WBPI TV 49 WBPI - TV 49 is a viewer supported Christian Broadcast Station dedicated to providing inspirational

WBPI TV-49 is a Christian television station dedicated to changing lives and reaching the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Today on Club 36 our guest is Dr. Larry Carnes, Larry Carnes Ministries. Get ready for a powerful life changing program!

Contact Information:

Dr Larry Carnes
[email protected]

Watchmen Broadcasting is a viewer supported Christian TV Station that brings you powerful, uplifting programming. Listed below are ways you can support Watchmen Broadcasting.

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It is character development time.

It is character development time.

This we begin the book of Shemot (Names). This is the book we call Exodus. Here we have the origin story of Moses. Moses finds out he is actually a Hebrew. He then sees an Egyptian beating a Hebrew. Moses then looks around and sees no one is around him then he kills the Egyptian. Moses then buries the Egyptians body in the sand. The next day Moses sees 2 Hebrews arguing and stops them. They then ask him if he is going to kill them as well. Moses realizes people know what he has done. He becomes fearful and runs away from Egypt.

Moses then heads to Midian where he sees a group of female Shepards who were trying to water their sheep. They were chased off by other Shepards. Moses sees this and rescues the girls and draws out water for the sheep. These lady Shepards were the daughters of the Priest of Midian Reuel also know as Jethro. Here Moses is welcomed in given a wife and trained in the ways of God. Have you every wandered how Jethro knew God? To understand this we have to go back to Genesis 25.

Genesis 25:1-2 NLT
“Abraham married another wife, whose name was Keturah. She gave birth to Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah.”

We also learn in this chapter Abraham dies at 175 years old. Sarah dies at 127 years which made Abraham 137 years old when she died. Abraham lived 38 years after Sarah’s death. He married another woman named Keturah who gave Abraham 6 sons. One of those sons were Midian. Jethro is a the Priest of Midian a direct descendant of Abraham. Abraham trained all his children in the ways of God.

Moses spent 40 years learning the ways of the world. He began to feel a pulling towards his calling. He approached it the world’s way and killed a man. Moses then runs into the wilderness and ends up in Midian. Where God ordained his footsteps. Moses was a righteous man and God laid out his footsteps back to a relative who would teach him who he really is. Moses was trained by Jethro for 40 years before he has an encounter with God. Moses was trained year for year in the world and by the Priest of Midian. After being trained to be a Shepard now God is telling Moses it is now the time to fulfill your calling. Moses it is time for you to Shepard 2 million people in the wilderness.

Now you may have felt a pulling from your calling. You may have gotten ahead of God. It is ok. Now is the time to work on your character development. Now is the time to be trained in the ways of God. Become the best version of yourself. Invest into yourself in this season. Now look at our recent history. We had a man who is extremely intelligent in the ways of the world who has a calling to be the president of the United States. His 1st term he did it the way the world told him how to do it. He followed the world’s advice on who to put in his cabinet. Bad decision cost him from serving a second consecutive term. He spend 4 years in a character developing season with trials and court cases. He weathered the season of attacks. Now after seeing how the world works he now is not taking the world’s advice on who to put in his cabinet. He is leading from a new position this time. He is ready to lead the US through the wilderness to the Promised Land. Are you ready to follow? Are you mature enough to not complain? This year has the potential to be your best if you are mature in the ways of the Lord.


Today on Club 36 our guests are Kathleen Cox and Kamran Yareai. Our music guest is BJ Harris. Get ready for a powerful life changing program!

Contact information:

Kamran Yareai
KS Movement

BJ Harris
[email protected]

Watchmen Broadcasting is a viewer supported Christian TV Station that brings you powerful, uplifting programming. Listed below are ways you can support Watchmen Broadcasting.

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Our Prayer lines are open 24 hours a day. Call 803-278-3618to have someone pray and come in agreement with you now.

God is asking you to make an oath. We are at the end who will you serve?

God is asking you to make an oath. We are at the end who will you serve?

We finished the book of Genesis this week. Jacob is about to die. He blesses Joseph’s sons. He blesses his sons before he dies. We hear about the funeral of Jacob’s and all the details. But before all of this Jacob calls for Joseph and makes him swear not to bury him in Egypt. Joseph swears, but Jacob is not satisfied and tells Joseph to take an oath to not bury him in Egypt.

I don't know about you, but I find it interesting that Jacob makes Joseph promise twice. Jacob had 17 years of influence over Joseph before he was sold into slavery. 22 years later Jacob finds out Joseph is alive. Jacob then has an additional 17 years with Joseph before he dies. Joseph had a father who gave him nice clothes and gave him an education and authority. After being stripped of all these things for 13 years now Jospeh is brought to Pharaoh. After Joseph interrupts Pharaoh’s dreams, Pharaoh is impressed with Joseph. Pharaoh gives Joseph an new name, clothes, a ring of authority, a chain around his neck and a wife. These are all things a father does for his son.

Pharaoh had become Joseph’s new father figure. Now Pharaoh is influencing Joseph as a father does. Pharaoh gave Joseph a new name and identity. Pharaoh also gave Joseph a wife who was the daughter of the Priest of On. Now at Jacob’s death Pharaoh has had 26 years of influence over Joseph. Now Jacob is about to die. Jacob asks Joseph 2 times to swear and make an oath that he will be buried with Abraham and Isaac. Why does Jacob do this? Jacob needs to know who Joseph considers his real dad. Jacob needs to know am I your father Joseph or is Pharaoh your father. Pharaoh represents the world. Jacob represents God. Today we just entered into 2025 and God is asking who is your daddy? Is the world your Daddy, or is God your Daddy? We are about to enter the end of legal time. For those who do not know legal time is 2,000 years from the resurrection of Jesus. Legal time ends sometime between 2026 and 2030. We are at the end of time like Jacob is at the end of life and God is asking who is your Daddy? Today you have to choose.

Time heals all wounds.

Time heals all wounds.

This week Judah offers his life in exchange for Benjamin’s freedom. This is the same brother who convinced his other brothers to sell Joseph into slavery. It has been 22 years since Joseph was sold into slavery. In that time Judah grew up and matured through his experiences with Tamar. Now after Joseph sees the change in Judah he sends everyone, but his brothers away. Joseph breaks down and reveals who he is to them. The brother we’re in shock and speechless. The last time they saw Jospeh the word says they could not even speak peaceably to him.

When Jacob finds out Jospeh is alive he packs up and moves to Egypt. Pharaoh sends wagons and foots the bill for the move. During the move Jacob makes it to Beersheba he offers offering to the God of Abraham and Isaac. This is the place where Isaac made a covenant with Abimelech after being kicked out of his land because of the blessings of God. Now Jacob goes back to Beersheba to honor God. God gives Jacob a word that he will die in Egypt but he will be with his son Jospeh when he dies. God also tells him that his numbers are about to increase greatly.

When Jacob arrives imagine how he remembers the dreams of Jospeh. Now Jacob is brought to the savior of Egypt and by extension the savior of the world at that time. God had a plan to use a vessel named Jospeh to save the world a precursor to His Son who had not yet come. Notice that everything Jospeh went through didn’t change him. It matured him. It helped him grow up. It made him compassionate. It took what was inside of him and amplified it. On the flip side what was in Judah transformed him into being able to usher in the King. What are you going to allow what you are going through to do to you? Will it change you? Will it amplify who you are? The choice is yours.


Today on Club 36 our guest is Perry Stone. Get ready for a powerful life changing program!

Contact information:

Perry Stone
Voice of Evangelism International Ministries

Watchmen Broadcasting is a viewer supported Christian TV Station that brings you powerful, uplifting programming. Listed below are ways you can support Watchmen Broadcasting.

Ways To Give:

PO Box 3618
Augusta, GA 30914

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Our Prayer lines are open 24 hours a day. Call 803-278-3618 to have someone pray and come in agreement with you now.


Today on Club 36 our guests are Chris and Tamara James. Get ready for a powerful life changing program!

Contact Information:

Chris James
[email protected]

Watchmen Broadcasting is a viewer supported Christian TV Station that brings you powerful, uplifting programming. Listed below are ways you can support Watchmen Broadcasting.

Ways To Give:

PO Box 3618
Augusta, GA 30914

call 803-278-3618

TEXT the word GIVE to 833-213-4116

Cash App: $WBPI


Our Prayer lines are open 24 hours a day. Call 803-278-3618to have someone pray and come in agreement with you now.

Don’t give up on your dreams

Don’t give up on your dreams

Last week we read about Joseph’s dreams. They were so obvious no one needed an interpreter. Everyone immediately knew the meaning of both dreams. At the end of last week’s Parashat Joseph interpreted the dreams of the Baker and Cup Bearer. Now this week Joseph will be put in the position to interpret Pharaoh’s dreams.

Notice that all the dreams come in pairs. Joseph’s dreams began with him tying bundles of grain. All of his brothers were there and they were tying bundles of grains too. Then their bundles of grains began to bow down to Joseph’s bundle of grain. This upset the brothers as he was the younger brother. Next Joseph dreams that the Sun, Moon and 11 Stars bowed down before him. This not only upset his brothers, but also his father. Jacob asks will your and your mother and I bow down to you. These dreams were so obvious that no one needed outside help to interpret it.

Next the dreams that are interpreted are for the Cup Bearer and the Baker. The dreams represent the same thing just as the 2 previous dreams. The Cup Bearer dreams of a vine that has 3 branches that begin to bud and blossom. A big cluster of grapes appeared and the Cup Bearer squeezed the grapes into Pharaoh's cup and he served it to him. Joseph tells him that in 3 days the Cup Bearer will be restored.

The Baker then tells Joseph his dream. The Baker has 3 baskets on his head filled with pastries. Suddenly birds came and began to eat the pastries from off his head. Joseph tells him that in 3 days he will be called before Pharaoh and he will impale you and birds will eat your flesh. Exactly what Jospeh said is what happened.

Fast forward 2 years later Pharaoh had 2 dreams no one in his court could interpret. Finally the Cup Bearer remembered Jospeh. Jospeh was brought before Pharaoh and told the 2 dreams. Here are Pharaoh’s Dreams

Genesis 41:15-24
“Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I had a dream last night, and no one here can tell me what it means. But I have heard that when you hear about a dream you can interpret it.” “It is beyond my power to do this,” Joseph replied. “But God can tell you what it means and set you at ease.” So Pharaoh told Joseph his dream. “In my dream,” he said, “I was standing on the bank of the Nile River, and I saw seven fat, healthy cows come up out of the river and begin grazing in the marsh grass. But then I saw seven sick-looking cows, scrawny and thin, come up after them. I’ve never seen such sorry-looking animals in all the land of Egypt. These thin, scrawny cows ate the seven fat cows. But afterward you wouldn’t have known it, for they were still as thin and scrawny as before! Then I woke up. “In my dream I also saw seven heads of grain, full and beautiful, growing on a single stalk. Then seven more heads of grain appeared, but these were blighted, shriveled, and withered by the east wind. And the shriveled heads swallowed the seven healthy heads. I told these dreams to the magicians, but no one could tell me what they mean.””

No one can interpret these dreams except Jospeh. Look at the symbols and numbers of the dream. It is Joseph’s life and the life of his father. For 7 years Jacob worked for a beautiful girl whose name means livestock. Yet Jacob had to work for another 7 years after Laban gave Jacob an unattractive wife. This unattractive wive gave Jacob 7 children, they ate up everything even the beautiful cows. Yet they were still skinny. They were never accepted for who they are. They were alway looked at as the unattractive wife’s kids.

The next dream is the same Pharaoh saw 7 heads of grain on a single stalk that were full and beautiful. Then 7 shriveled heads appeared they were withered from the east wind. These shriveled heads swallowed the beautiful ones. It is the same dream. The 7 years Jospeh worked for Rachel and then tricked into working another 7 years after Laban gave Leah instead. Notice Joseph never asks God the meaning of the dream. It is Jospeh’s and Jacob’s life. These dream’s of Pharaoh are the catalyst to manifest the original dreams dreamt by Joseph. What in your life is God using to give wisdom to people you can influence them? Your story is not just for you. Your trial is not just for your personal growth. It is for people who you will influence in the future. Will you go through complaining, or will you be like Joseph?

It’s never too late to take ownership of your mistakes.

It’s never too late to take ownership of your mistakes.

I encourage you to read this week’s Parashat in as many translations as you can. Read the story of Joseph being sold into slavery specifically verses 37:26-28, 36. Here Judah comes up with the idea to sell Joseph to the Ishmaelites. Read this in the NLT, ASV, NKJ, DARBY, and HCBS. You will notice that I some translations it says that Joseph’s Brothers sold him to the Ishmaelites. Others say that Midianites came by and drew Joseph out of the pit and sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites.

So which is it? Who actually sold Joseph into slavery? The truth is all parties participated in the selling of Joseph. What you need to know is everyone involved came from Abraham. Ishmael was a son of Abraham whose mother was Hagar. Isaac was the choose son of Abraham whose mother was Sarah. Midian was a son of Abraham whose mother was Keturah who Abraham married after the death of Sarah. No matter how you look at it or break it down brothers sold Joseph into slavery. Sons of Abraham from each of his wives participated in selling Jacob’s favorite son Joseph into slavery.

Ishmael was sent away when he was young to protect Issac. Before Abraham died he gave everything to Issac and gave gifts to his other sons and sent them away from Issac. We have Jacob’s sons who see there is a preferred son just as Abraham’s sons saw Issac was preferred. History repeats itself. Now all the brothers are getting what they feel is vindication.

When Joseph’s brothers return home they present Joseph’s coat covered in goats blood to Jacob. The brothers ask Jacob one question is this your son’s coat or not? When you read it quickly you miss what they are really asking. They know as well a Jacob that it is Joseph’s coat. What they are asking is does this coat really belong to Joseph or should it belong to someone else? Everything backfired on the brothers because Jacob would not engage in the conversation. Jacob immediately mourn and refuse to be comforted for years.

In the next chapter it says at that time Judah moved away. Why did he move away? The brothers blamed him for the mourning of their father. It was his idea to sell Joseph. Judah has disgraced himself and the next story is about him being restored to the family for taking ownership of his actions. Today you may be an outcast. You just have to take ownership of your mistakes. Today I pray you have the courage to be restored it is never to late.


Today on Club 36 our guests are Bill Harrell, Evangelist Paul Tripp and Julie Tripp. Our music guest is Evangelist Paul Tripp. Get ready for a powerful life changing program!

Contact information:

Paul Tripp
Global Cry Ministries

Watchmen Broadcasting is a viewer supported Christian TV Station that brings you powerful, uplifting programming. Listed below are ways you can support Watchmen Broadcasting.

Ways To Give:

PO Box 3618
Augusta, GA 30914

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Our Prayer lines are open 24 hours a day. Call 803-278-3618 to have someone pray and come in agreement with you now.

Has God changed your name?

Has God changed your name?

Isaac moved from Gerar and settled in Beersheba after dispute after dispute. The people of Gerar began to hate Isaac because of the favor of God on his life. Gerar means rolling hills which is great for livestock. Beersheba means the oath or well of the oath. This is the location Isaac lived in when Jacob deceived him. After Jacob’s deceit, Rebekah tells Isaac she has had enough of the Canaanite Women. Isaac then calls for Jacob and blesses him and tells him to go to Paddan-aram and marry one of your uncle Laban’s daughters. Paddan-aram means the highland.

Jacob lived in the highland for 20 years. During this 20 year period of time Laban changed Jacob’s wages 10 times. Laban changed the wages for his daughters. He changed the wages for the live stock. After being taken advantage of for 20 years Jacob leaves on the high ground. Jacob had been humbled.

When Jacob leaves he come to Galeed which mean witness. Here is where Laban catches up with Jacob. Here they have a disagreement and Jacob unleashes on Laban for the 20 years of abuse. Here they make a covenant by Mizpah which means watchtower. The covenant they made will be watched over by God Himself.

Jacob then goes to Jabbok and crosses over the Jabbok River. He divides his camp after he hears Esau is coming with 400 men. After everyone crosses the river Jacob is left alone. A man appears and He and Jacob wrestle until the dawn. Some say Jacob wrestled God Himself, others say it is an Angel. There is also another group that say Jacob fought himself. What if everyone one is right? Ever watch the movies where someone has a dream and they end up in a fight with a version of themselves. What if God sends an Angel that takes on the appearance of Jacob? Jacob now has to confront himself about his actions. Jacob as he wrestles the Angel the Angel realizes he is not going to win so he dislocated Jacob’s hip. Jacob still refuses to let go. Jacob demands the Angel bless him. The Angel then said “Your name will no longer be Jacob,” the man told him. “From now on you will be called Israel, because you have fought with God and with men and have won.” Jacob then names the land Peniel which means the Face of God.

The river that Jacob crossed Jabbok means to pour forth, empty out, to spread out, depopulate. Jacob finally poured himself out and spread out his family. Jacob was ready to loose his family. Jacob for the 1st time in his life he deals with people and God directly. Because of this change now Jacob walks differently and he was able to keep everything because he was willing to loose it all. What are you willing to give up? Are you ready to have an encounter with God and walk different? He is ready to encounter you.


Today on Club 36 our guests are Greg West, Sherry Tatum and Sandra Onal. Our music guest is Sandra Onal. Get ready for a powerful life changing program!

Contact information:

Greg West
WATC TV57 Atlanta

Watchmen Broadcasting is a viewer supported Christian TV Station that brings you powerful, uplifting programming. Listed below are ways you can support Watchmen Broadcasting.

Ways To Give:

PO Box 3618
Augusta, GA 30914

call 803-278-3618

TEXT the word GIVE to 833-213-4116

Cash App: $WBPI


Our Prayer lines are open 24 hours a day. Call 803-278-3618to have someone pray and come in agreement with you now. Sent from my iPhone


Today on Club 36 our guest is Pastor Nick Hill. Music guest is Pastor Nick Hill. Get ready for a powerful life changing program!

Watchmen Broadcasting is a viewer supported Christian TV Station that brings you powerful, uplifting programming. Listed below are ways you can support Watchmen Broadcasting.

Ways To Give:

PO Box 3618
Augusta, GA 30914

call 803-278-3618

TEXT the word GIVE to 833-213-4116

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Our Prayer lines are open 24 hours a day. Call 803-278-3618 to have someone pray and come in agreement with you now.


This week we begin the Jacob Esau story. Isaac married Rebekah when he was 40 years old. Rebekah was barren and Isaac prayed on her behalf and she became pregnant and gave him 2 sons when he was 60 years old. From day one Jacob and Esau were 2 nations fighting in the womb. As the boys grew up Esau who was the 1st born became a great hunter. Jacob had a quite temperament more of the stay at home type. One day Esau came home exhausted after being in the wilderness he saw Jacob cooking a pot of stew. Esau demanded Jacob give him some of the stew. Jacob said only if he would sell him the birthright. Esau sells his birthright for a pot of stew. The Bible then tells us that Esau showed contempt for the birthright.

Later we learn Esau followed in his father’s foot steps and married at age 40. “At the age of forty, Esau married two Hittite wives: Judith, the daughter of Beeri, and Basemath, the daughter of Elon. But Esau’s wives made life miserable for Isaac and Rebekah.” Again Esau shows contempt for the birthright. Esau marries Canaanite women not blood relatives.

Jacob then deceives Isaac and steals the blessing from Esau. Isaac blesses Jacob with the blessing of the 1st born. Esau shows up shortly after Jacob received the blessing. Esau prepares the meal Isaac asked for and brings it to him. Esau presents himself to Isaac and Isaac begins to tremble as he realized what Jacob had done.
Esau vowed to kill Jacob because of this deception. Rebekah tells Jacob to flee to his uncle Laban. Rebekah then tells Isaac she is tired of the local Hittite women. She tells Isaac she would rather die than see Jacob marry one of these women.

Genesis 28:1-4
“So Isaac called for Jacob, blessed him, and said, “You must not marry any of these Canaanite women. Instead, go at once to Paddan-aram, to the house of your grandfather Bethuel, and marry one of your uncle Laban’s daughters. May God Almighty bless you and give you many children. And may your descendants multiply and become many nations! May God pass on to you and your descendants the blessings he promised to Abraham. May you own this land where you are now living as a foreigner, for God gave this land to Abraham.””

After this blessing from Isaac Esau changes. He realizes he has an issue and how he despised the birthright. He immediately goes to Ishmael and marries one his daughters. Esau goes to family to find a new wife.

Now in the news this week in the Middle East we have brothers fighting again. Nations are fighting nations. They all are related. They all come from Abraham. In Syria a group of rebels have risen up and taken over several cities. These rebels are ISIS and Al-Qaeda. They hate Israel (their brother) they also hate Iran (their brother) the Palestinians agenda (their brother). They all hate each other. Israel is like Jacob they were home bodies keeping to themselves until October 7. Esau and Ishmael came from the wilderness despising what God has given then. They are not happy they are full of hate. They do not realize who they are. They are trying to take what is not theirs so they can take back the birthright they 1st despised. We are watching a family feud that is centuries in the making. What has God given you that you have despised? It is time for you to accept your birthright.


Today on Club 36 our guests are Pastor Regis and Dr Jody Andrews, AGAPE Ministries Worldwide and Scott Covington. Get ready for a powerful life changing program!

Contact Information:

Pastor Regis Andrews
Dr Jody Andrews
AGAPE Ministries Worldwide
[email protected]

Watchmen Broadcasting is a viewer supported Christian TV Station that brings you powerful, uplifting programming. Listed below are ways you can support Watchmen Broadcasting.

Ways To Give:

Po Box 3618
Augusta, GA 30914

Call: 803-278-3618

TEXT the word GIVE to 833-213-4116

Cash App : $WBPI


Our Prayer lines are open 24 hours a day. Call 803-278-3618 to have someone pray and come in agreement with you.

Are you kind?  Would God choose you as His Son’s Bride?

Are you kind? Would God choose you as His Son’s Bride?

This week we read about the death and burial of Sarah. We also read about the death of Abraham and his other children by Keturah. Between these 2 deaths we have Isaac marrying Rebecca. There are mysteries in plain sight about the Bride of Christ in chapter 24 of Genesis. Abraham (the Father) sends out his most trusted servant Eliezer (Angels) to his homeland and to his family to find a bride for his son. God is looking for a Bride for His Son who is family. He is not looking for outsiders. He is not looking for the world.

Eliezer goes to Abraham’s home land to his family and asks God to show kindness to his master. Eliezer asks God to have the lady he asks for water to offer to water his camels as well. God is looking for compassionate people who are hard working to be the Bride for His Son. After Rebecca watered Eliezer’s camels he gives her a gold ring for her nose and 2 gold bracelets. He then asks her who her parents are and if there is room for him and his camels for the night. Rebecca tells Eliezer who she is and that they have plenty of room and straw to host Eliezer for the night.

Laban comes running when he sees the gold given to Rebecca. Laban is focused on the gifts not the giver of the gifts. Rebecca is set apart from her family. She is kind and a hard worker. Notice how Laban goes and invites Eliezer in, but makes Eliezer do all the work of taking care of the camels and his men who traveled with him. At this point Eliezer changes the narrative. He focuses on the wealth of Abraham and not kindness. Eliezer has to pull Rebecca out of her family (the world). She has been set apart. Rebecca’s family desired to keep her 10 more days before they let her leave with Eliezer. 10 is the number of testing. Eliezer refused the 10 day request and said he needed to head back to his master with Rebecca. Rebecca’s family leaves the decision up to Rebecca. She says she will go immediately with Eliezer to meet Issac. The world will try to hang on to you and keep you from what God has for you. You have to have wisdom and discernment to know when to walk away.

Are you kind and hardworking? Are you focused on the one giving the gifts instead of the gifts? Are you ready to go at a moments notice to the one you were created for? Are you so focused on leaving this world you have become lazy in the things of God? You are here not to survive and leave this world. You are here to transform this world. When the work is done God will send for the Bride for His Son. There is a lot of work yet to be done.


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