AI43 Book
American Illustration 43 Book TWO-FER Offer!
For a limited time, buy one, and get one FREE - with a catch - just pay the shipping on the second copy and we'll send it to you, a friend or a colleague.
Order your first book here at the deep discount of just $35+shipping and we'll send details on how to get a second copy for FREE!
Book design by Paul Buckley with Brianna Harden #illustration #illustrator #artdirector #designer #educators #yearsbest #freebook
American Illustration 44 Call For Entries is Open!
Authenticity in art has never been more vital, and it reigns supreme in the American Illustration award annuals as we showcase and celebrate the talents of those who stop at nothing to bring truth, beauty, humor and compassion to publications, campaigns, galleries and personal projects worldwide.
The here and now. Ever more.
Deadline: March 7, 2025
#illustration #callforentries
American Illustration 43 Call For Entries
Final Deadline: March 13, 2024
Get Info and Enter Here:
#moretime #nottoworry #illustrator #artdirector #designer #humankind #callforentries
American Illustration 43 Call For Entries.
Hey, we all get an extra "leap" day today - and we all get more time to enter AI43 CFE. Deadline extended to March 8th! #illustration #artdirector #designer #humankind
The American Illustration image collections celebrate the power and purpose of this vital communications tool – assigned, created and realized as humanly possible.
For 43 years, humankind, all kinds, right here.
The American Illustration 41 Call for Entries is Open!
Last chance today to enter your best work from 2021.
Final Deadline: March 16, 2022*
*The AI41 CFE site will stay Open All Night Wednesday, closing
"first thing" tomorrow morning, Thursday the 17th.
Open to all illustrators near and far. Check your eligibility here.
Be seen. In print and online and motion collections.
Enter your best published or unpublished work from 2021 here.
The American Illustration 41 Call for Entries is Open!
Today is the LAST CHANCE to enter your best work from 2021.
Final Deadline Today: March 16, 2022*
*The AI41 CFE site will stay OPEN ALL NIGHT Wednesday, closing "first thing" tomorrow morning, Thursday the 17th.
Enter Now!
The American Illustration 41 Call for Entries is Open!
March 16, 2022.
Open to all illustrators near and far.
Enter your best published or unpublished work from 2021 here.
Includes the year's best #ANIMATION and #MOTIONGRAPHIC video
in the Int'l Motion Art Awards 10 show. #IMAA10 Enter now #stopmotion #animation #animation
- Featuring more AI40 winners!
LINCOLN AGNEW #lincolnagnew @marlenaagency
KADIR NELSON @kadirnelson #kadirnelson
KARSTEN PETRAT @splitintoone
CALIDA RAWLES @calidagarciarawles
NATALYA BALNOVA @natalya_balnova @natalya_balnova_type
ANGELICA ALZONA @angelicaalzona
MARTHA RICH @martharich63
JOSH COCHRAN @joshcochran
ANNA SOROKINA @annasorokinaart
DAVIDE BONAZZI @davidebonazzi24
DAVID TERRILL @sublime.apparatus
DAVE CUTLER @davecutlerstudio
#design #graphicdesign #graphicartist #illustrationart #americanillustration #drawingart #illustration_best #imaginationarts #ai40 #Illustrator #amerianillustration40 #artdirector #artist #illustration #illustrador #drawer #drawing #designer #compeition #Ilustrações #artistsoninstagram #ilustracion
The American Illustration 41 Call for Entries is Open!
Featuring more AI40 winners! One More Week to Enter!
Deadline Extended To: March 11, 2022.
Enter your best published or unpublished work from 2021 here:
Includes the year's best #ANIMATION and #MOTIONGRAPHIC video
in the Int'l Motion Art Awards 10 show. #IMAA10 Enter now!
- Featuring AI40 winners !
- COLIN MATTHES @colinmatthes
- HOKYOUNG KIM @hokyoungkim_
- DAVIDE BARCO @davidebarco
- MATT WILLIAMS @mattw_illiams
-MARCO MARELLA @marella_makes
- YANN KEBBI @yannkebbi
- ANN KIERNAN @ann_kiernan
- MAX LOEFFLER @max_loeffler_art #maxart
- JOSH COCHRAN @joshcochran
- MATT DORFMAN @matt.dorfman
- JILLIAN ADEL @jillianbadel
- HOKYOUNG KIM @hokyoungkim_
- AMANDA SHAFFER @ahshaffe
#design #graphicdesign #graphicartist #illustrationart #americanillustration #drawingart #illustration_best #illustrationnow #imaginationarts #ai40 #Illustrator #amerianillustration40 #artdirector #artist #illustration #illustrador #drawer #drawing #designer #compeition #Ilustrações #artistsoninstagram #ilustracion
The American Illustration 41 Call for Entries is Open!
Featuring more AI40 winners!
One More Week to Enter!
Deadline Extended To: March 11, 2022.
Enter your best published or unpublished work from 2021 here: