Another great issue has just been released with Intellect and Joseph Hancock for our journal! We want to thank all those listed below who contributed! Drexel Westphal College of Media Arts & Design Drexel University should take note on this cultural landmark!
‘“Here comes the (Turkish) bride”: American consumer culture and theTurkish bridal industry’ by Annessa Ann Babic, Independent Researcher and Tanfer Emic Tunc, Hacettepe University
'Maternity swimwear: A tool of female agency’ by Elizabeth Anne Weigleand Katalin Medvedev, University of Georgia
‘Knitting masculinities: How men are challenging masculinity andneedlework in a post-pandemic age’ by Judith Bayer, Massey University
‘Indonesian women’s preferences regarding robe: Naisha Hijrah’sproduction matches future customers’ desires’ by Sumiyana Sumiyanaand Andhika Oktafatria Prasetya, University of Gadjah Mada
‘Garment fit expectations as determinants of men’s ready-to-wear businessapparel purchase decisions: The personal appearance revelation’by Philné Lundie, Mariette Strydom, Elizabeth Kempen and RejoiceTobias-Mamina, University of South Africa
‘Promoting upcycling fashion through DIY tutorials amongst ThaiGeneration Z’ by Smith Boonchutina, Ruja Lertjaruphattra, SaritaUkoskit, and Tanat Yompuck, Chulalongkorn University
‘Exploring young consumers’ perceptions towards sustainable practicesof fashion brands’ by Lauren Copeland, Kent State University
'Effects of recreation of subcultures on social media on theinter-subculture community, and intra-subculture community individuals’by Rasika Bhoj, Rita Thapa, and Aritrika Roy Chowdhury, Symbiosis Institute of Design
‘Hashtags for on Instagram: Examining hashtag utilization andcustomer engagement’ by Jinyoung Jinnie Yoo, Gachon University
‘How do fashion YouTubers and viewers experience social support?’ byYusun Her and Jaehoon Chun, Seoul National University
‘Understanding the role of retail therapy (RT) on body shame, weightpreoccupation and body mass index (BMI)’ by Simar Goyal and Jeong-JuYoo, Baylor University
‘Living the dream: Executives’ strategic decision-making and the interdependenceof “pure” luxury and masstige’ by Erik Roeraas, Harrisburg University of Technology and Science and David Loranger, Sacred HeartUniversity
‘Archiving sartorial narratives from India: An interview with AnweshSahoo’ by Akash Sajikumar, National Institute of Technology,Tiruchirappalli
‘Thailand Fashion Week, Spring/Summer 2023, Bangkok, 29–30November 2022’ by Ali Khan, Virginia Commonwealth University, Qatar
Finally, we have our outstanding book reviews by Payton Becker, Universityof Rhode Island, Amy Dorie, San Francisco State University and Eric Ping Li,University of British Columbia.