Common Garden Pests: Identify and Control
Protect your garden from these 25 common pests:
1. Aphids: Sap-sucking insects damaging plants.
2. Armyworms: Caterpillars consuming foliage in groups.
3. Asparagus Beetle: Targets asparagus plants.
4. Cabbage Looper: Caterpillars chewing holes in leaves.
5. Cabbage Worms: Green caterpillars on cabbage and cruciferous plants.
6. Corn Earworm: Caterpillars attacking corn ears and fruits.
7. Cucumber Beetle: Transmits diseases like bacterial wilt.
8. Cutworms: Caterpillars cutting down young plants.
9. Earwig: Feeds on leaves, flowers, and fruits.
10. European Corn Borer: Moth larvae damaging corn stalks.
11. Flea Beetle: Jumps, chewing small holes in leaves.
12. Grasshopper: Consumes various plants, causing severe damage.
13. Leafhopper: Sucks sap, potentially spreading diseases.
14. Leafminer: Larvae tunneling into leaves.
15. Mexican Bean Beetle: Skeletonizes bean leaves.
16. Potato Beetle: Targets potato plants.
17. Psyllid: Sucks sap, stunting growth.
18. Root Maggots: Larvae feed on roots.
19. Slug & Snail: Mollusks damaging leaves and stems.
20. Sowbug & Pillbug: Feed on decaying material and seedlings.
21. Spider Mites: Suck plant juices, causing stippling.
22. Squash Bugs: Damage squash leaves and vines.
23. Thrips: Feed on sap, leaving silver streaks.
24. Tomato Hornworm: Defoliates tomato plants.
25. Whiteflies: Spread diseases, sucking sap.
Control Methods:
1. Natural predators
2. Organic sprays
3. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies
4. Physical barriers
5. Crop rotation
6. Biological controls
7. Cultural controls
Monitor and Act:
Regularly inspect your garden to identify pests early.