November is a good month to start planning for the next year. I'm working on doing this myself for Cimmeron Studios and to do that, I have been really thinking about my business, what I offer and how best to let people know how I can help them and their businesses.
I had some feedback recently from a client (and great friend) who told me that my website didn't really match what I offer clients. After getting over the NO WAY of my first reaction, I saw that she was right.
I've done some updates to the entire site and while doing that, I got a clearer idea of what I WANT to offer potential (and current) clients. I'm feeling really good about it. #clarityispower
I realized that my 'super power' is all things tech - I can build it, fix it, troubleshoot it... Also, because I get how the whole thing works together, I can plan and organize like cRaZy! There's a lot of tech related info bouncing around in my brain.
Part of what I want to offer are tips for clients, friends, potential clients and just whoever needs it - that are business tips but really, could be considered LIFE tips, as well.
This month, I'm going to be posting a new business / life tip daily starting on Monday (yea, I'm a bit late getting started, story of my life LOL).
Keep an eye out here starting Monday! #businesstips #smallbusinesstips