Foggy glasses for the next 5 days 🤓 #shiplife #cruiseship #🛳 #belowdeck
In some ways I think breakfast below deck is better than what the guests eat
In some ways I think breakfast below deck is better than what the guests eat #wonderoftheseas #oasisoftheseas #harm
Internet for crew costs $4 per hour, so we use wifi off the ship as much as possible! It adds up QUICK
Internet for crew costs $4 per hour, so we use wifi off the ship as much as possible! It adds up QUICK #cruiseship
_I don't think I'll ever get used to living in a room THIS small
60_I don't think I'll ever get used to living in a room THIS small #belowdeck #cruiseship #cruiseshipcrew
Drydock was not nearly as fun as they said it'd be 🛳
Drydock was not nearly as fun as they said it'd be 🛳 #cruiseship #belowdeck #cruiseshipcrew
How cruise ships stop seagulls from flying off with your hotdog
How cruise ships stop seagulls from flying off with your hotdog #cruiseshipcrew #wonderoftheseas #cruiseship #below
Travel the world ✅ Save money ✅ I think I've discovered my dream job cruise ship musician And I didn't even need a
Travel the world ✅ Save money ✅ I think I've discovered my dream job cruise ship musician And I didn't even need a
What happens if you get sick onboard the world's biggest cruise ship
What happens if you get sick onboard the world's biggest cruise ship #wonderoftheseas
The holidays can get a little lonel_The holidays can get a little lonely onboard
The holidays can get a little lonel_The holidays can get a little lonely onboard
135_Sailing on the biggest cruise ship in history 😮 #wonderoftheseas #cruiseshipcrew #royalcaribbean #cruiseship #crui
I sure love food #royalcaribbean #cruiseship #🛳 #cruiseshipcrew
1010 bread #bread #royalcaribbean #cruiseship #🛳 #quarantinefood