There are 2 kinds of business owners. Those who have the time for social media but not the know how. And those who know how but don’t have the time. I have both. Let’s work together? #socialmediamanager #localbusiness #niceville #smallbusiness #makeyourownkindofmusic #nicolascage #pedropascal
Today I am both incredibly excited and nervous at the same time.
That is because today I’m announcing something every American strives to say,
“I’ve started my own business.”
Over the past 3 months, I’ve taken on multiple clients in order to prepare you for this announcement. My goal was simple, I saw a need no one else was meeting (or doing well), and I created an answer to the need.
So what is it?
Well it’s what you’re doing right now. Social media. Social media, done right.
Small businesses, churches, organizations- if you’re a leader in those areas you already KNOW social media is important, but you don’t have the TIME.
Social media can be scary, tricky, and overwhelming. And going to a big consultant firm will cost you thousands of dollars a month, and an intern will generate underperforming results.
Not me. And I’ve got the history to prove it.
So what’s it called?
It’s called SBM- Small business media. And you can reach me at [email protected] or just message me here.
I’m going to connect you to everyone
I was so excited to get started, that I already did, and my clients are happy. I’m happy.
This doesn’t come without planning, preparation, and prayer. But it does come out of a passion to help others.
Let me help you. I’m good at it.