TTM Notation As it Relates to Archiving Hip-Hop History ::Dj Raedawn Lecture at New York University
nu lecture øn skratch notation from last month at New York University hosted by the Hip-Hop Education Center. The lecture focuses on archiving Hip-Hop history as it relates to TTM notation, BPM Geometry and LTM : Lyrical Transcription Methodology
TTM World Cup 2020 Skratch Battle ($500 usd for 1st place) Biennial info/Battle Scene Analysis
Our new TTM World Cup dj battle is giving $500usd to this years winner. The beat for the battle will be released on Feb. 22nd. Djs will have between Feb. 22nd and April 22nd to submit their entries to our 1 round elimination competition. The winner will be the dj with the most styles, combos and patterns. So there wont be any subjective judging decisions based upon a judges own personal opinioin of who they like the most. We will count the number of styles of each entry and rank them from greatest number of styles to least number of styles. The top 3 contestants will have their battle routines transcribed into TTM notation along with prizes such as TTM ASCII Character Set, Pmøs_100 - software skratch sampler, the Periodic Matrix of Skratches and the Periodic Matrix of Faderless Skratches. The speed of the beat can be changed within the set (but must play at normal speed for at least a minute) and djs will have exactly 2 to 7 minutes to perform their routine. This is a completely transparent battle so all applicants scores/rankings will be publically posted. Good Luck!!!!!
dj Raedawn - IDA USA 2019 (1st battle set using TTM Skratch Notation Sheet Music) 136 BPM
Here's the actual execution of the TTM score from the last post about Dj Raedawn's skratch notion score for this years IDA USA battle. Congrats to all the contestants! Next week will do a whole lecture on this composition and doing a slow run through of it. We will also be covering a vocoder version of this in the future using the same cuts on the Technics 1210 that we have hooked up to a kaos pad three. The vocoder fucntion will allow the fresh sound to mimic the actual melody of the bassline. This work is a focus on using the same sound as a constant while constantly changing patterns using primairly open fader techniques.
gøød news! We're helping throw the 2019 IDA USA Skratch category battle!!! The deadline is at midnight on November 3rd Pacific Time. Applicants must be U.S. Residents or a U.S. citizen living abroad. All types of turntables, mixers, and faders are cool. Here's the info below .
ATTN:: Turntablists. The IDA USA battle is happening. DEADLINE is Midnight November 3rd pacific time. Download the beat at here are the logistics....judges will be announced this week. Any US can enter. One round elimination.
Upload your submission to Youtube by Midnight Pacific Time on November 3rd with the title "(your dj name) -IDA USA 2019" Submission and email link to skratchnotation at gmail dot com. Winner gets a free Innofader plus more prizes. If you want to judge or sponsor, just contact the email. All tables are cool. Standard 12 inch platters, portables and digital tables.
Official sponsors :: Innofader :: Infinity Faders :: Skratch Society :: 1.2.4-C (One to foresee) ::
Hyper-Drumming cømbø #63:: Scribble Flare skratch w/ a kick, snare, samples, TTM Subtitles(8 sounds)
heres the nu Scribble Flare skratch lecture for our FB page.... Dopez was killin these last year in a sesh he did with Flip Flop...we will post that link below. This cut can brighten up a routine since its super sharp and works well as a slow cut, doubletime or crossrhythm. It uses the same timing as the Chirp-Flare except the chirp is switched with a scribble (or tip) in its place. If you've already mastered the chirp flare and the scribble, this style will be easy to pick up.
Click Scale #2:: 2 Click Orbit(triplet)+4 Click Orbit(triplet)+6 Click Orbit(triplet)+8 tClick Orbit
Heres the fb version of the 2 click to 4 click to 6 click to 8 click orbit practice drill from our youtube. Its important to nøte that these are Triplet clicks, signified by the letter "T", meaning that the clicks divide the sound into bundles of three. The two click flare (orbit) makes 3 equallly spaced sounds for each change of direction while the other ones give the illusion that the sound is being cut into bundles of 3. If you can already do the common 2 click flare labeled on the Periodic Matrix of Skratches as "2TC Orbit" all you have to do is decrease the speed of your vinyl hand so that more click can fit into each change of direction.
Skratch Review: M-Orbit's, 2C Triplet Deletes, Crescent Flares, Chirp-Flares, 3C Orbit &møre
here is the fb upload of all the nu school cuts that we covered in the past few months including the 1C M-Flare (KenOne pattern), 2C M-Flare, 1C Triplet Delete, 2C Triplet Delete (Chinmacine pattern), 3-2C Triplet Delete, 3C Triplet Delete, Chirped Delete (Barret pattern) and some Cross-rhythm combos like the 2(M-Orbit)+.66d Flare combo and some older cuts we've covered in years past. This tutorial also covers 3 click orbits side by side with Crescent Flares, Chirp-Flares and basic Delete skratches (Dj Troubl pattern). The bottom characters in the video thumbnail were typed using TTM ASCII Character Set which is a skratch font that works on all computers, word processing programs and design applications. Right now we're working on a series of new applications that the TTM character set can interact with. This month we will also continue with more hybrids of the Chinmachine series of triplet delete skratches. His most recent video submission to a domestic battle in Russia showed him not only dropping 2C Triplet Deletes but some 4 Click triplet deletes to add to his skratch mayhem. We will put a link to his routine below.
Hyper-Drumming cømbø #60:: "Chinmachine Pattern" w/ a kick, snare, samples & live TTM (10 sounds)
here's the FB versiøn øf the Chinmachine pattern skratch lecture using various drum kits along with lots of øther øl∂ school battle record samples.
:: Here's the breakdown øf the skratch :: it starts with a rub ,followed by a 2 low click push that is twice the length as the rub, followed by a reverse rub, and ending in a 2 high click pull that is twice the length as the rub. This cut can be written as a ".5d Rub + 2loC Push +.5d Rev. Rub + Rev. 2hiC Pull".
Hyper-Drumming cømbø #61:: "Barret Pattern" w/ a kick, snare, samples & live TTM (8 sounds)
here's the FB versiøn øf the Barret pattern lecture using skratch-phonetic breakdowns with TTM ASCII Character Set. The cut is basically a delete skratch with two extra clicks. It starts with a chirp followed by a half flare, followed by a reverse chirp and ending in a reverse half flare. Barret was doing this skratch at about 164 bpm in the final round of the most recent Cut & Paste Records battle...if you try it at this speed you'll see he was going super fast...he may have been twiddling it too so we'll provide the link so that you can see for yourselves. This cut has the same exact hand movment as DJ TROUBL's delete skratch yet uses continuous clicking to convert the rubs into chirps. This cut is great for phrase skratchers since it uses two different parts of a sample for the chirps while using the full sample for both of the half flares. After a few days of practice I was able to reach about 140 beats per minute..which we show in the film. If ur looking to increase ur skratch arsenal, this open fader cut is great cuz it only uses 4 clicks to create 8 sounds.
Secret Link Between 3 Click Orbits & Crescent Flares :: w/ TTM Ascii Character Set™ captions
here's the nu Secret Link btwn Crescent Flares & 3 Click Ørbits lecture frøm last week...The link between the two skratches has been transcribed using TTM ASCII Character Set software inside of final cut pro as seen in the thumbnail før this videø. For those who are looking at the thumbnail, its apparent that 3 Click orbits and Crescent flares have the exact same clicking patterns and thus only differ in the skratch hand movement's cycles. So hand periodicity can be thought of as the infinite realm of faderless movents. So the clicking pattern can be added to the entire Periodic Matrix of Faderless Skratches to make numerous new techniques. Crescent flares are also a cool bridge to closed fader transforming since they basically are a form of open fader transforming. Just ast continuous slices are the same as reverse chirps, the Crescent flare flare would be a closed fader transform if the loops starts with the reverse motion. In this film, these techniques are applied to numerous drum kits and samples.
Hyper-Drumming cømbø #58:: Chirp Flare Skratch using a Kick & Snare (6 Sounds) w/ live TTM
heres the #ChirpFlare using a kick & snare tutorial from last week.....its a very popular skratch with lots of coverage on the net...this one differs in that it focuses on the kick and snare using different kits at a range of modulated speeds. It also includes the #TTM breakdown of the pattern.
Hyper-Drumming cømbø #57:: 2tC M Orbit Skratch using a Kick & Snare (8 Sounds) w/ live TTM
2 Triplet Click M Orbit (full lecture) w/ live #TTM Transcription & Drum Skratching