Cidade Delas na TV Record 📺🎬
O @recordtvamericas destacou nosso documentário Cidade Delas, que conta as histórias inspiradoras de empreendedoras brasileiras nos Estados Unidos🌟
Na reportagem, o diretor compartilha mais sobre o propósito do projeto e dá alguns spoilers dos planos incríveis que estão por vir!
Aperte o play e confira! 🎥
#CidadeDelas #EmpreendedorismoFeminino #SummitFilms #Documentário #JornalDasAméricas #TVRecord #DocumentarioFeminino #EmpreendedorasBrasileirasnosEUA
@felipestefanoni veio compartilhar sua experiência de fazer parte do documentário The Business Titans! ⚡️🎬Produzido pela @thesummitfilms , esse documentário revela as histórias de empresários brasileiros que estão construindo verdadeiros impérios nos Estados Unidos.Felipe, é uma honra ter você nesse projeto. Obrigado por embarcar nessa jornada com a gente! 🚀#SummitFilms #TheBusinessTitans #Empreendedorismo #BusinessMen #BrazilianEntrepreneur #FilmProducer #Documentary
⚡️ @felipestefanoni no The Business Titans! O último Titan da temporada, chega nesta terça (26) em um episódio inédito, às 7pm, no canal do YouTube da Summit Films! O famoso Real State que ensina brasileiros a lucrar e fazer bons negócios no Estados Unidos com compra de imóveis, vai chegar com tudo! 🏠💰Se você pesquisa este ramo, certamente já ouvi falar dele! Um homem super engajado, com uma trajetória brilhante e que tem muito o que compartilhar sobre sua história neste documentário. ▶️ Não perca o episódio completo. Se inscreva em nosso canal no YouTube (link na bio).#TheSummitFilms #TheBusinessTitans #BusinessMen #BusinessDocumentary #FilmProducer #BrazilianEntrepeneurEUA
It’s video time! When the Summit Films team comes together, great productions happen 🎥Original projects, high-quality videos, unique storytelling, out-of-the-box ideas, and deliveries that exceed expectations.Learn more about our audiovisual solutions and join the growing list of businesses standing out in their industries.📲 (973) 687-7032#SummitFilms #FilmProducer #AudioVisualProjects #Videos #SocialMediaVideoServices
Tivemos um dia emocionante no Consulado Brasileiro de NY, onde apresentamos o trailer do Herança Real, um documentário especial do Cidade Delas, durante o evento do Dia da Consciência Negra no dia 20/11. ✊🏿👑
Esse projeto especial dá voz a mulheres pretas brasileiras que vivem nos Estados Unidos, abordando o racismo estrutural, suas lutas, batalhas e vitórias. As histórias de cinco protagonistas tocaram o coração de todos presentes, mostrando a força e a resiliência de tantas mulheres 💪🏾🎬
Produzido pela @thesummitfilms , o Herança Real promete alcançar ainda mais pessoas, inspirando e fortalecendo muitas vidas.
Nosso agradecimento a todos que fizeram parte dessa realização – equipe Summit Films, colaboradores, patrocinadores, participantes e ao @isuperio pelo apoio essencial!
Em breve vamos compartilhar mais detalhes desse projeto com vocês! 👸🏾
#HerançaReal #CidadeDelas #DiaDaConsciênciaNegra #SummitFilms #EmpoderamentoFeminino #Resistência
⚡️🛩️ A pilot episode premieres this Tuesday (19th) on The Business Titans! Discover the fascinating story of @capicouto , a visionary entrepreneur who turned his passion for aviation into a successful business in the United States. Get ready for an inspiring journey that shows the sky is not the limit – it’s just the beginning. 🌟🛩️Fernando shares what it was like to build his company from scratch on foreign soil. He reveals the behind-the-scenes of his journey, from the initial struggles to the moment of structuring a company that is now a benchmark in the private aviation sector.With his wife as his right hand in management and a highly qualified team, Fernando demonstrates how values such as trust, excellence, and teamwork are essential for success.▶️ Watch the full story today starting at 7pm on the Summit Films YouTube channel!#SummitFilms #TheBusinessTitans #BusinessMen #Pilots #PilotLife #BusinessDocumentary #FilmProducer #FloridaUSA
⚡️ Rick Almeida’s testimony on participating in The Business Titans documentary!Documenting your story is a milestone for everyone – family, clients, and colleagues. Rick’s episode is amazing and is now available on Summit Films’ YouTube channel (link in bio). ▶️ Watch it!#SummitFilms #TheBusinessTitans #BusinessMen #BusinessDocumentary #FilmProducer #BrazilianEntrepreneur #Massachusetts
⚡️ Rick Almeida's Premiere on The Business Titans Documentary this Tuesday (12).Meet the Brazilian entrepreneur who has conquered the U.S. market with A&H Building Partners. Founder and Vice President. This episode goes beyond Rick's business milestones. It offers a glimpse into his worldview, ambitions, and the values that guide his life and career.Rick shares his desire to be remembered as someone who always strived to act fairly and rightly, both in his personal and professional life. For him, each client and each project represent an opportunity to transform the environment and bring a positive impact to the community.🎥 Testimonies from family, company employees, and the full story, all for you to watch in full.Get ready to be inspired by a story of resilience, dedication, and love for what he does. ▶️ Watch the full episode on Summit Films’ YouTube channel, available from 7 PM!#TheSummitFilms #TheBusinessTitans #BusinessMen #BusinessDocumentary #FilmProducer #BrazilianEntrepeneurEUA
@leodossantos1183 : the final chapter in the story of this great man and businessman premieres this Tuesday (05) on The Business Titans on the Summit Films YouTube channel! ⚡️🎥One of Leo’s greatest legacies is his family. In this second episode, you’ll discover more details about the foundation of his success in life and business.Testimonials from his children, wife, and team highlight the importance of being a good leader, whether at home or in the workplace. What sets a man apart are his values and his ability to provide security for others.The journey behind the man who founded and thrived at @firstclassmarble in the American market was the result of hard work, humility, and wisdom.▶️ Don’t miss the conclusion of this incredible and inspiring story at 7 PM. 🇺🇸 7pm🇧🇷 21h.
@leodossantos1183 on The Business Titans!This Tuesday (29th), catch Part 1 of a two-episode series featuring the inspiring story of Leo dos Santos, a successful Brazilian entrepreneur in the U.S.! ⚡️🎬Leandro, founder of @firstclassmarble , shares the touching journey of his life and the powerful legacy of his father, which he strives to honor in all he does.Hear heartfelt testimonials from his team members and meet Leo’s beautiful family: his wife Angélica and their four children. A true winner in business and in life!▶️ Watch the full episode on Summit Films’ YouTube channel, available from 7 PM!#TheSummitFilms #TheBusinessTitans #BusinessMen #BusinessDocumentary #FilmProducer #BrazilianEntrepeneursWorld
The BTS of @novarealestateluxury reality show! 🎥Every detail counts when building a great story: sharp scripts, strategic camera angles, interesting characters, and of course, a captivating narrative that everyone loves!Our realtors’ reality show, featuring top-notch professionals, is wrapping up filming.Business, teamwork, and luxury home sales like you’ve never seen before! Stay tuned, it’s turning out amazing! 🔥🚀#SummitFilms #RealityShow #BehindTheScenes #LuxuryRealEstate #RealStateRealityShow #Realtors #FilmProducer
The Business Titans - nesta terça (22) conheça o @theodorelewisusa , o brasileiro que se tornou um empresário de referência nos Estados Unidos! 🇺🇸 ⚡️Liderando uma renomada clínica de estética em Massachusetts, a @therooseveltcenter sua trajetória de sucesso vai te inspirar a ser inovador, criativo e perseverante. Assista a história completa nesta terça-feira, a partir das 7pm, no canal da Summit Films. Não perca! ▶️ Se inscreva no canal (link na bio). #TheBusinessTitans #SummitFilms #BusinessMen #EmpresariosBrasileirosnosEUA #FilmProducer #BusinessDocumentary