you on this path.
Be sure to join us Wednesday, August 5 at Noon ET/9am PT for our next Learn From Home webcast as the Responsible Business Initiative for Justice discusses how companies can take action and become agents of change. Register here:
This School is Serving as a Sustainable Safe Haven for 240 Girls in Ghana
Tetra Tech is partnering with this school so that it can thrive as a sustainable safe haven for 240 girls in Ghana.
Future of the Corporation
Leslie Christian, of Portfolio 21 Investments, speaks at the First Summit on the Future of the Corporation
Metal | Wood | Common Good Launch Video - May 2009
Metal | Wood | Common Good (MWCG) is a project of the Gasoline Alley Foundation in Springfield, MA. The business plan for MWCG was written by Daniele Mathras, Hannah Sager, and Yana Andonova, all MBA Candidates (May 2009) from the Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst as part of the practicum project experience. MWCG's lead artist is Trent Guihan, a sustainable woodworker with an Entrepreneurship degree from Springfield Technical Community College. Stay tuned for more info and videos on MWCG!
The Economic Club of Canada
In just five years The Economic Club of Canada has earned a prestigious reputation as THE Podium of Record. Uniquely positioned as the only national non-partisan organization capable of staging events across the country, their mission is to bring their members and guests face-to-face with the most important, relevant and influential leaders of our time. The Economic Club has grown in stature and reputation as the most respected and influential platform of its kind.
Conserving computer energy? Harvest the potential of Mother Earth by utilizing natural power for natural solutions!
Be Water Conscious
This is a video submission to the EPA Water Quality Video Contest, April 2009. Any time is a good time to be water conscious.This video shows the problems of wasting water and what we can to do conserve it.
Walkabout Coaching™
Walkabout Coaching was started by seasoned business coach Matthew Rochte in 2007 and is currently based in Minneapolis, MN and serves the Twin Cities. Location is negotiable.
Dueling Ads: Gore Group v. Conservatives on Clean-Energy Fight
Repower America, the clean-energy advocacy group launched to promote Al Gore’s plan to power the U.S. with renewable energy, is aiming its advertising salvoes mainly at the heartland.
Academy for Global Citizenship
The Academy for Global Citizenship is a unique Chicago Public Contract School, located on the Southwest side of Chicago. Our mission is ambitious yet simple: to empower and nurture children with a broader understanding of the world around them and the positive role they can play in it.
Help Julianne Hough find 100,000 Playspaces in 100 Days!
Julianne Hough wants your help finding every playspace in America. For each valid playspace you add to our database, she'll donate $1 to your cause — and you'll be entered to win great prizes, including a trip for four to meet Julianne!
This video will guide you through the use of the KaBOOM! Playspace Finder and how you can help Julianne Hough find every playspace in America!