It has been a fantastic 6 years at ZimSkillet, and we have loved serving the characters in Newborn. As most of y’all know, I (Paul Z) was in a motorcycle crash in November of last year. I have been hoping that I would recover to 100% and be able to resume my normal schedule of working and running the BBQ restaurant. It is apparent that I will not recover fully; Sadly, I cannot be on my feet all day and do all that it takes to do what I love at ZimSkillet. Thus, we are closing the restaurant. I have to be fair to our staff and my wife, Laura, who have done so much heavy lifting for me since last November. I am so thankful to Judy and Cody who have been working so hard to keep the Skillet open; no words can say Thank You enough.
And a huge Thank You to all of Newborn for all the support and a great 6 years. Newborn is truly a “Town of Characters”, and we love you all!