5 Awesome Ways to Use Hatch'd
Hatch’d is the awesomest way to capture, organize and share your thoughts and ideas on the internet as of August 4, 2012. You can do so many activities on Hatch’d thanks to its features such as groups, privacy settings, ratings, comments and label. A few of our most fanatical users claim they’ve been brought to tears using the Hatch It button. So grab a Kleenex, here are some ideas to help you get started:
1) You know all those times you say to yourself, “you know what they should do…?” but you don’t know how to get your idea out there? Like just the other day, I was thinking to myself, “I really wish bacon packaging was resealable.” Share that idea on Hatch’d! You could share ideas for your favorite coffee shop, clothes brand, or airline (if you have a favorite airline- better hurry before it merges). Others will see it, comment on it, and rate it up if it’s good enough. Then you can do a little dance to celebrate.
2) Plan a trip with friends. Create a group, invite the friends you want to come, and start hatching ideas! Make the group private so that one friend nobody likes doesn’t hear about it. Or better yet, create a decoy group so he thinks you’re going to Dubuque when you’re really heading to Austin. You can post hotel ideas, activities, restaurants, or anything else for the trip. Everyone can vote, comment, and rate the ideas, and it’s a lot more fun than an email chain.
3) Clip articles and pictures from around the web. Save and share your favorite articles or other content in groups. You can invite people with similar interests to check it out, or make it public. That way your friends that aren’t into photography won’t be deluged with your posts from camera blogs and Ansel Adams prints, but anyone who’s interested can enjoy them with you.
4) Organize a vegan supper club with your crunchy friends, or a book club with your pretentious friends. Don’t forget your black-frame glasses! With the first group you could share recipes and biodegradable carbon-neutral napkin sources. With the book club you could all post about the books you say you want to read but will really watch on Netflix streaming in a year. But at least you can have fun sharing, commenting, and rating!
5) New parent? Congratulations! Grab a minute between diaper changes to find out how others are dealing with it. Share the latest strollers, car seats, books, and helpful teething tips you’ve come across. Stash info on local parks or activities for junior. See how others are getting along, and help make it easier on everyone!
There are many possible ways to use Hatch’d, and we want you to use it however you like- that’s why we made it so flexible. What other things can you think of to do on Hatch’d?
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