My Dear Friends - Please do not allow the current "news" generated with the political divide immobilize you! Move your energy field in positive, loving ways. Here, a message from the subtle energy field as received by David Spangler... "Fear has a momentum. If you wish to halt and change its influence in this election, then you must do the work to provide a counter-momentum, one based on a positive vision of what is possible and a vision of trust and collaboration. To base all your efforts on eliciting fear of what will happen if the other Party wins is ultimately to serve fear itself, which in the end will only serve the turmoil in your lives and those who wish to destroy all that you have gained." So, turn off the news, get yourself out in nature. Hug a tree, swim in the ocean, watch the birds, hike a trail. As you are out in relation with others partake in random acts of kindness. Hold open a door, stop tailgating that slow driver, allow someone to go before you on the grocery line...or simply strike up a conversation, offer a smile, be in relation with a complete stranger. Its is just marvelous how these outreaches which appear to be tiny and small, connect the relational field that expands our humanity.... BE LOVE.