We wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! May you have a wonderful and safe celebration with your loved ones.
R. J. Corman Railroad Group 50th Anniversary Employee Video
In 2023, R. J. Corman celebrates 50 years. Half a century of successes and growth. All due to Rick Corman's unstoppable drive and countless people who contributed to what we are today. This video was presented to long-time employees and friends of the company as a token of appreciation for their contributions and as a tribute to our beginnings, our many accomplishments, and our bright future during a special celebratory dinner. To learn more about R. J. Corman's Founders' Dinner, please click the link below.
This week we officially started operations at the Raleigh and Fayetteville Railroad (RFCC), R. J. Corman Railroad Company's 19th short line! We look forward to working alongside our business and community partners in the region.
KXCG's Inaugural Shipment
As of Saturday, February 26, we officially welcomed our 18th short line and assumed the operations of Knoxville and Cumberland Gap Railroad (KXCG). Today, we are thankful to celebrate its inaugural shipment. We look forward to working alongside industries, local officials, and the community for the area’s economic development.
Wishing everyone in our communities around the country a merry Christmas and a happy holiday season!
Pictured: the decorations on the front gate of our office campus in Nicholasville, KY.
We hope everyone had a happy and safe Independence Day!
Thanks Nicholasville Fire Department for the fire extinguisher training today! #thinksafety #safetyfirst