Joker Ent Studio Closing Down
Closing the studio down
We are finally closing our doors this year around September 2024. I've been recording for a living since Jan 2004 and it has truly been a blessing! Also a lot of responsibility. My cousin told me a long time ago that I would have one of the most prominent studios in Little Rock Arkansas. That I would record all types of artists, including Major artists. I couldn't see it then but looking back on it i realize that I've hat the opportunity to work with thousands of artists local, regional and Major! It all started with walking out of my 2 jobs at the time. Definitely been a blessing and a major learning lesson.
If you have ever worked with me/us in any form or fashion I'd like to personally say "Thank You".
If you need or would like your old files with us feel free to book via the link below. It gives me to allocate the time to locate your files and to get them exported so that I can send them over.
To learn how to record yourself or produce with my training program, before September 2024, here's the link for that as well.
Much love to you all! Stay Blessed. Learn to love yourself and then share that love with the people around you and the world!