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A protest disrupted the Newton Teachers Association campaign rally for Bill Humphrey, but this man's rendition of Bruno Mars saved the day's vibe. Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend, everyone.
Alan Mannarino plays Taps at the Memorial Day ceremony, at the grave of his uncle, Army Staff Sgt. Frank Mannarino, who fought in World War II.
Ukrainian opera singer Olga Lisovska performed at the Hyde Center this afternoon. Here's a sample.
Hey all,
Where is the highest point in Newton (with a clear view for the eclipse)? —Bryan, editor
Holly Ryan, former Ward 8 city councilor, speaks at Bill Humphrey's campaign launch for state representative.
Hi all, as we head into this election season, just want to note that the Newton Beacon does not endorse candidates, as we are independent and nonpartisan.
Hi all, question: Where would you say are the best places in Newton to see next month's total eclipse? It's going to be at around 3:30, so need a place with visible afternoon sun.