Ever been called vanilla in bed?🍦
In my newest article for @thebloomi I go into what the term means, how to know if you fall into the camp and, of course, how the term is NOTHING to be ashamed of. The truth is, you don’t have to be a kinkster to have “good” or “exciting” s*x — you just have to show up how you are and find your pleasure together.
Read the full piece at the link in bio 💌
Pillow talk. 🛏️ We’ve all heard of it — but are you actually practicing it with your partner(s)? If not, you should give it a shot! Research shows that couples who talk about their s*x life, thoughts, ideas, feelings and even finances in bed together are more likely to feel satisfied in their relationships, feel more connected, and even get better sleep! 💤
That’s why @hello.playground — co-founded by none other than @xtina — is on a mission to help folks get closer, have better s*x, connection, and of course, pillow talk. 💓
And hey, what could be better than that? Head to the link in my bio to learn more about Playground, their Pillow Talk l*** and other ways to get even closer to your lover. 🫶🏼
Have you ever been embarrassed to ask a question about s*x? Here’s some good news: you’re not alone. Here, I share my most vulnerable s*x question, in hopes that you feel less alone if you’re also experiencing embarrassment about s*x education, intimacy and your own journey. 🫶🏼
This week, I wrote an article for @thebloomi about the most common questions folks find to embarrassing to ask — complete with answers and tips on feeling more confident to ask the hard questions. You can read the full piece at the link in my bio. 🤍
What is the most embarrassing question you’ve asked about s*x? Tell me in the comments, below! ✨
Are the men in your life talking about s*x and intimacy with you? Chances are, probably not! But they should be.
In my newest piece for @butter_wellness, I discuss how 85% of women share their highs, lows and vulnerabilities of intimacy with their friends and partners, while 75% of men report not wanting to discuss it at all. So how can that change? 🤔
What are some ways you have (or could) encourage your male partners and even friends to get more comfortable joining the discussion?
💙 Read the full piece at the link in my bio.
one year of naked folk! 🤍 it’s been a truly wonderful surprise to build this brand and work with so many amazing folks in the sexual wellness space, women around the world + brands that I truly align with and believe in.
here is to many more years to come 🪄
What false narratives have you been told about using a lube? We’ve all likely heard stories of who should use lube, what it means if you do and more — but in reality, anyone of any gender can use it, and it doesn’t mean something is wrong with you or your body if you do.
There is NOTHING shameful about using a lubricant during solo + partnered play. It will only make your s*x life that much better. Trust us 💦
How did you know you were in love for the first time? 🌹 What did it feel like? What did you notice? Tell me in the comments, below!