“A Global New Renaissance in Love”
(an excerpt) by Dr. T.F. Chen
“Man’s stepping onto the Moon was a momentous and historic event. At that moment, I felt that humankind was entering a new era. But what kind of era? Beyond the scientific and technological triumph, what would be the significance of such a success?
We have come into an era of ‘Love,’ the real soul of our planet. For the first time, we saw our planet floating like a moon above the horizon of the Moon, and we realized how small, beautiful, and at the same time, how fragile our earth is! But it is one, one wholeness, not divided. With this ‘Oneness’ before our eyes and engraved in our conscience, I realized that our cultural ecology was shifting, since 1969, from ‘divergency’ to ‘convergency.’ The different cultures, especially those of the East and the West were converging into a world culture to come.
Guided by the Italian Renaissance, I perceived the emergence of a new Renaissance on a global scale, yet it is a movement emerging against a dangerous counter-backlash, caused by ignorance, blindness, and/or the dark side of human nature.
Since culture is the output of human activities, mental and physical, the shifting of cultural ecology from ‘Divergency’ to ‘Convergency’ corresponds admirably to the shifting of our society from industrial to post-industrial society, a society of information and communication, and essentially of global concern: hunger, poverty, pollution, population control, freedom, human rights, war, and peace, etc. – all of these conditions affect each one of us. Entering into such an era of oneness with a shared destiny, our attitude needs a change, our mentality begs a fitting; we need a new philosophy, a new ideology to center ourselves in.
In short, we need a culture based on ‘Love’ instead of ‘Power,’ ‘Humanism’ instead of ‘Materialism,’ ‘Heart’ instead of ‘Machine,’ ‘Creation’ instead of ‘Production,
My Dear! 侯幸君向你説 謝谢你一向的鼓勵按赞! 我也注意你的FB。盼共勉之。我12月中旬必须由纽约回台舉辦画展,因为根据法律规定 # 财團法人 陳錦芳文化藝術基金会,年底验资, 帳上必须有當年成立時我们捐獻的五百(500)萬台帮。為此我们必须回去畫展籌錢捐给基金会。請你以行动協助籌款给非營利的基金会。請你多少赞助加入本基金会2023年的國際董事會成為本會榮譽董事,理事, 顧問, 國際榮譽會員, 會費10,000NT匯款帳戶, #財團法人陳錦芳文化藝術基金會帳戶。 會員除得到以上專業服務機會(尤其是艺术家)、節稅及禮遇外,另得到值得收藏的套書及藝術好禮物,物超所值。 洽詢資訊 加 Line 0929072385, or [email protected]等。也請你介绍需要節税的企业捐助给本基金会。我们將以行动感恩给你藝術的傳家宝,同时支持我们继续將过去半世纪在欧美亞的努力, 资源,经驗继续在世界發揮咱的軟實力, 誠邀請与我们在百尺竿頭更進一步共享藝術财富。www.tfchen.com 也請你告诉我们你需要協助或合作的項目如食衣住行的進軍國際纽约展览或是文化旅遊在纽约短期的進修.人際関係的建立及實地考察等。 #联合國文化大使,畫家 Dr. 陳錦芳 #館長侯幸君敬上
財團法人陳錦芳文化藝術基金會 侯幸君
因為疫情我們原定作品運回美國只好取消。目前我们等著進入巴黎,因一群收藏家投資陳錦芳, 要透过展览推廣陳錦芳的藝術。等著我們親臨巴黎。另外摩納哥,盧森堡也已受邀個展。但我們更希望好畫能留在台灣。尤其錦芳已經85歲了,並且作品思想已入歐美世界藝術史教科書。將來這些作品都是價值連城, 咱台灣的國寶級的藝術資產。因此特需要你的関愛來完成「好畫留在台灣」一項很有意義,有價值,且有歷史性的保護藝術,文化的項目。以下是我們目前開始進行的項目,需要你的協助與合作,不但重賞且彼此可建立更好的關係。1)紐約陳錦芳文化館及台灣財團法人陳錦芳文化藝術基金會的榮譽董事長,堇事.顧問及國際榮譽會員。(會員會費一萬台幣將享受超值的藝術禮物及服務);(2)收藏有限編號/签名能增值的版畫。(3)原作。3)紐約陳錦芳藝術大樓66間公寓及目前開始接受需要做展,演,售平台的客户。也邀請專業辦活动要進軍國際的人员与我们联系。無論世情如何变化,凡世界上的要人都会在紐約市中心置產。為你及下一代,如果要投資,本藝術大樓的公寓是你最棒的置產。凡是本基金會vip 及會員都可享受優惠服務及顧問諮詢。(將來會特別請專門公司和本公司專人為與本集團有関的vip 及會員等做個案的專業顧問,利用我們半世紀在紐約的經驗,資源,人力,物力,財力,平台,安排進軍紐約的商機及參予世界主流社會活動。陳錦芳博士和我及團隊也會為會員或其子女提供在紐約文化藝術課程導覧。敬請指教及関愛並隨時提供建議。,0929072385 line/2546-6222虔祝貴府一切平安喜樂。陳錦芳/侯幸君率全體成員鞠躬
Dr. T.F. Chen's New Creation : ''Van Gogh Artists Club''
In 1888, Van Gogh left Paris to paint in Arles, he dreamed to have an artist community for fellow artists coming to share and inspire each other in their artistic pursuit. Since he was poor, he invited Paul Gauguin, which ended in a tragedy.
Yet Van Gogh’s dream seems to be fulfilled through T. F. Chen’s “Neo-Iconography” style of "Post Van Gogh Series".
When T.F. was 14-years old, he wept as he was reading books on Van Gogh and decided to become a painter. Dr. T.F. Chen copied the painting of Van Gogh's "Bedroom", and integrated the essence of art history into these creations. This film traces his passage from this childhood paining to Van Gogh's Artist Club. His art journey has been expanding from 14 to 80 years old.
Dr. T.F. Chen's New Creation : http://www.tfchen.com/en/?page_id=12716
Background Music: "Vincent" (1971) original owned by Don McLean