DO YOU HEAR THE CALL OF THE DISCO BALL! Getting ready to open our doors on our little space in #bushwick and soon #minneapolis. If interested in visiting, hit DM #minneapolisblogger #nycblogger#minneapolisinfluencer #brooklyninfluencer #brooklynblogger#nycinfluencer#brooklyncontentcreator #minneapoliscontcreator#nyccontentcreator#brooklynmusician#nycmusician #minneapolismusician #brooklynartist #brooklynchef#minneapolisartist #minneapolischef #nycartist #nycchef
We would love to chat with you about our work...
Since 2000, we have been working on pop up shops, content spaces, experiential events, activations, fashion shows, road trip tours, sampling, production and more.
We are going into 2022 – 22 years working in experiential marketing with two main products: Our content houses that you can sample out of and also create holidays for the creative community and we will be hitting the road again with our RV tour. We would love to travel with you & work with you. From Brooklyn, New York to the West Coast we have options that we would love to share with you.
Groovy things to come in 2022!
#caravan #caravannyc #caravanroadtrip #roadtrip #popup #popupshop2022 #experientialmarketing2022 #contenthouse #contentspace #experientialevent2022 #fashion #fashionshow #caravanfashionshow #productsampling #pr #sampling #2022 #ourstory #womenledbusiness #brooklyn #newyork #ny #nyc #bk #westcoast #la
It can be tricky these days working from home with children, doorbells ringing, and even for me a very loud barking dog...
I am a wife and mom, and I often find myself busy with my responsibilities in my household, taking care of my two dogs, running an Airbnb, working with Caravan Social Club… it can be a lot! My son is 3 and I want to spend as much time as I can with him. That is why I loved the Caravan Road Trip – Tatum was actually able to come along on our tour and even meet some awesome creatives!
So many creatives ask, "Can I bring my child along? Can I bring a friend?". The answer is yes! We want you to be able to have a fun and convenient experience. We want our events to establish an even balance between life and work.
Everyone needs a little break once in a while.... We hope to open the doors to our Content Spaces soon! Bring your family, friends, pets, and partners and enjoy some time to relax, discover cool new brands, and have fun!
Are you interested? Let us know in the comments below what experience you would like to have curated into these spaces!
#momevents #momblogger #newyorkmoms #newyorkmomblogger #brooklynblogger #mommyblogger #momtrends #familyevents #thingstodowithkidsinnewyork #kidactivitiesinnewyork #mombloggers2022 #mominfluencer #mominfluencers2022 #mominfluncerclub #experientialevents #contenthouse #contenthouses2022 #girlstrip #girlsroadtrip #Brooklynmomblogger #newyorkmommyblogger #newyorkblogger #newyorkmominfluencer #newyorkmoms #momclubs #curatedspaces #contentideas2022 #contentevents
Let’s Connect and Collab!
Our goal is to create some fun inspiring experiences in 2022! Do you want to come along for the ride ?
#caravan #caravannyc #contenthouse #contentspace #contenthouse2022 #contentspace2022 #sampling #productsampling #productsamplingideas #fieldmarketing #fieldmarketing2022 #fieldmarketingideas #marketingideas2022 #curated #curatedspaces2022 #socialselling #socialselling2022 #branddiscovery2022 #networking2022 #contentcreation #communitybuilding
In 2021 we got to meet over 100 creatives as we traveled from the East Coast to the West Coast! Thank you to everyone who hopped aboard the Caravan last year!
Look out for our next road trip coming in 2022 as we head to Miami, Salt Lake City, Minnesota, Arkansas, Texas, Montana, Tennessee, and then of course, back to New York! Also, look out for us at the Bitcoin conference in April in Miami! We're so excited!
#rvlife #roadtrippin #girlswhoroadtrip #rv #rvroadtrip #roadtrip #roadtrip2022 #expirientialpr #mobilecontentstudio #newpr2022 #socialselling #experientialmarketing2022 #bitcoin #bitcoinconference2022 #miamibitcoinconference
Caravan Road Trip Day 3
Day 3 was so much fun out in our second state on the tour, Connecticut! Thank you so much to @bartlettarboretum for letting us visit your grounds and greenhouse and teaching us some incredible things!
Produced by @thomasconcordia
Michael from Bartlett was so kind to share this incredible space with us! Stick around to learn more about the Greenhouse when the extended tour video being produced by @thomasconcordia comes out! We can't wait for you all to see the whole interview video!
Special thanks to @rennyhunter_fit and @katethecastaldi for stopping by! We had such a great time with you both!
And of course a thank you to our brand sponsors:
@ibble @lesportsac @velvet_eyewear @everybodywater @sallyeander @bakerly @gillian_trask_jewerly @rejuvaus @ragandco @olivergalart @spoonflower @thenovogratz @grahamandbrown
#caravan #caravanroadtrip #rvroadtrip #roadtrippers #eastcoast #newengland #connecticut #bartlettaboretum #stamford #stamfordct #ctinfluencer #ctphotographer #ctactor #influencersofct #smallbusiness #ctsmallbusiness #smallbusinessct #creatives #ctcreatives
#ibble #everybodywater #velvet #velveteyewear #bakerly #lesportsac #rejuvaus #ragandco #spoonflower #novogratz
Caravan Road Trip Day 2
Here’s Day 2 from our RV tour. Look out for a longer version with video interviews from all these amazing creatives, coming your way before the end of the year ….
Day 2: We traveled to Katonah NY to visit the beautiful, @muscootfarm. We got to meet up with @britt.lyons, @peripateticchef, and the @westchesterblogger and even got in a quick jam session with @ajsmithmusic.
Thanks again to our brand partners:
@ibble @lesportsac @velvet_eyewear @everybodywater @sallyeander @bakerly @gillian_trask_jewerly @rejuvaus @ragandco @olivergalart @spoonflower @thenovogratz @grahamandbrown
#caravan #caravanroadtrip #rvroadtrip #roadtrippers #nextstop #muscootfarm #westchester #newyorkcity #hudsonvalley #nyartist #singersongwriter #creatives #newyorkcreative #nycreatives #photography #nyphotography #photographersofny #westchesterphotographer
#ibble #everybodywater #velvet #velveteyewear #bakerly #lesportsac #rejuvaus #ragandco #spoonflower #novogratz
Caravan Road Trip Day 1: Brooklyn, NY
Simply put...for those who asked, “how was the trip, well, now you can take a look. Fresh off the editing reel, we’re sharing our teaser videos produced by @thomasconcordia.
These will lead up to a longer video diary of interviews with all of the creatives we met along the way, but for now, press play for an amazing kaleidoscope of artistic energy.
Day 1: With location stops at the tranquil Bushwick Aberdeen Community Garden, the electric @allnightskate themed bar, and the serene @tenhopebk restaurant, we appreciate everyone who hopped aboard our Caravan Mobile Content Studio.
Special thanks to @vickirutwind, @Nilimo, @surfaceofbeauty, @newyorksaid, @KimberlyLewisNYC, @genn_warren, @zyem_nyc, @pesheaneventphotography, @prettyconnected, @ABPastorevous, @risepowell, @banditbananaa, and @kahrianne for stopping by.
Check out our stories for more information about all of our visitors from Day 1.
Thanks to our brand partners:
@ibble @lesportsac @velvet_eyewear @everybodywater @sallyeander @bakerly @gillian_trask_jewerly @rejuvaus @ragandco @olivergalart @spoonflower @thenovogratz @grahamandbrown
#caravan #caravanroadtrip #rvroadtrio #roadtrippers #nextstop #brooklyn #nyc #newyorkcity #bk #caravansocialclub #influencersofnyc #artistsofnyc #nycartist #nycskate #skater #skaterboarder #creatives #newyorkcreative #nyccreatives #photography #nycphotography #photographersofnyc #brooklynphotographer #ibbleontheroad #lesportsac #velveteyewear #everbodywater #sallyeander #bakerly #gilliantraskjewelry #rejuvaus #ragandco
BEEP BEEP, BE THERE SOON! We’re excited to report that the Caravan Social Club will be popping up in a city near you!
What does that mean? We are doing a mobile pop-up content studio curated for brand discovery and content creation among our community of creatives. During this year’s road trip tour, you can expect a range of authentic and exciting guests, from musicians, actors, content creators, surfers, dancers, authors, and more.
This year’s Caravan tour program will be able to host over 60 content creators. With programming focused around NYC, Minneapolis and LA with additional city stops for content creators to share their stories in our unique video journal about the brands and experiences they discovered along the way. Our travel journal will be produced by Thomas Concordia, whose work has been featured in Vogue, W, WWD, Elle,, InStyle, Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, and Getty images.
We’re looking for a few more brands to be part of this experience! Also check out our blog post to learn more and if you have a brand that you want to showcase to creatives in a fun way let us know!
What stops do you want the tour to make?
In preparation for Earth Day, we organized a special earth day pledge with amazing creatives like Kate Linder, actress from Young & Restless for Food for Life Global...
Food For Life Global is a charity that dedicates it’s time to fighting against global hunger. They serve two million free vegan meals everyday, with twenty-five meals every second of the day. Food For Life Global does this, and more, for just twenty-five cents. They use strictly plant-based ingredients and are working tirelessly to ensure that everything they do is as cost-efficient and eco-friendly as possible. To find out how you can help Food For Life Global put an end to hunger, visit
A special thanks goes out to Bellamy Young @anthonyalabi Lindsey Marie Coffey, and Miss Mýa Check out our instagram story for more!
@cbssoapsindepth @thesoapcentral @soapsdotcom
#earthday #earthdaychallenge #youngandrestless #katelinder #foodforlifeglobal #earthday2021 #earthdayeveryday #happyearthday #earthdayathome #earthdaylive #worldearthday #earthdayinitiative
Meet the Caravan Team! We are celebrating all your continuing support as we shifted our brand from in person to virtual events.
Our new website is live! Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen. While we can’t celebrate this new launch in person, virtually, we hope you can participate in celebrating with us with a litte “virtual peace wave.” We would love it if you could make a video of you doing a peace wave and post it to your story by tagging @caravannyc along with choreographer, @saraheikaburke. You can also send your video via DM.
Check out our new website with the link in our bio, or go to !
*Please note if you do share your video on insta story or DM we will reshare and also include in our compiled video of all waves and we appreciate you having some fun with us and making the launch so groovy!