It's pretty amazing how time flies when you're busy. We have constantly been working on the oral history project for the Virginia War Memorial. We are on the downhill hump, but there's still at least a few more months until we are totally finished converting, transcribing and duplicating the first 600 interviews. The group we're working in now is predominately World War II. A lot of fascinating little tidbits that don't make it in the history book. Did you know the battle cry of the men at HIckam Air Force Base in Hawaii after the attack on Pearl Harbor was, "Remember the Snake Bar," after the watering hole was destroyed by a Japanese bomb. As we get ready to leave for the SEMC meeting in Louisville, Sherri is transcribing the story of a female resistance fighter in Belgium. Oh, one more note about SEMC. We'll be introducing our capability to do 360-degree virtual tours. More to come.