Listen to the Classy Heavy Metal show broadcast by ProgSky Web Station, on the last day of the year, December 31st at 6pm (UTC-03:00 timezone, CET 11pm; UK 10pm).
Hail rockerz and metalmaniacs!
Invite everyone to listen to the Classy Heavy Metal show broadcast by ProgSky Web Station, on the last day of the year, December 31st at 6pm (UTC-03:00 timezone, CET 11pm; UK 10pm).
Featuring the bands that shined at the Classy Heavy Metal show throughout 2023: Air Raid (Sweden), Bloodbound (Sweden), Cathalepsy (Chile), Elvenpath (Germany), Acid Blade (Canada), Haunt (USA), Entering Polaris (Belgium), Glyph (International), Grymheart (Hungary), Avarice (Denmark), REDSPHERE (New Caledonia), Death Mist (Brazil), Cavaleiro Dragão (Brazil), The Night Eternal (Germany), Bronze (Spain), A.D. 4 (USA), Hellway Train (Brazil), Stormburner (Sweden), Raven (USA), Blakearth (USA), Bradley Hall (UK), GALNERYUS (Japan), Sacred Scroll (USA), Elvenking (Italy), First Signal (Canada), T3nors (Italy), Grand Design (Sweden) and Stardust (Hungary).
Classy Heavy Metal: RETROSPECTIVE 2023!
Visit www.progsky.com!
El Puerto Records, High Roller Recordings, Church Recordings, AFM Records, Jawbreaker Records, ROAR - rock of angels records, UPRISING RECORDS INC, Ván Records, M&O Music, OTTO Records and Filmworks LLC., Pure Steel Records, Silver Lining Records, Warner Music Japan International, Frontiers Music srl, GMR Music.