Hello Fashion Family; Happy Holidays to all, I just wanted to drop a few holiday jewels, Steps to Success in your life. Take what is helpful to you and have a great holiday season…. (it’s a little long, LOL)
• Focus…. Is the #1 key to success…. Don’t get off track, don’t let distractions derail you, don’t let other peoples problems, drama, negativity, etc., knock you off track, STAY FOCUS on your GOALS
• Destination….. In order to get somewhere, you have to know where you want to go…. Without a plan, you are just wandering aimlessly, Get an idea of what you want and go for it, every journey starts with one step…..
• Confidence… This is a KEY ingredient for success…. Confidence is not something you can touch, but you can feel it. If you are insecure about anything, step out on faith and TRY…. You’ll be surprised at what you can do…. Once you try and see it’s not as hard as you think, your confidence will grow.
• Achievements…. Think of what you want to achieve and then set up a plan to get there. Understand where you are presently and map out what you need to do to get where you want to be, celebrate every little achievement.
• Patience…. You did not get where you are in one day….. you won’t get where you want to go in one day…. Take your time and stay on course…. Enjoy the journey….
• Time…. You can get more money but you can not get more time…. The clock is ticking…. Don’t waste time, you will wake up 100 years old still in the same spot, talking about “what I could of done”
• Procrastination…. Is a form of FEAR……… most people procrastinate because they are not sure how to do something, or if it’s going to turn out correct, etc., there are many reasons people procrastinate….. really, JUST DO IT….. take the first step
• Help……. Sometimes people don’t ask for help because they don’t want to be seen as WEAK, but asking for help is not a weakness but a strength, everyone, every now and again needs help….
• MYOB…. Mind Your Own Business…… how can you succeed if you all up in someone else’s business? If it does not affect your bottom line, why do you need to know their business, keep your eye on the prize, your business
• Emotions…. Control your emotions…. Never let someone make you lose it…. As much as you may want to “go there”, keep a professional front at all times, regardless of how the other person may act. When someone acts out, people are looking at the person and saying “WOW, I thought they were so professional, now I see the real side of them”. This is why it’s important if you are building your brand, etc., you act in a professional manner regardless of what is going on around you.
• Gossip…. Some people can’t help it, they have to “spill the TEA”. (most people that gossip are insecure) Remember, if you’re spreading something about someone else, and you’re not sure it’s true or if it can hurt that person, think before you speak, because things have a way or coming back at you. Most SERIOUS business/brands don’t want to hear gossip and may not want to do business with you because of it.
• Position of Power…. Keep yourself in the position of power. What this means is be self sufficient, rely on yourself. If you want to start a business and you have to “wait” for a sponsor, loan, etc, the sponsor/loan person is the one with the power, they can say yes or no and that will determine if you can do the event or not. If you are in the position of power, have your own money ready to do the event and “IF” you get a sponsor, that’s great, if you don’t, no worries you have your own money.
• Knowledge is Power…. I know you’ve heard this many times, but it’s true, when you know how to do something, you don’t have to rely on anyone else to do it for you. There is nothing wrong with needing help on a project, but learn all you can because when you start something you have everyone saying “YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS I’m going to help you do this, that etc.,” but when it comes time to deliver they are “GHOST”. Rely on yourself.
• Take Responsibility…. Take responsibility for the position you or your business is in right now. Don’t play the blame game, it’s always someone else’s fault you’re in this position now. If you take responsibility for where you’re at, only then can you see where you need to go.
• PAST…. Don’t live in the Past…. Stop talking about what you can’t do because of what happen in the PAST…. Take that PAST experience and make it work for you, let it give you strength and confidence. Stop living, talking, crying about the PAST, live in the PRESENT…. You can’t change what has happened but you can make a better future.
• Pity Party…. Stop letting everyday be a pity party…. Stop feeling sorry for yourself… stand up and shake off that negative feeling that keeps you “STUCK”…. The only way things can change is if you make them change, Start with the PERSON IN THE MIRROR – YOU
• DROP THEM – Don’t be afraid to drop someone like a hot potato, if they are on your team, your “friend”, or someone just creating drama all the time, get rid of them, you don’t have to say a word, just stop communicating with them and they will know. There is nothing wrong with constructive criticism, or a word of advice, but when someone is trying to manipulate the situation for their OWN gain, it’s time. You don’t need anyone that is trying to destroy your brand from the inside out. Kick them to the curb and DON’T look back.
• CHANGE….. Change is not hard, DECIDING to change is the hard part……….. you can change in a drop of a dime, if that is what you want, really want…. You can stop doing anything you no longer want to do, change is not hard, DECIDING to change is the hard part, as you can find too many excuses to stay the way you are…..
• ACCEPTANCE…. Accept yourself as you are, wherever you are TODAY…. Be alright with you.
• DREAM…. A Dream is just that without action…. Take action TODAY…..
• Be a LEADER not a FOLLOWER….. do I need to say more…..
• Stay Humble……… You don’t have to BRAG, your achievements/actions will do it for you, stay humble.
• SHOCK NATION … Put people in SHOCK NATION…. Surprise them with your achievements, don’t talk about everything you do or plan to do ….. shock them and bathe in the glory
• Love Your Haters….. When someone hates on you, it’s a COMPLIMENT…. WHAT, yes, a COMPLIMENT… because they are so focused on you, they are not achieving anything in their lives, they cannot LIVE without you…. You are their main focus… if you were not, they would not be hating… they are JEALOUS, ENVIOUS of you and your achievements…. Let Them HATE…. They are just saying “they want to be like you” in a different way.
• CLOAK OF INVISIBILITY… This is my SUPER POWER… IGNORE…… Learn how to ignore the gossipers, haters, negative folks, swing on your cloak of invisibility and you won’t even see or hear them. When people are “going off”, don’t react, leave it alone, they will look like the ones that lost their mind, not you. This will drive the haters crazy because they don’t know if you saw their negative comment, heard the gossip or what, because you are showing NO REACTION. Professionals do not do DRAMA. If it does not affect your bank account balance, why are you listening to it? (ask yourself that question)
• KNOW YOU’RE WORTH…. Know you’re worth, don’t allow anyone to make you feel insecure, unworthy etc., know who you are what you’re worth, and DEMAND RESPECT…..
I Don’t Know EVERYTHING…. I’m still learning, and you are too, so this info is just ideas, things that work for me and may help you, maybe someone needs a little boost or needs to hear a positive word, take what works for you and leave the rest.