At a very early date for the American continent, television broadcasts are inaugurated in Cuba
October 14, 1950
Television broadcasting was inaugurated in Cuba at a very early date for the American continent.
During the period before the revolutionary triumph, this new service was intended for a minority sector of the population, mainly in the capital and other important cities. Its programming, with a few honorable exceptions, was characterized by purely commercial objectives.
After his insurrection and Fidel Castro's victory of 1959, Cuban television began to make gradual changes in its programming, in accordance with the transformations that were taking place in society. From then on, it assumed the mission of contributing to the cultural enrichment and ideological preparation of the masses who, in an increasing manner, began to receive the advantages of electricity and the extension of the television signal to the most remote corners of the country.
Today, Cuban television is undergoing a continuous process of artistic and technological improvement aimed at achieving a harmonious qualitative development in the diffusion of the educational, and indoctrination message the government demands.