Leo Bottary - What Anyone Can Do: How Surrounding Yourself with the Right People Will Drive Change, Opportunity, and Personal Growth
In What Anyone Can Do, with the help of Leo Bottary’s Year of the Peer podcasts guests (and playful illustrations by Ryan Foland), you’ll discover that if you surround yourself with the right people, you’ll do the things anyone can do far more often. And when you do that, you and the people around you will realize more of what you want out of business and life. It’s that simple. http://bit.ly/2MfMNnJ
Julie Cottineau - TWIST
In this book, Julie Cottineau, former Vp of Brand for Virgin, founder of Brand School and a global authority on impactful and effective branding, shares her unique Twist approach which helps businesses remove their brand blinders and look outside of their categories for actionable insights that build stronger brands and better business results. http://bit.ly/2O6g1Tm
Mike Pierce - Leading at 90 Below Zero
Learning to Lead is critical for success into today’s world. No matter what our title is, pay level, industry or experience, all of us are called to be a leader every day. Leading at 90 Below Zero looks at leadership in a unique way-through the lens of Antarctic history. http://bit.ly/2sgiqBt
A CEO’s Secret Weapon - Frumi Rachel Barr
A CEO’s Secret Weapon offers 10 results-oriented chapters packed with essential techniques every CEO needs to know. http://bit.ly/2EzXOrq
Do It! Marketing - David Newman
Do It! Marketing is a quick read and an encouraging kick in the pants that will reignite your marketing mojo. The underlying premise is that "only action creates results." http://bit.ly/2MxDnUF
Eat Their Lunch - Anthony Iannarino
The first ever playbook for B2B salespeople on how to win clients and customers who are already being serviced by your competition, from the author of The Only Sales Guide You'll Ever Need and The Lost Art of Closing.
Eat Their Lunch is a #CSuite Book Club #MustRead! http://bit.ly/2Oe6RTv
Theresa Rose - Mindful Performance
Mindful Performance is an easy-to-digest how-to book that blends mindfulness and mental mastery techniques with proven high-performance business strategies you can immediately use to realize your true potential at work, at home, and all day long.
Find Theresa Rose's #BestSelling book here: http://bit.ly/2JcYcjn
Sheila Anderson - I.C.U
If you are seeking visibility, I.C.U. will guide you to building an intentional, consistent brand with impact.
Find Sheila A. Moore Anderson's #BestSelling book on #CSuite Book Club! http://bit.ly/2wRf64O
Jack Myers - The Future of Men
In Jack Myers prescient book, TheFuture of Men: Men on Trial, he predicted the current wave of exposure of male harassment, indecency and shame. He also uncovers the subtle and less exposed ways men suffer from the addiction of the negative patriarchy, passed down from generation to generation.
Find his #BestSelling book here: http://bit.ly/2JzXoVF
Joshua Spodek - Leadership Step by Step
Leadership Step by Step is the first book to give you exercises to develop the skills of effective leaders—to develop your vision, speak authentically, attract talent, build teams, inspire people, and support them so they want you to lead them again, and more.
Find Joshua Spodek's #BestSelling book here: http://bit.ly/2xW1XoU
Master the Art of Connecting - Lou Diamond
"Master the Art of Connecting" will inspire you to begin now to channel your short term efforts into long-term returns. Lou Diamond’s approach to establishing and maintaining connections is practical, easy to implement and has a history of success. http://bit.ly/2Jvdgsw
Capture Clients, Close Deals
Turn marketing into business growth. Get the proven 3-step process to attract more leads, gain more clients and, most importantly, increase REVENUE. Find Steve Napolitan's #BestSelling book here: http://bit.ly/2wuHRBJ