In geveb: A Journal of Yiddish Studies

In geveb: A Journal of Yiddish Studies In geveb is an online journal of Yiddish Studies.

Annie Sommer Kaufman translates Ben Gold's "Prison Time" (“Teg in turme”) which appeared  in his only short sto­ry col­l...

Annie Sommer Kaufman translates Ben Gold's "Prison Time" (“Teg in turme”) which appeared in his only short sto­ry col­lec­tion Mentshn (1948), as the purges of the sec­ond Red Scare fired up.

“Prison Time," is set during Gold's time in prison following his arrest for participating in the Hunger March of 1932, while he was the pres­i­dent of the Fur and Leather Work­ers Union. The story shows Gold explor­ing his own posi­tion with­in Amer­i­can racial hier­ar­chies and ends with Gold lis­ten­ing to a Black prisoner tes­ti­fy about his life.

Claire Solomon reviews Paula Ansaldo’s “Broyt mit Teater.” Historia del Teatro Judío en Argentina:"Paula Ansaldo’s book....

Claire Solomon reviews Paula Ansaldo’s “Broyt mit Teater.” Historia del Teatro Judío en Argentina:

"Paula Ansaldo’s book... creat[es] for the first time an independent history of Argentine Yiddish theater – entrepreneurial and independent, star-system and collectivist – in all of its complexity."

As Guli Dolev-Hashiloni writes, the new ARD mini-series Die Zweiflers (The Zweiflers), a German TV, depicts the involvem...

As Guli Dolev-Hashiloni writes, the new ARD mini-series Die Zweiflers (The Zweiflers), a German TV, depicts the involvement of four generations of a Jewish family and their involvement in the red-light district in post-Holocaust Frankfurt, and displays their usage of Yiddish as it shifts over generations.

Call for Submissions: Yiddish Science Fiction!!In counterpoint to pervasive popular conceptions of Yiddish as backward-f...

Call for Submissions: Yiddish Science Fiction!!

In counterpoint to pervasive popular conceptions of Yiddish as backward-facing or nostalgic, we invite submissions to a special issue of In geveb on “Yiddish Science Fiction” that looks specifically toward Yiddish futures that touch on themes of science or technology.

As part of this special issue, we are accepting entries for the following sections:

— Blog (reviews, short essays, interviews, etc.)

— Pedagogy (teaching guides)

— Texts & Translations, including for a special contemporary creative writing category of miniyaturn (100-250 word original science fiction “miniature” narratives in Yiddish, with English translations).

Collaboration is permitted. Please note this issue will not include peer-reviewed for academic articles. See our submissions page for section guidelines.

These submissions are due by April 28, 2025.

Special Issue Guest Editors:

Alona Bach
Sebastian Schulman
Dalia Wolfson

We're excited to welcome our new Peer Review Editor, Sarah Ellen Zarrow. Read here about Zarrow and all that she will br...

We're excited to welcome our new Peer Review Editor, Sarah Ellen Zarrow. Read here about Zarrow and all that she will bring to this new role as a historian, a believer in a constructive and generative peer review process, and a long-time supporter of In geveb.

Avinoam Patt reviews "Occupied Words: What the Holocaust Did to Yiddish" by Hannah Pollin-Galay, which examines the tran...

Avinoam Patt reviews "Occupied Words: What the Holocaust Did to Yiddish" by Hannah Pollin-Galay, which examines the transformation in the Yiddish language that occurred under German occupation during the Khurbn. In this "brilliant new book," Patt explains, the readers come to learn that while "the experience of the camps may defy comprehension... we can work towards comprehending its meaning for the so-called civilized world" through thinking alongside how "the ways in which Yiddish-speaking Jews understood, processed, wrestled, and coped with what they were forced to endure."

Kata Gellen reviews Karen Underhill's Bruno Schulz and Galician Jewish Modernity, praising the work for a "dialogical ap...

Kata Gellen reviews Karen Underhill's Bruno Schulz and Galician Jewish Modernity, praising the work for a "dialogical approach" that "reflects a genuine interpretive humility." She explains, "each chapter is dialogical in its own way: a conversation is set up with other literary texts and writers, art works and artists, or religious movements and figures...Thus, rather than beginning from the question of what Schulz’s stories mean for us today, Underhill embeds them in a richly layered cultural-historical context that allows us to grasp what they meant for his Polish Jewish contemporaries," among them Yiddish writers.

We are pleased to present the lat­est install­ment of our annu­al effort to gath­er togeth­er the lat­est publi­ca­tions...

We are pleased to present the lat­est install­ment of our annu­al effort to gath­er togeth­er the lat­est publi­ca­tions rel­e­vant to Yid­dish Stud­ies in English.

Did we miss anything? Let us know and we're happy to add or make corrections.

In geveb is pleased to present a list of trans­la­tions from Yid­dish into oth­er lan­guages, pub­lished in 2024. The tr...

In geveb is pleased to present a list of trans­la­tions from Yid­dish into oth­er lan­guages, pub­lished in 2024. The trans­la­tions list­ed below fea­ture sin­­gle-author books of Yid­dish trans­la­tions in each lan­guage, fol­lowed by a list of indi­vid­ual pieces trans­lat­ed into the same lan­guage, where avail­able. Hyper­links to the orig­i­nal pub­li­ca­tions are pro­vid­ed.

David Mazower, chief curator and writer of Yiddish: A Global Culture, the major new permanent exhibition at the Yiddish ...

David Mazower, chief curator and writer of Yiddish: A Global Culture, the major new permanent exhibition at the Yiddish Book Center, responds to Larry Rosenwald's review of the exhibit:

"I’m particularly encouraged to see how strongly some of our key curatorial decisions resonated with Larry, and I’ll address these and aspects of the broader critique point by point."

A link to Rosenwald's review can be found at the top of this response.

Lawrence Rosenwald reviews Yiddish: A Global Culture, the new core exhibit at the Yiddish Book Center, calling it "terri...

Lawrence Rosenwald reviews Yiddish: A Global Culture, the new core exhibit at the Yiddish Book Center, calling it "terrific: capacious, playful, valuably affirmative" while also offering some points of critique.

Since 2022, the Yid­dish Sof-Vokh UK has offered Yid­dish speak­ers the chance to spend a week­end entire­ly immersed in...

Since 2022, the Yid­dish Sof-Vokh UK has offered Yid­dish speak­ers the chance to spend a week­end entire­ly immersed in mame-loshn. A sig­nif­i­cant amount of prepa­ra­tion and reflec­tion by the vol­un­teers of the Yid­dish Café Trust goes on behind the scenes in order to wel­come new par­tic­i­pants and main­tain a Yid­dish-only svive. Two of the event’s orga­niz­ers, his­to­ri­an M. Syd Rosen and Yid­dish teacher and pup­pet-mak­er Osian Evans Shar­ma sat down to dis­cuss the immer­sive Yid­dish weekend.

Drawing from a kaleidoscopic range of sources in his work, Alex Weiser engages in vibrant dialogue with voices from the ...

Drawing from a kaleidoscopic range of sources in his work, Alex Weiser engages in vibrant dialogue with voices from the past while building innovative sonic worlds for contemporary audiences. Jennifer Rhodes, who teaches and researches interdisciplinary arts with a particular focus on opera, interviews Weiser about his wide-ranging work in Yiddish, opera, and art song.

Image: Alex Weiser, photo credit Annabel Braithwaite

Alison B. Curry reviews Once There Was Warsaw by Ber Kutsher, translated by Gerald Marcus. She writes: "Reading "Once Th...

Alison B. Curry reviews Once There Was Warsaw by Ber Kutsher, translated by Gerald Marcus. She writes:

"Reading "Once There Was Warsaw" is like stepping back in time into prewar Jewish Warsaw, only through the mind of Kutsher, dominated by thoughts and concerns over the world of the Yiddish press... But Kutsher’s memoir also provides incredible insight into how ordinary Jews handled extraordinary moments in history."

Lizy Mostowski reviews "A Real Pain," explaining that the film is less about Poland or Jewishness than it is about the t...

Lizy Mostowski reviews "A Real Pain," explaining that the film is less about Poland or Jewishness than it is about the two main characters’ contrasting personalities and approaches to the experience of heritage tourism.

Jeremiah Lockwood reviews the film Burning Off The Page: The Life and Art of Celia Dropkin, an Erotic Yiddish Poet, dire...

Jeremiah Lockwood reviews the film Burning Off The Page: The Life and Art of Celia Dropkin, an Erotic Yiddish Poet, directed by Eli Gorn:

"Burning Off the Page" is "rich in musical detail" and "features a wealth of photos and home video footage of the poet and her family. These archival images are a delight and revelation..." says Lockwood - although the documentary "provocatively centers the story of Dropkin’s teenage affair with Hebrew poet Uri Gnessin" in a way that is a somewhat heavyhanded attempt at "tying together Dropkin’s life and work into one neat narrative."

We're pleased to present A Taytsh Forum! The editors of the peer-reviewed section of In geveb have invited a group of sc...

We're pleased to present A Taytsh Forum!

The editors of the peer-reviewed section of In geveb have invited a group of scholars working at the frontiers of Yiddish Studies to offer responses to Saul Noam Zaritt's A Taytsh Manifesto. These responses, as varied and complex as A Taytsh Manifesto itself, are followed by a reply from Zaritt.

See the full collection here, with an introduction by Josh Lambert.


New York, NY


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