As the first researcher conducting a first of its kind study in High Functioning dëpressïon, I find it powerful to ask those with HFD or who have loved ones with HFD if my work in research resonates and relates to the real world experiences of those with HFD. 🔬Not only did @aprils_hr agree with my work after reading my early drafts of my HFD book but she supported it with the following words📕:“As the mother of @chesliekryst who courageously battled high functioning dëpressïon I deeply appreciate the way this book weaves real stories with compassionate, practical guidance. It’s more than just a guide—it’s a life-changing resource.”Comment “book” and I will send you info on the book and the full episode of this special NEW episode of The Vault where we discuss how to heal from HFD using my book as a resource. 💌🎧📕 Cheslie Kryst Little, Brown and Company
Did you know that I conducted the first of its kind study in high functioning dëpressïon?Trauma and Anhedonia are risk factors as well as feeling like you can’t slow down because you don’t want to disappoint others.When @allisonholker spoke about trauma and being the rock I have seen this in my research. I am glad that people are talking about risk factors so that we can prevent tragedies ❤️🙏🏽You don’t have to do it alone. My resources are here to help educate and bring awareness as well as discuss ways to heal ❤️🩹My heart goes out to the family and friends. Let’s be kind and empathic during these times. Compassionate discussions go a long way and you never know when someone is struggling silently. 🫂Decreasing stigma and allowing people to talk openly about these taboo topics is powerful and important in terms of prevention of tragedies. Allison holker People
Zendaya portrayed Anhedonia so perfectly in this scene about B!polar and how many times you feel Anhedonia in your more dêpressed phase. 😐I am a psychiatrist who regularly works on film and media to help actors portray mental health topics accurately. While I didn’t work on this piece I think that it is very well done. 🎥🎬Many don’t know that with B!polar disorder most of the time you experience deprêssion more than euphoria or Man!a. And this portrayal of the talented Zendaya is spot on!Anhedonia happens when you have a decreased ability to enjoy things you once enjoyed but many people don’t know about this symptom because it’s never explained to them. 🫥Anhedonia is prominent in conditions like trauma, dëpressïon, scïzophrenia and bïpolar dïsorder, as well as sübstance âbuse. 🤔 Zendaya
Are you ready to Thrive in 2025? 🙌🏾I was on a live segment of @sherrishowtv talking about how to make 2025 your best year yet and also discussed why it is so hard for people to stick to their goals. I spoke about my book High Functioning. 📕I challenged Sherri’s audience with a new Mantra “I am not a Human Doing, I am a Human Being!”🎤I explained what Anhedonia is and ways that you can identify it and address it before it leads to High Functioning Depressïon.😐I then went on to discuss the 5 Vs and ways that we can enjoy life because as humans we are built with the DNA to find joy but many of us have lost the ability to access this joy. The 5 Vs helps you to live a happier life. ✋🏽 We talked about practical ways that everyone can plan their joy and start living a happier life today instead of delaying happiness.😁Thank you Sherri Show for having me. It was lovely working with your incredible team and meeting the other notable guests.❤️🙏🏽I can’t wait for you all to Thrive in ‘25!🔥. Sherri Sherri Show
If you love makeup then you should know Balanda Atis. 💄 So much of Black History is unknown.We have changemakers living amongst us who influence our daily choices and lives and we don’t even know their names. We don’t even know they exist. I am trying to change that.🙏🏽In my series on Black Scientists, Black Medical Stories, Black Inventors and Black Doctors, I am honoring Black history because learning about our contributions helps our mental health, wellbeing and self confidence.🙌🏾My daughter wants to be a scientist and I am a scientist and lab owner. I teach her history that doesn’t always make it into history books so now I am going to teach my followers as well. I truly believe that learning about black history is good for black mental health. 👧🏽Did this history surprise you? What should I cover next?👇🏽 #blackhistory
Many people are looking at their bank accounts after the holidays and are like “Why do I spend so much money?!”💵 Some people spend to self soothe and to feel a rush of dopamine-the happy chemical in the brain 🧠 but this is short lived and they go back to feeling anhedonia, lack of plêasure and interest and a sense of blah. In my book High Functioning and in my Happiness Lab research I offer sustainable ways of coping with anhedonia so you don’t seek plêasure in short-lived experiences.
Familial bullying and aggression is one of the ways that families with a narcissistic culture protect their family sovereignty. The threat of outsiders corrupting or diluting their family genetic pool is the underlying unconscious belief that often drives these behaviors.
So much of Black History is erased.In my series on Black Scientists, Black Medical Stories, Black Inventors and Black Doctors, I am honoring Black history because learning about our contributions helps our mental health, wellbeing and self confidence.🙌🏾My daughter wants to be a scientist and I am a scientist and lab owner. I teach her history that doesn’t always make it into history books so now I am going to teach my followers as well. I truly believe that learning about black history is good for black mental health. 👧🏽Did this history surprise you? What should I cover next?👇🏽
People who drain your energy are often closeted mean girls. They hide in plain sight.🫣As a therapist I’ve heard A LOT of stories about mean girls. 👀Personally, I try to surround myself with kindness and when I encounter mean people I try to limit my exposure to them. As someone who lives with high functioning delressïon I know that these type of people gravitate towards those with low self worth due to feelings of inadequacies so I am mindful and keep my distance ✋🏽The best way to deal with unkind people is to set boundaries. When they talk about others in a destructive way don’t engage. 🙅🏽♀️When they criticize you, call them out 📣 by politely letting them know that they are being rude. Try saying “did you mean to say that?” Or “what was your intention in saying that?”Many of them pretend to be kind when they are being mean but this is because they feel deeply unhappy and project this on to those around them.🤔They ask many questions to pretend that they are genuinely interested in what you are saying but they are only trying to get information that they can use against you. 👀They may project shame and guilt on to you to get you to say or do things that are out of your comfort zone so be aware of this in your interactions with them 🚫There mean behavior may escalate as you become more successful and when you experience growth because they cannot be genuinely happy for anyone they perceive as a threat 😳How do you deal with these tox!c individuals? It may backfire when you direct confront them about their meanness because they have a way of playing the vïctim.😩👇🏽This page does not replace or provide your current care.
Fight and flight are not the only symptoms related to PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). Other trauma reactions include Fawn and Freeze. There over 20 symptoms of PTSD and if you don’t display the most common ones a diagnosis may be overlooked. Disclaimer: You may want to consider diagnosis and treatment of symptoms with a licensed medical professional. This page is not medical advice. #trauma