The @megacampussummit will be held in Dubai on December 2nd and 3rd. It’s the largest business forum in the world, where you will meet the greatest entrepreneurs and thinkers of our time.This Summit is entirely about the individual. About you. You will get new meanings and ideas that will help you to fulfill your wildest dreams and create something big.In Dubai, everything is just beginning for you. It’s the best location to make your personal breakthrough surrounded by some of the smartest and most talented entrepreneurs on the planet.Join Megacampus Summit attendees while tickets are still available. Follow the link in our bio to reserve your seat.
How exciting is it that a fashion event is taking place in Laredo, Texas? The Diamond Gala will be featuring designer @florcamposdesigner showcasing her designs for the first time at this fashion show presented by A21 Modeling Studio.
It was only fitting they shared the news with all of NYC with a huge billboard in Times Square.
Don’t miss this event taking place on June 8th at 6pm at the Embassy suites in Laredo, Texas. For more information on how to attend the event get in touch with A21 Modeling Studio.