SCHOOL ASSAULT: Edmond Police say the boy in yellow was given a municipal summons for Assault after this happened between two students at Santa Fe High School. The case will be handled by the City Attorney’s office. **GRAPHIC LANGUAGE WARNING**
SCHOOL STATEMENT: “The incident took place Monday, February 25th, the start of Santa Fe’s Double Wolf Dare Week, a series of assemblies, night events, sports tournaments and other events organized and staged to raise money toward the annual fund-raising goal. On the 25th, students were allowed to contribute a dollar to the fundraising cause in exchange for a pass to wear headgear to school, which is typically not allowed in school facilities during the school day.
In the video, a student is seen confronting a classmate who is wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat and carrying a “Trump” flag. The student then proceeds to grab the flag and knock the hat off of his classmate’s head.
Given that hats were allowed at school yesterday as part of the week-long fundraising events, there was no specific dress code violation. The student’s choice to grab a classmate’s property and knock his hat off did, however, violate the school’s discipline policy. In response, Edmond Santa Fe High School administrators, working simultaneously with Edmond Police, addressed the incident with swift and immediate disciplinary action.
The school district honors students’ First Amendment rights, but must at the same time be vigilant in teaching and supporting students as they learn how best to respectfully express their opinions.”
Oklahoma Politics and You talking about State Question 755
Host Steve Byas and Rep. Paul Wesselhoft (R, Dist. 54 Moore/South OKC) talking about SQ 755
Oklahoma Politics and You: Special Guest Tim Gillespie
Special Guest Tim Gillespie, Director Oklahoma Second Amendment Association (OK2). 918.844.4243 P.O. Box 762, Drumright, Oklahoma 74030.
One special tech note: right before taping, one piece of our sound gear went down. so the audio will need to be turn up on your compute. Good news is that its in now fix.