#Pathology of Idiopathic #PulmonaryFibrosis Assessed by a Combination of Microcomputed Tomography, Histology, and Immunochemistry. FREE Editor's Choice article is the latest in AJP's new category of #MachineLearning, #ComputationalPathology, and Biophysical Imaging. From authors at University of British Columbia, Kyoto University, Yale School of Medicine, KU Leuven, and Mayo Clinic. https://ajp.amjpathol.org/article/S0002-9440(20)30412-0/fulltext
[3D reconstruction of connection between conducting airways (pink) and honeycomb region (orange) in human IPF sample.]
A look back at the images that were featured on the cover of The American Journal of Pathology in 2019. #pathogenesis #liverpath #osteopath #renalpath #machinelearning #gynpath
'X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography for Nondestructive 3D X-ray Histology' is the latest article in AJP's new topic category - #MachineLearning, #ComputationalPathology, and Biophysical Imaging. FREE from authors at University of Southampton and University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust.
#pathology #histology
[Lung biopsy specimen from patient with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Cooler and warmer coolers denote smaller and larger structures, respectively.]
Some of the featured cover images from the 2016 issues of The American Journal of Pathology.