REVEAL COMPANY Check out What God is saying through Reveal Company. Stay updated on our latest prophetic words.

Reveal Company is a cutting edge movement called to release the Father's heart, make his presence known, reveal Jesus through the ministry of the prophetic. Find out what God is saying and doing throughout the earth through a fresh company of global prophetic voices. Stay updated on prophetic words and other presence fueled events and media from across the world.

Now more than ever we are in a time where we need to hear the Word of the Lord. Are you hungry to experience the voice o...

Now more than ever we are in a time where we need to hear the Word of the Lord. Are you hungry to experience the voice of God and more of his presence? Are you longing to hear what God is saying in this season?

Join us at Prophetic Advance '24 with Host Prophet Torrey Harper, Prophet Danielle Johnson (Worship in My City), and Prophets Anton and Kari Smith (Kingdom GPS) for ​a powerful two days immersed in the prophetic river that flows from God's presence.

In this gathering, you can expect to:
-Be refreshed with hungry believers
-Hear the Word of the Lord
-Encounter the unrestricted Presence of God
-Be immersed in a strong prophetic and intercessory culture

Join us for two unforgettable days in New York City!

**NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED - Free and open to the public; Invite A friend!**

Visit for more information


NABA 2023

Now more than ever we are in a time where we need to hear the Word of the Lord. Are you hungry to experience the voice of God and more of his presence? Are you longing to hear what God is saying in this season?

Join us at Naba 2023 with Host Prophet Torrey Harper, Prophet Cindy Jacobs, Prophet Sharon Parkes, and Pastor Danielle Johnson for a powerful weekend immersed in the prophetic river that flows from God's presence.


Are you ready? Reveal Company Weekend begins tomorrow!

Don't miss out on an unforgettable weekend of glory encounters and the prophetic! Join us along with special guests Brian Francis Hume, Cheryl Allen, Danielle Johnson, Joseph Harris, Stevie Mitchell, and many more. Tag a friend who you know needs to be here!

Fri - 7:30pm
Sat - 6pm
Sun - 12pm

38 W 31st St, Suite 144, New York, NY 10001

Missed our gathering in DC? Check out the official replay of Convergence 4.14 on our Youtube! Click below to watch: http...

Missed our gathering in DC?
Check out the official replay of Convergence 4.14 on our Youtube! Click below to watch:


Convergence 4.14 is a national invitation to the body of Christ to gather together for a time of prophetic decree, intercession and worship the day before Pa...



Convergence 4.14 is a national invitation to the body of Christ to gather together for a time of prophetic decree, intercession and worship the day before Passover - Thursday, April 14, 2022 on the National Mall at David’s Tent.

Join us in the heart of Washington DC for 12 hours of non-stop worship and prayer with Kim Owens, Jamie F**t, David Bradshaw, Pamela Hardy, and many more.


“GOD OF YOUR NEXT MOVE”Recently  I had an open vision of a chessboard and suddenly a hand began to move the chess pieces...


Recently I had an open vision of a chessboard and suddenly a hand began to move the chess pieces. At that I knew this was the hand of the Lord picking up his sons and daughters to strategically transition them into key places. In this pivotal hour I heard the spirit of the Lord say “I am the God of your next move” . Yes many have felt a season of transition brewing and the winds shift and stir around them to make a move, know without a doubt I am preparing you for a winning move, says the Lord. Yet there are others who have grown frustrated from the past and present seasons, there are those where fear of the unknown has debilitated you from moving forward, but the hand of the Lord is coming today and in this new hour of transition to move you forward.

The Lord says you have felt stuck and it has caused loss of vision, a spirit of weariness and even spiritual fatigue in your life and purpose but today the Spirit of the Lord says “I am causing you to be unstuck through my power and Glory. Yes it’s time to shift into the New child of God. I am causing your errors to be erased from the last seasons and by my spirit I am revealing and breaking off every accusation and false obligation that has prevented you from moving forth. Surely the Lord says know that it is I who goes before and behind thee to prepare the way. I am causing a fresh wind to blow in your direction to launch you out and thrust you forward into my divine purposes, says the Lord.

Isaiah 52:12 For you shall not go out in haste, and you shall not go in flight, for the LORD will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard.

Micah 2:13 ““The one who breaks through goes up before them; They break through, pass through the gate, and go out by it. So their king passes on before them, And the LORD at their head.”

The spirit of the Lord says “this next move will be a winning move”. Yes, Child of God, a time of establishment, redefining and awakening has come. God says I am breaking the fog over your life, calling and true purpose. This will be a season of divine placement and positioning. I am causing this to be an hour of the “big fit”. It’s the King’s Move” Yes this will be a time where you will be placed with who and where you divinely fit.

I am causing you to both reassess and discern through prayer and time in my presence your alignments for the days ahead. Your alignment will be key to not only birth your God given assignments but these alignments will help cultivate a new hunger and deeper passion for me says the Lord. Yes I am the God over your next move...I am inviting my people into deeper waters with me and this season will require being strategic in Listening and leaning into the King this season. This move is beyond the natural ability of man; it will require supernatural grace that comes from me, says the Lord.

I kept seeing many making audacious faith moves in this season and the near days to come some geographical moves into new regions and cities, ministry and business launching moves, back to school and new job moves, new creative moves that birthed books, media and music, financial and real estate moves, key moves that would not only affect individuals on a personal level but would ultimately affect on a generational level. Like a chess-piece on the chessboard board The Lord says “Your next move will not only affect and bring forth a new change for you but it will cause new change to the places I send you.” This move will not only be an answered prayer for you but it will be an answered prayer to those in the place I am setting you in the midst of.

With each God move I saw the Lord causing all the markers to lead back to himself. This next move will bring forth greater awareness, freedom, promotion and a greater capacity in the spirit realm. Get ready child of God you are not crazy you’re being invited into a winning season divinely marked and orchestrated by God himself unto himself as King. I am the God of your next move!

Romans 11:36 “For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.”


🚨The Prophetic Word of the Lord🚨
🚨“America is NOT Doomed”🚨

There is an invitation from the Lord today to come out of agreement with hopelessness, fear and theology rooted in a political spirit.

Here are a few ways the church of America can come up higher right now...

1. Repent and return back to the Centrality of Jesus and his presence. (2 Chronicles 7:14, Acts 3:20)

2. Get our eyes off capital hill and set our eyes back on the hill of the Lord. After all we are part of a higher theocratic government that is not democratic or republican it’s called “an unshakable kingdom” (Psalms 121, Hebrew 12)

3. Become students of the word and people bathed in prayer. Poor Theology produces a low deficiency in faith which ultimately manifest in our behavior and in most cases revealed in our prayers and prophecies.
(2 Timothy 2:15, Acts 6:4)

4. Refuse to come into agreement and release social media post, prayers, etc that fall into charismatic witchcraft and judgements. Sons and daughters of a King never have to word curse nor do they release things against people. Remember we wrestle not against flesh and blood. The minute your words deviate from life & blessings you have now stepped away from operating as a son or daughter seated in heavenly places. This can also be qualified as a tantrum.
(James 3:8-18 **must read**, Ephesians 1 &2, Ephesians 4:29-32)

5. You may never agree with the political administration voted into office however in humility and purity as believers we get the honor of doing it God’s way found in 1 Timothy 2:1-2. “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for ALL men, for kings and ALL who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence."

6. Last but not least.... Go grab all your Republican and Democrat friends (even the ones you erased on social media) get them in one place together away from all the current noise and have a united worship gathering where “All Eyes are on Jesus”. Don’t just do it one time keep doing it until power from heaven drops on everyone and revival breaks out in every city & state. The Lord says “Turn that earth bound table-talk into a glory tabernacle”. It worked in Acts and it will work now”. (Acts 2, Psalms 133, Isaiah 6, Malachi 1:11)


We are SEATED WITH CHRIST in heavenly places not shaking from heavenly places! There’s an invitation from the Lord to the church to come up above the noise, above the politics, above the opinions.
(Ephesians 1:18-22, Ephesians 2:4-8)

Here are a few signs to let you to know you’re too low right now and you need a reset on the altar of your heart....

1. If you’re offended or feeling hopeless over an election right now, you’re too low.

2. If you’re unfriending brothers and sisters in the body of Christ because of who they voted for, you’re too low.

3. If you hear words like idolatry, political spirit, racism, abortion, repentance, or if someone mentions Joe Biden or Donald Trump and you have a negative reaction internally when mentioned then you’re too low.

4. If you prophesied one of the candidates would win he doesn’t and you find yourself too proud to repent you’re too low. (We’ve all missed it before so be humble, the prophetic should always reveal the testimony of Jesus, and build up a praise worthy reputation for him alone not you, so rest and come up higher)

5. If you or your intercessory prayer group find yourselves praying word curses on or releasing prophetic decrees on a political leaders while, before or after they’re in office you and the whole group are too low and need to repent before you ascend. **Warning if you’ve done this, it’s shifted from spiritual warfare and has now crossed over into “Charismatic Witchcraft” (so tread lightly) (if you want to war Ephesians 6:12 & 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 is our plumbline for spiritual battle)

6. If you think the destiny of this nation is hinged on an elected official for 4 years vs an eternal sovereign God who sets kings and leaders in place you’re too low come on up beloved and set your eyes on Jesus! Daniel 2:21

The body of Christ is to be Theocratic before we’re Republican And Democratic. We are in a Hebrews 12:26-29 hour “Everything that can be shaken, will be shaken” God is coming after our idols, political affiliations, our preferences and differences and everything that has distracted us from being seated as sons and daughters. Our position and posture must be rooted in Christ alone. America, where does your hope lie?

Prophetic Word"AMERICA WHERE DOES YOUR HOPE LIE?"Torrey Marcel Harper“Where does your hope lie!” In this hour of shaking...

Prophetic Word

Torrey Marcel Harper

“Where does your hope lie!” In this hour of shaking and swift transition the Lord would say to America. “Where does your hope lie?” Though this has been a critical year like no other "Am I not still God in every season? Do I not still rule and reign over the earth? Am I not the one who brings forth justice and set kings and leaders in place?" “Throughout this season there has been something greater I’ve longed to reveal above what men have stamped as a pandemic. I have been longing to bring My beloved Bride back to a place of total dependency and reliance on Me alone. Yes I have seen and I know the state and balance in which this nation hangs upon, but I am still God and will remain God.”

Daniel 2:21 "He changes times and seasons; He removes kings and sets up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding"

"In this hour I am revealing the hearts of many," says the Lord, "I am exposing and shedding light on the areas of pride, idolatry, mammon yes even the ever-increasing political spirit within this nation. Yet in my love and grace, I am inviting the church of America to return and assume their position and posture in me" says the Lord. "You were made for My glory and pleasure. Church of America, you were called by Me not to be built upon events and conferences but upon the altar of my presence. You are chosen to lead amongst the nations. Where does your hope lie? Is your hope in what has been built and manufactured through the arm of flesh? Or is it placed solely on the building strategies and methods of men? Is your hope found in a politician or your respected leaders?”

“Get ready,” says the Lord "I am coming to shake and awaken this great nation back to her purpose and destiny found in Me. This is an hour of grace, but an hour to truly return to your first love in Me. I know this season has brought forth the unexpected but I am sovereign and faithful to bring forth my purposes even in the midst of the unexpected. I am doing things out of the box and out the control of man's times and presumptions. Get ready for a rude awakening that will lead to a great awakening! Watch Me work” says the Lord.

“I will have my inheritance in the earth and every promise that I’ve ordained shall come to pass". The Lord says “Take off the garments and mindsets that bring about heaviness, defeat, and fear. Yes, I removing the hope deferred that has made the heart sick in this hour and I replacing it with My divine focus and clarity for you to see and discern Me rightly in this critical hour. America, I am shaking everything that can be shaken in your midst. Not to bring forth confusion but to birth forth a consecrated people whose eyes are fixed upon Me. I long to be your Shepherd and lead this nation whom I love and whom My eyes are upon. Look no longer to the left or the right-wing to bring forth change for surely this is an hour where the real change needed in your midst will come only by My spirit.”

Zechariah 4:6 "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.”

“Where does your hope lie in this hour? Over the next 90 days, I’m inviting My people to come away from the noise that creates fear, division, and hopelessness even within my leaders and churches. As you seek Me as your source and not as a second option you will experience that which your eyes have not seen nor your ears heard. Get ready My beloved America a fresh move of God is here and waiting to be released on a generation whose hope and expectation are upon me.” “Fix your gaze” says the Lord! “Miracles, Signs, and Wonders are here and waiting to drop upon this nation. Yes, another wave awaits but it’s far more than a wave of a virus, far beyond the political climate of this time, far greater than the racial injustices of this land. A wave of revival and reformation is here. Where does your hope lie America? It’s time to place your hope in Me” says the Lord. “I am flipping things right side up and I will move in the unexpected ways! Let fresh hope arise in this hour!”

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Prophetic Word🏹Global Wave of Inner Healing & DeliveranceBy: Torrey Marcel HarperRecently I had a dream in which I was i...

Prophetic Word🏹

Global Wave of Inner Healing & Deliverance
By: Torrey Marcel Harper

Recently I had a dream in which I was in a room full of predominantly pastors and leaders from all over the world. As the dream began to unfold these various leaders began to mount the platform and share testimonies of how God healed them from areas of offense, bitterness, hurt, betrayal and slander. Each time a leader would come forth to share their testimony, a wave of healing and deliverance would rush upon the audience and shouts of praise would erupt. As I awoke The spirit of the Lord said “I am releasing a Global wave of inner healing and deliverance throughout the body of Christ in this hour, those who have walked in various degrees of hurt, pain and trauma I am bringing freedom.” The Lord says, "No longer will there be any manifestation in your life from what you’ve experienced. Whatever has been done or even things said that have brought hurt, I am washing you from the residue of rejection says the Lord. Yes, I am cutting away the cancer of offense and removing the pain of not only what was done, but I am bringing supernatural deliverance from the source which brought the pain.” The Lord says, "Get ready! A new transfusion of my blood, glory and grace are coming upon the wounded souls in this hour.”

Dear friends the Lord says, “I am removing the sting of slander and betrayal that has come to lock you down and silence your voice. I am overwriting the negative words of men over your life and rewriting a new storyline over your life, future and calling.” “You will not wear their words any longer,” says God. “Every lie, label and false accusation is falling away today no matter its origin. This will be a time of supernatural freedom.” The Lord says, “An hour of divine vindication is coming to those who have been hurt, wounded and rejected. And in place of all these things I am loosing fresh vision and new perspective. To every area where these effects have clouded and capped off your vision, I am restoring sight. In this hour receive new clarity and truth through the Lens of Holy Spirit.”

“Come up here,” says the Lord, “into a new place of revelation above circumstance. Now is the hour of recovery to your vision, dreams and future in me. I am breaking off the old so you can step into the new. Yes, I am replacing the venom that has come into your heart with my victory. Receive another dose of my Spirit and power to overcome and overthrow the works of Satan.”

“I am even releasing waves of healing physically from the effects of internal hurt, brokenness. “Even for those who have experienced spiritual abuse in ministry while pursuing the call of God. I am coming to heal and deliver pastors, leaders and churches in a deep way. Every tool of the enemy sent to ensnare your heart, mind, body soul and ministry." "Be free today," says the Lord your God, "through the power of my word. Your hour of recovery has come!”

Isaiah 61:3 “To grant those who mourn in Zion,
Giving them a garland instead of ashes,The oil of gladness instead of mourning, The mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting.So they will be called oaks of righteousness, The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.”

The Spirit of the Lord says, “Whether it was an allegiance formed against you from a known or unknown source I have come to heal and deliver you. Every missile attack conspired from hell is being thwarted in Jesus mighty name.”

“I am releasing fresh grace upon you now,” says the Lord. “I am releasing my grace for healing and grace for you to shift your trust to remain in me,” says the Lord. “I am raising up those whose sole dependency and gaze is upon me.” There are those who have asked “Why me Lord?” In response God is releasing fresh understanding of not what was done, but the revelation of why it was done. “This moment of understanding and revelation is not going to end with prolonged anger or resentment but it will bring forth supernatural peace and release within your spirit,” says the Lord.

Phillipians 4:6-8
“6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things"

“Get ready! Not only am I releasing an unprecedented wave of healing and deliverance, I am unleashing a global movement of fathers, mothers and ministers of healing and deliverance. who will release messages that will be as medicine to the soul. Just as I raised up The Father’s Heart movement within outpourings like The Toronto Blessing and others,. I am raising up another Father’s heart movement in this new time of revival and awakening. This Father’s heart movement will bring a fresh baptism of sonship, reconciliation and honor amongst wounded leaders. Ministries that have been divided will come to the table again in unity and, orphan hearts will receive embrace. Yes, an hour of both reconciliation and release has come.”

Jeremiah 15:16
Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O LORD, God of hosts.

The Lord says, “I am calling forth those who will move with the very breath of my voice into uncharted places. A new frontier awaits my sons and daughters.” “Come forth out of the cave of offense and hurt and enter into the light,” says God. “This is my move,” says the Lord, “and as I bring forth revival in your midst, watch as I release a fresh new wave of inner healing and deliverance.”


New York, NY


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