Growing Up in Newark, NJ.
August 21st is National Senior Citizens Day, and we're celebrating by sharing personal stories of growing up in Newark in the 1950s and 1960s. These stories, recorded on the Newark Story Bus with our Newark neighbor Audible, take us through nostalgic childhood memories, with ancestors' voices echoing and bygone days replayed.
A child remembers a housing project long since demolished; a high school basketball player gets noticed by Newark's first Black mayor; a student walkout marks the beginning of a long political career. The accounts are infused with hope and aspiration, painting a vivid picture of a more innocent time before the city faced challenges like the uprising and disinvestment took over the narrative. Through this reminiscing, we get a clearer understanding of Newark's past and present.
This oral history project is a collaboration between Newest Americans and Inside Audible. Audible, which is proudly headquartered in Newark, brought the Newark Story Bus team to collect these stories at a Senior Celebration for the Holidays, hosted in partnership with LaMonica McIver.
#NationalSeniorCitizensDay #newark #storytellers #oralhistory #seniors #elders #stories #audible #unitedparksasone
Talking Eyes Media Audible Rutgers University—NewarkNew Jersey Performing Arts Center (NJPAC)City of Newark, NJ - City Hall Old Newark Growing up in Newark, NJ SCUDDER HOMES FAMILY Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation The Newark Museum of Art Newark Arts Newark Public Library Newark History Society NDD Virtual Events Newark Happening Newark City Parks Foundation, Inc. Newark News & Story Collaborative
The #NewarkStoryBus recorded #Newark artist @bisawashington at Halsey Festival 2023.
Meet Newark artist Bisa Wendy Washington, the 6th and final feature in our series of Newark stories related to the Great Migration. Bisa's family migrated from Georgia.
“A wise person told me this three years ago. You must have a port… this is my port. I'm always going to come home again. I love Newark.”
In this series we share stories that show how Newark was transformed by the Great Migration, when 6 million African Americans left the South and headed North between 1910 and 1970. These stories are not part of the distant past, but present in the neighborhoods, art, music, food and culture of Newark.
The Newark Story Bus has collected hundreds of photographs and stories of the people of Newark to document and honor the past, present and future of our migrating identities.
Newest Americans is a collaborative project between Rutgers University Newark and Talking Eyes Media
➡️Bisa Wendy Washington's story was recorded at Halsey Festival 2023
➡This series was made possible by the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation
#newark #newarkstorybus Rutgers University—Newark Rutgers University—Newark Honors Living Learning Community at Rutgers University Newark Department of Africana Studies at Rutgers-Newark