T.F. Chen Cultural Center, NYC

T.F. Chen Cultural Center, NYC It is mainly engagesd in exhibition, publishing, licensing, print production, prints, collecting and and art investment consulting.

The New World Art Center (“NWAC”) is an international art gallery and management company based in SoHo, New York City YC and with has branches in the Beijing 798 art district and Taipei. As an art agency with keen business insight and a sense of cultural responsibility, the NWAC is becoming one of the leading international art investment consulting agencies and art galleries in the world. Under th

e leadership and vision of Lucia Chen, the NWAC has mounted and organized approximately 200 exhibitions for Dr. T.F. Chen as well as other international artists over the past 30 years. The NWAC has also been been a continuous sponsor of the T.F. Chen Cultural Center and its programs, as well as a collaborator with other galleries and organizations worldwide.

侯幸君是美國美術館協會成員,任紐約市/台北市陳錦芳美術館館長及財團法人陳錦芳文化藝術基金會秘書長;紐約市陳錦芳文化館 ;為人類而藝術基金會 新世界藝術中心 總裁及執行長, 上海錦芳藝術中心負責人。
早年在臺灣教師,寫作,教鋼琴,演唱。1973年赴巴黎大學求學時與陳錦芳結婚遷居美國開始進入藝術行業。從1977年至今經營藝術事業, 為了展場她進入了房地產投資,由於善於理財而在房地產上創造奇蹟。侯幸君在藝術經紀、顧問、收藏投資文創版權發行有四十年的國際經驗。她對藝術史的瞭解及對藝術的敏銳眼光,使她收藏了一些西洋名作版畫,當代藝術及非洲藝術。她是紐約市成功的亞裔女性企業家,並在當代藝術界久負盛名。她是東方人在紐約市推廣現代藝術最長久的人,先後榮登美國各種名人榜。侯幸君擅長藝術文化活動的策劃與執行。目前致力於推廣聯合國的「陳錦芳為人類而藝術」世界巡迴展(2003~ 2020)。她以藝術創業,40年來與陳錦芳共同努力行走於世界,以展覽推動藝術教育,東西文化交流和「以愛為宗的新文藝復興」。

$$$$ biggest Charity sale in 50 years in business. SoHo , NYC                                        TF Chen Cultural Ce...

$$$$ biggest Charity sale in 50 years in business. SoHo , NYC TF Chen Cultural Center's first-ever online and on-site charity sale. These items include Chagall, Picasso, Moore, Rosenquist, Rauschenberg, Dr. T.F. Chen 陳錦芳博士and other artists. Paintings, prints, masks, cultural relics, reproductions, books, and art gifts. At the T.F. Chen Cultural Center, located at 250 Lafayette St. in SoHo, NYC. www.tfchen.com, [email protected] #陳錦芳文化館紐約 T.F. Chen Cultural Center, NYC #財團法人陳錦芳文化藝術基金會 #侯幸君


This video traces Chen Jinfang's artistic journey from the age of 14 to 80 and shares it with everyone. Watching this short video will give you a deeper understanding of the painting schools of each art master and the essence of their representative works.
In 1888, Van Gogh left Paris to paint in Arroux, southern France. He dreams of establishing an artist community, inviting fellow artists to live and create together and encourage each other to pursue art. Because he was very poor, he only invited Gauguin in the end, and it ended in tragedy. Dr. Chen Jinfang, who was called "the descendant of Van Gogh" by Dr. Heschka, one of the world's leading authorities on Van Gogh, the Van Gogh Foundation, and the founder of the Van Gogh Museum. In 1990, during the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Van Gogh's death, Dr. Chen focused on 100 works created over the years to pay tribute to Van Gogh: the "Post-Van Gogh Series" is currently celebrating the 125th anniversary of Van Gogh's death, allowing the 80-year-old Chen Jinfang to continue his work in the 1990s with "Van Gogh's Bedroom" Create a new series based on the theme, and recently completed 25 new works for the "Van Gogh Artists Club". We can see that these new works by Chen Jinfang are more interesting and thought-provoking and have richer meanings.

你好, 親愛的, 颱風天祈福天佑台灣!向您報告:過去40年,陳錦芳和侯幸君維持台北紐約兩個家。現在一年多了我們終於落葉歸根, 現以台北為家。感謝科技由台灣可以面向世界,繼續過去的努力。期待晚年能將半世紀的努力開花結果。希望對台灣對世界能做更...

你好, 親愛的, 颱風天祈福天佑台灣!向您報告:過去40年,陳錦芳和侯幸君維持台北紐約兩個家。現在一年多了我們終於落葉歸根, 現以台北為家。感謝科技由台灣可以面向世界,繼續過去的努力。期待晚年能將半世紀的努力開花結果。希望對台灣對世界能做更大的貢獻。以下公布基金會的宗旨及我們的活動,尤其是特別為將到的節日,由紐約陳錦芳文化館的禮品部. 文創部製作的限量的 梵谷的絲巾 預購。可以給予更好的價位,更歡迎團購。所有的收入直接放入基金會,給客戶節稅證明,並得到非常特殊藝術絲巾。試想將幾百萬的藝術品穿在你身上,應該是又時尚又藝術。敬請聯絡line0929072385。FB侯幸君 今年在台灣做了四個展覽,由國父紀念館到成大到藝術文物博覽會,台南的畫廊。整個主題都圍繞在慶祝 `* ` *陳錦芳提倡台灣新藝復興60週年,台南400美哉台灣。*`* `目前開始籌備明年一甲子的開始新文藝復興國際論壇, 並籌備拍攝陳錦芳的紀錄片。陳錦芳文化藝術基金會誠邀請您來推薦適合的榮譽CFO財務長、執行長、榮譽董事長、freelance 的業務員及義工。拜託鈞座關愛推薦,以利基金會執行業務為台灣的藝術文化貢獻。希望得到你的鼓勵。敬請聯絡line0929072385。FB侯幸君
題材:梵谷歸來 & 梵谷畫天壇
絲巾上有兩件陳錦芳 博士的代
http://www.tfchen.com LINE ID:0929072385



文化部網站對外介紹陳錦芳內容敬請指教!This article quotes from the Ministry of Culture dept of Taiwan about Taiwanese American Artist Dr. T...

文化部網站對外介紹陳錦芳內容敬請指教!This article quotes from the Ministry of Culture dept of Taiwan about Taiwanese American Artist Dr. TF Chen
https://tfchen.com/ministryofculture/Name: 陳錦芳
Born: June 2, 1936
Birthplace: Tainan
Did You Know That…?
Chen Tsing-fang is a man of many talents. He is a painter, art historian, writer, and philosopher. At the age of 14, he developed an interest in drawing and painting. He was named a “successor of Van Gogh” after he recreated hundreds of Van Gogh’s paintings, and his art theory essays have been included in art history textbooks. Besides his achievements in the art sector, Chen was also the first person to translate “The Little Prince,” a novella by French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, into Chinese in the 1960s.
Born and raised in Tainan, southern Taiwan, Chen Tsing-fang was known as an illustrious painter who thinks, and a profound thinker who paints. He showed a gift and passion for art from a young age. He enjoyed drawing places of interest and the rural landscape of his hometown, such as the Confucius Temple and Chihkan Tower. He was 14 when he first laid eyes on the book of Van Gogh’s paintings and he was deeply moved by Van Gogh’s artworks. This later became his source of motivation to pursue art as a career.
Chen learned the skills of sketching under the guidance of Tainan Art Research Association professor Kuo Pochuan(郭柏川) and Chang Changhua(張常華). Even though Chen’s parents encouraged him to pursue a medical degree, he enrolled into National Taiwan University where he studied foreign languages and English literature, in order to learn French and to realize his dream of becoming an artist in France.
Several years later, Chen earned a scholarship from the French government and studied at L’École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-arts (School of Fine Arts) in Paris for seven years.
In addition to fine arts and art history, he studied literature and obtained a Ph.D. in art history as well as an M.A. in French contemporary literature. During the years in Paris, Chen conducted research, trained himself to have logical thinking, enriched his knowledge in art history and cultural history, and developed his world culture viewpoints, which contributed to his artistic performance.
In 1969, he formulated a “Five-Dimensional Universal Culture” theory and initiated the “Neo-Iconography” art style, a new form of artistic creation that unites the past and present, East and West, by arranging familiar icons into a dimension, defying time, space, and cultural barriers. This resulted in stunning compositions with new meanings and messages. Chen was inspired to advocate a new Renaissance concept which was expressed through his art as well as his actions and way of life. He also developed his artistic creation towards “art for humanity’s sake.”
Later in 1975, Chen moved to the United States. Working from a New York base, Chen continued his artistic creations. In 1990, Chen created a series of 100 paintings to commemorate the centenary of Van Gogh’s death. His works were well received and Dr. Jan Hulsker, Dutch art historian especially noted for his work on Vincent van Gogh, called Chen a “successor of Van Gogh.” The series were displayed in several exhibitions around the world.
On the literary side, Chen was the first person to translate “The Little Prince” into Chinese and introduced the book to Taiwan in the 1960s. He wrote regularly for Taiwanese art journals and published many books, including “The Spirit of Liberty,” “The Neo-Iconography,” “My Days In Paris” and “The 21st Century, Taiwan! Heart of a Global Renaissance.” He even wrote 80 poems within a week, which are included in the book “Jade Mountain & Her Voriotions.” In 1998, he was introduced to the public as “Taiwan’s Romain Rolland” at a symposium attended by artists in Paris. He personally considers that he is different from Romain Rolland, since Romain’s focus is literature while art is his utmost focus.
In 2001, Chen was awarded by Friends of the United Nations with a “Global Tolerance Award” for his lifetime of work dedicated to peace, and for his art of multiculturalism – a body of work expressing a shared vision of humanity. He was the first artist-painter to receive this award. As a recipient of the award, he was designated as a Cultural Ambassador for Tolerance and Peace. Chen has been invited to launch the “Arts for Humanity World Tour” to inspire artworks in the spirit of peace and to continue bearing the positive message of the United Nations.
After half a century of pursuing art in Europe, Asia, and America, Chen has created thousands of artworks, held solo exhibitions, and given lectures about his art and philosophy all around the world. His artworks and art theory essays are included in more than 300 books and journals in 37 different countries. He is the only Chinese artist included in the art history textbook “Arts & Ideas.”
He returned to Taiwan after living abroad for more than 3 decades. Upon returning to Taiwan, he expressed his hope to preserve his years of art creations in the homeland as he feels that his greatest contribution to Taiwan and the world is his artistic works and publications. As such, he established T.F. Chen Cultural Center (陳錦芳文化館) in Taipei to preserve and display, and to initiate dialogue with art museums around the world.


財務長、執行長、榮譽董事長、freelance 的業務員及義工。拜託推薦以利基金會執行業務為台灣的藝術文化貢獻。陳錦芳和侯幸君




「慶祝台灣新文藝復興60週年,台南400美哉台灣」。 由台灣中油公司赞助,財團法人陳錦芳文化藝術基金會主辦, 𧘲依然藝術中心協辦的陳錦芳博士畫展將在此週六10 月12 日下午3-5點𡒊行開幕及簽書茶會。地點:台南市東區崇成里17鄰崇明18街...

「慶祝台灣新文藝復興60週年,台南400美哉台灣」。 由台灣中油公司赞助,財團法人陳錦芳文化藝術基金會主辦, 𧘲依然藝術中心協辦的陳錦芳博士畫展
將在此週六10 月12 日下午3-5點𡒊行開幕及簽書茶會。地點:台南市東區崇成里17鄰崇明18街32号1楼。画展每天下午1-6點由10月12日到10/30日結束。門票免費, 歡迎大眾光臨共襄盛舉。此畫展延續陳錦芳在成大展「台南400 美哉台南」但增加慶祝台灣新文藝復興60週年但增加展覽作品,及簽書會
88歲的陳錦芳博士在1964年在巴黎大學撰文提倡「台灣新文藝復興,努力在世界各地推廣至今60年。他在1968翻譯小王子。台南一中初二開始進入畫室學畫, 追求藝術至今72年。他初中保送高中並保送台大外文系, 陳錦芳博士留法旅美國際有名的畫家, 作家、思想家。巴黎大學文學碩士及藝術史博士。他是「新意象派」創始人及倡導者, 一個有藝術史定位的畫家,2001授頒「聯合國全球寬容獎及寛容和平文化大使」。 推動「為人類而藝術的全球愛寬容和平的文化由2003到2020共17 年。陳錦芳站在世界的舞台替台灣發聲是一個熱愛台灣的藝術家! 畫展歡迎大眾光臨共襄盛舉!

敬邀參觀陳錦芳 博士 (Dr. TFChen)「慶祝台灣新文藝復興六十周年台南400美哉台灣畫展」陳錦芳 博士簡介畫家、作家、藝術史家、思想家台南一中、台大、巴黎大學文學碩士及藝術史博士、巴黎藝術學院7年「新意象派」創始人及倡導者、推動「為...

敬邀參觀陳錦芳 博士 (Dr. TFChen)「慶祝台灣新文藝復興六十周年台南400美哉台灣畫展」

陳錦芳 博士簡介

半世紀在歐亞美的藝術世界有成。晚年深感必須投入更多的心力在台灣。為鼓勵台灣社會融入藝術生活的風氣。本基金會給予董事會的會員, 物超所值的藝術品及一年或終生的藝術服務及國際性藝術資訊。會費請參考https://tfchen.com/join-...

半世紀在歐亞美的藝術世界有成。晚年深感必須投入更多的心力在台灣。為鼓勵台灣社會融入藝術生活的風氣。本基金會給予董事會的會員, 物超所值的藝術品及一年或終生的藝術服務及國際性藝術資訊。會費請參考https://tfchen.com/join-to-art-members
藝訊9/27-9/30藝術文物博覽會:夏都城旅安平館: 地址台南市南區新建路47號。
敬愛的藝友:平安,留法旅美台灣畫家、聯合國文化大使陳錦芳博士,為慶祝台南400 ,7月在成大個展,現參加此飯店展,夏都城旅安平館地址台南市南區新建路47號。日期9/27到9/30請向我索取紙本門票。希望與鄉親藝友多交流,財團法人陳錦芳文化藝術基金會組織國際董事會,憑(紙本邀請卡)到本展No.506室將有特殊的優待,節稅和得到藝術大獎的機會,(藝術傳家寶)享受藝術財富及豐富精神的生活,成為董事會的會員,支持及愛護藝術可得到感謝狀及榮譽證書,索取紙本邀請卡,請加LINE ID : 0929072385,網址http://www.tfchen.com,FB搜尋:侯幸君。
簡歷:陳錦芳博士 Dr. TF Chen (台灣、巴黎、紐約)www.tfchen.com,留法旅美畫家、作家、思想家。我們用陳錦芳藝術作品來推動聯合國ESG及企業永續生存
學歷:台南一中 (第一屆傑出校友)、台大、巴黎大學文學碩士及藝術史博士,巴黎藝術學院 7 年
陳錦芳是「新意象派」創始人及倡導者,「聯合國全球寬容獎及寛容和平文化大使」。 推動「為人類而藝術」 、 紐約「陳錦芳文化館」、「新世界藝術中心」及 台灣「財團法人陳錦芳文化藝術基金會」創始人及榮譽董事長

此部影片追述陳錦芳由14歲到80歲的藝術旅程與大家共享。看了此短片,使您更加深入了解每位藝術大師的畫派和其代表作之精髓。 1888年,梵谷離開巴黎到法國南部阿爾魯畫畫。他夢想成立一個藝術家社區,邀請藝術同好共同生...



藝訊9/27-9/30藝術文物博覽會:夏都城旅安平館: 地址台南市南區新建路47號。敬愛的藝友:平安,留法旅美台灣畫家、聯合國文化大使陳錦芳博士,為慶祝台南400 ,7月在成大個展,現參加此飯店展,夏都城旅安平館地址台南市南區新建路47號。...

藝訊9/27-9/30藝術文物博覽會:夏都城旅安平館: 地址台南市南區新建路47號。
敬愛的藝友:平安,留法旅美台灣畫家、聯合國文化大使陳錦芳博士,為慶祝台南400 ,7月在成大個展,現參加此飯店展,夏都城旅安平館地址台南市南區新建路47號。日期9/27到9/30請向我索取紙本門票。希望與鄉親藝友多交流,財團法人陳錦芳文化藝術基金會組織國際董事會,憑(紙本邀請卡)到本展No.506室將有特殊的優待,節稅和得到藝術大獎的機會,(藝術傳家寶)享受藝術財富及豐富精神的生活,成為董事會的會員,支持及愛護藝術可得到感謝狀及榮譽證書,索取紙本邀請卡,請加LINE ID : 0929072385,網址http://www.tfchen.com,FB搜尋:侯幸君。
簡歷:陳錦芳博士 Dr. TF Chen (台灣、巴黎、紐約)www.tfchen.com,留法旅美畫家、作家、思想家。我們用陳錦芳藝術作品來推動聯合國ESG及企業永續生存
學歷:台南一中 (第一屆傑出校友)、台大、巴黎大學文學碩士及藝術史博士,巴黎藝術學院 7 年
陳錦芳是「新意象派」創始人及倡導者,「聯合國全球寬容獎及寛容和平文化大使」。 推動「為人類而藝術」 、 紐約「陳錦芳文化館」、「新世界藝術中心」及 台灣「財團法人陳錦芳文化藝術基金會」創始人及榮譽董事長


250Lafayette Street
New York, NY


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Our Story

The New World Art Center (“NWAC”) is an international art gallery and management company based in SoHo, New York City, and with branches Taipei. It is mainly engaged in the exhibition, publishing, licensing, print production, prints, collecting, and art investment consulting. As an art agency with keen business insight and a sense of cultural responsibility, the NWAC is becoming one of the leading international art galleries in the world. Under the leadership and vision of Lucia Chen, the NWAC has mounted and organized approximately 200 exhibitions for Dr. T.F. Chen as well as other international artists over the past 40 years. The NWAC has also been a continuous sponsor of the T.F. Chen Cultural Center (TFCCC) a 501C3 a non-profit aims to do Art education & Cultural exchange and as well as a collaborator with other galleries and organizations worldwide. Directo: Lucia Chen侯幸君

侯幸君是美國美術館協會成員,任紐約市/台北市陳錦芳美術館館長及財團法人陳錦芳文化藝術基金會秘書長; 紐約市陳錦芳文化館 ;為人類而藝術基金會; 新世界藝術中心 總裁及執行長。 早年在臺灣教師,寫作,教鋼琴,演唱。1973年赴巴黎大學求學時與陳錦芳結婚。1975年遷居美國。從1977年至今經營藝術事業, 為了展場她進入了房地產投資,由於善於理財而在房地產上創造奇蹟。侯幸君在藝術經紀、顧問、收藏投資文創版權發行有四十年的國際經驗。她對藝術史的瞭解及對藝術的敏銳眼光,使她收藏了一些西洋名作版畫,當代藝術及非洲藝術。她是紐約市成功的亞裔女性企業家,並在當代藝術界久負盛名。她是東方人在紐約市推廣現代藝術最長久的人,先後榮登美國各種名人榜。侯幸君擅長藝術文化活動的策劃與執行。目前致力於推廣聯合國的「陳錦芳為人類而藝術」世界巡迴展(2003~ 2020)。她以藝術創業,40年來與陳錦芳共同努力行走於世界,以展覽推動藝術教育,東西文化交流和「以愛為宗的新文藝復興」。